- Views: 7,172
- Replies: 11
This game was made for the Relic Castle Winter Jam # 1
She trained her whole life to reach the Indigo Plateau.
She's met and trained countless species of Pokémon.
She then approaches the summits of glory.
...But was the life of a competitor the life she really wanted?
Build teams and travel from Kanto to Sinnoh to test your battling skills in region-wide tournaments!
An alternative approach to the traditional Pokémon journey.
The production for this game was a blessing, and its probably the happiest I've been developing a concept.
However, the game had to be extremely rushed near the end to meet the deadline, so on that end, I was disappointed.
You'll know it when you see it. The battle system itself is also very rough.
Overall, the current state of this game is rather underwhelming. Consider it as writing practice and nothing more, as I enjoyed a lot of the NPCs in this game. One day, this concept will see justice, but it's not today. Go play my other game, Ghosts of Knowledge for an actual RPG.
Ranko-chan - Story, Eventing, Spriting, Mapping, Scripting, Writing, Dialogue, screaming at themself
archie pichu - Player Character Splash Art/designer
Saucecoie - Eventing, Music, Team-building/Competitive help
moca - Map

She trained her whole life to reach the Indigo Plateau.
She's met and trained countless species of Pokémon.
She then approaches the summits of glory.
...But was the life of a competitor the life she really wanted?
Build teams and travel from Kanto to Sinnoh to test your battling skills in region-wide tournaments!
An alternative approach to the traditional Pokémon journey.
The production for this game was a blessing, and its probably the happiest I've been developing a concept.
However, the game had to be extremely rushed near the end to meet the deadline, so on that end, I was disappointed.
You'll know it when you see it. The battle system itself is also very rough.
Overall, the current state of this game is rather underwhelming. Consider it as writing practice and nothing more, as I enjoyed a lot of the NPCs in this game. One day, this concept will see justice, but it's not today. Go play my other game, Ghosts of Knowledge for an actual RPG.
Ranko-chan - Story, Eventing, Spriting, Mapping, Scripting, Writing, Dialogue, screaming at themself
archie pichu - Player Character Splash Art/designer
Saucecoie - Eventing, Music, Team-building/Competitive help
moca - Map
The Journey!
- Follow the Krona's journey to stardom, as you tackle tournaments and challenges region to region.
- The journey isn't very lonely, as many characters will be traveling alongside her, some closer than others.
Teambuilding System!
- Krona is already a seasoned Pokémon trainer, and has caught and trained many Pokémon as she collected the badges throughout the region.
- However, with the Pokémon League Tournaments on the horizon, which Pokémon should she bring? Build a team to your liking before you enter the various tournaments.
A multi-faceted Overworld!
- The interactable NPCs in the world are not only for show, but they can give vital details on which Pokémon to bring!
- Some NPCs are going to eventually become your opponents in the tournaments, and may even become reoccurring characters!
DOWNLOAD v 1.2 (Tech Demo)

DOWNLOAD v 1.2 (Tech Demo)
Project Glory 1.0
- Game pushed to release before the due date.
Project Glory 1.1
- Various bug fixes and transfers. Also compressed the game files.
Project Glory 1.2 (Latest)
- More bug fixes, including a soft-lock.
Project Glory 2.0
- On its way as you're reading this, holy
- Game pushed to release before the due date.
Project Glory 1.1
- Various bug fixes and transfers. Also compressed the game files.
Project Glory 1.2 (Latest)
- More bug fixes, including a soft-lock.
Project Glory 2.0
- On its way as you're reading this, holy
Includes custom stuff that I edited or made for the game. Not needed to play.
PSDK Engine related credits
SFML : Moteur graphique utilisé pour le liteRGSS
Game Freak, CREATURES INC. et The Pokémon Company : Univers Pokémon et produits associés
Microsoft : Visual Studio 2012, 2017, Visual Code
Nuri Yuri
Creator of PSDK
Programming of FollowMe, Database Engine, Battle Engine & some PSDK modules
Programming of RubyFmod
Initial contribution in LiteRGSS
Project Leader of Forêt Éternelle
Pokemon Move Programming
Database Editor UI
Resources fix
Contribution in PSDK Wiki
Remote game self switches & variables
PathFinding Engine
Fiber Events (wip)
HGSS Slopes
Various Fixes
Speed / SirMalo
New PSDK UI Design
Jayzon : Gen6 Battle Entry Graphics
Otaku : Alolan Pokemon retrieval & Alpha 24 Battle UI
Pαlвσlѕку, Qwerty, Tokeur, Redder, Schneitizel, Mauduss
Gen4 Database
Fafa, Jarakaa, Shamoke, BigOrN0t, Bouzouw, Diaband.onceron, Kiros97, Likton, MrSuperluigis, oldu49, SMB64, sylvaintr, UltimaShayra & Unbreakables
Bêta Test of Gen4 PSDK engine
Old PSDK UI Design
Aye, Anti-NT : Suggestions.
