- Views: 406,850
- Replies: 281
Discord: Discord Invite
Wiki: Wiki Link
- - - INTRODUCTION - - -
Pokémon Daybreak is a fangame made in Pokémon Essentials, and has been in the works for over 4 years by an extremely small development team. For incentive, we have explored: the Pokémon anime and games, real world locations, mythical legends and more. Recently as of Feburary 2023, we have released a huge overhaul update which was in the works for over 2 years!
- - - TRAILER - - -
- - - STORY - - -
A meteor has struck, and you, the local professor's new assistant are assigned to the case. However, some mischievous individuals have beat you to it; and are inspecting the meteor for their own purposes. Who are they, and why is the meteor imperative?
Pokémon Daybreak introduces the enigmatic region 'Armira', and is centralised around storytelling and challenging gameplay. The game is aesthetically beautiful and there are many unique locations you will encounter on your journey, such as a meteor crash site, a castle and a cherry blossom forest. Themes of exploitation, greed, and history are examined and lore is dotted all throughout the game. Take on the challenge of becoming Pokémon Champion in the all-embracing region of Armira!
- - - FEATURES - - -
- A new and expansive region, 'Armira' and post game 'Armiran Isles'
- 10 Gyms, Elite Four + Champion
- At least 20 hours of gameplay
- A custom dex of 400 Pokémon from gens 1-9 (excluding 200 from post game)
- Difficulty Settings (Normal and Hard Mode)
- Classic GBA-Theme, with Gen 3 Styled textures, music and many new, custom remixes
- An intriguing, climactic story with new, original characters
- New custom regional forms/variants including: Water Arcanine, Fairy/Dragon Garchomp and more
- New custom mega evolutions, including those of Milotic, Heliolisk, Mega Venusaur and Blastoise X
- 'Dualeons' are a mix of two eeveelution types to create a new mon
- Quests (Including optional side-quests)
- The ability to see ALL encounters in that area from your menu
- The Battle Island! (Our version of the Battle Frontier)
- Complete Post Game with its own regional dex and a final act to the story!
- An active discord where you can interact with other players, the developers, find a FAQ, get updates immediately and more
- How to Download:
- There are 2 download methods
- 1. Classic Method: Go to this Download Link and then click Code > Download Zip
- this will download the newest version, but means to update the game you will have to patch
- 2. Better method: Go to this Download Link and then click Code > Open with Github Destkop.
- This will allow you to receive the newest updates with 0 need to patch. All you have to do is click Pull on Github Destkop.
- The README.txt in the game files has a FAQ
- Current Version: v1.7 [Updated 2nd Feburary 2023]
Mystery Gifts!
Change Nickname from party screen
Custom move animations
Many new regional and mega evolutions
MANY Easter eggs
Some regional variants are available, such as Alolan Vulpix and Galarian Slowbro
Newer Gen pokemon available, such as Kingambit and Corviknight
Some HMs have been replaced with equipment
Speed-up button [Tab]
Some Pokémon have new moves/move sets, for example Heliolisk can now learn Fire Blast
New moves, such as 'Fairy Rush' (which is Armiran Garchomp Exclusive)
No Z-Moves, Gigantamax or Terastylization
Many side, optional areas where you can complete quests, find rare items and Pokémon, etc
Change Nickname from party screen
Custom move animations
Many new regional and mega evolutions
MANY Easter eggs
Some regional variants are available, such as Alolan Vulpix and Galarian Slowbro
Newer Gen pokemon available, such as Kingambit and Corviknight
Some HMs have been replaced with equipment
Speed-up button [Tab]
Some Pokémon have new moves/move sets, for example Heliolisk can now learn Fire Blast
New moves, such as 'Fairy Rush' (which is Armiran Garchomp Exclusive)
No Z-Moves, Gigantamax or Terastylization
Many side, optional areas where you can complete quests, find rare items and Pokémon, etc
CREDITS: Credits List
In no way do we receive any profit for this fangame or anything related to such. We are protected under fair use laws and do not intend to breach those.
Discord: Discord Invite
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