Cayrac : Move Programming
FL0RENT_ :Alpha Ruins Puzzle
Gen7 Database update (Items & Pokémon)
ball_17 (beast ball)
ball_18 (GS ball)
AEliso19, yyyyj, Maxoumi, Bentoxx, Splifingald, Buttjuice : Ruby Host Update
Neslug : Shiny Pokémon Animation
Renkys : Quest Book UI
Angi-MK, Aethnight & la communauté de Gemme : Participation in PSDK through communication
Helio : Spanish Translation
Eurons : Trainer Card & KeyBinding UI
Gen1 to 5 Overworlds :
MissingLukey, help-14, Kymotonian, cSc-A7X, 2and2makes5, Pokegirl4ever, Fernandojl, Silver-Skies, TyranitarDark, Getsuei-H, Kid1513, Milomilotic11, Kyt666, kdiamo11, Chocosrawlooid, Syledude, Gallanty, Gizamimi-Pichu, 2and2makes5, Zyon17, Zenos
Gen6 Overworlds : Princess-Phoenix, LunarDusk6
Gen6 Pokémon Battlers : Diegotoon20, Domino99designs, Falgaia, GeoisEvil, Juan-Amador, N-Kin, Noscium, SirAquaKip,
Smogon XY Sprite Project, Zermonious, Zerudez
Alolan Sprites : Smogon
Official Pokémon X/Y Texts : Smogon, X-Act, Peterko, Kaphotics
Official Sun & Moon Texts : Asia81
Gen7 icons : Poképedia, Otaku
Pokémon Offsets : Don
Epic adventures Tileset :
Alistair, Alucus, Bakura155, Bati', Blue Beedrill, BoOmxBiG, Chimcharsfireworkd, CNickC/CNC, CrimsonTakai, Cuddlesthefatcat, Dewitty, EpicDay, Fused, Gigatom, Heavy-Metal-Lover, Hek-el-grande, Kage-No-Sensei, KizemaruKurunosuke, Kymotonian/Kyledove, LaPampa, LotusKing, New-titeuf, Novus, PokemonDiamond, PrinceLegendario, Reck, Red-Gyrados, REMY35, Saurav, SL249, Spaceemotion, Speedialga, Stefpoke, sylver1984, ThatsSoWitty, TheEnglishKiwi, Thegreatblaid, ThePokemonChronicles, TwentyOne, UltimoSpriter, Warpras, WesleyFG, Yoh, Youri (Yuri / Nagato Yuki), 07harris/Paranoid, 19dante91, 27alexmad27
Gen7 Pokémon Battlers :
Amethyst, Jan, Zumi, Bazaro, Koyo, Smeargletail, Alex, Noscium, Lepagon, N-kin, fishbowlsoul90, princess-phoenix, DatLopunnyTho, Conyjams , kaji atsu , The cynical poet, LuigiPlayer, Falgaia of the Smogon S/M sprite project, Pikafan2000, Lord-Myre
PSP Animations
Metaiko (Création des animations)
Isomir (Animation Close Combat)
KLNOTHINCOMIN (Animation Aéroblast, Eco-Sphere et Fulmigraine)
Battle Backs : Midnitez-REMIX
Brick icon & ADN Berserk : Maxoumi
Pink Ribon Icons : yyyyj
Mega-Blastoise Sprites, Cap-Pikachu : Smogon / Leparagon
Meltan & Melmetan : WolfPP/Wolfang62 et conyjams
Mega-Drattak Sprites : BladeRed et Amras Anarion
Default Message windowskin : ralandel
XBOX 360 Keys : Yumekua
Special Thanks to PSDK Staff: Rey, Buttjuice, and Nuri Yuri for various bugfixes and worse.
Tilesets + Graphics:
Magiscarf tileset - Magiscarf
Interior Tileset - PureAzuure
Interior Magnet Rail Tileset - Ditto209
Gen 4 Hoenn People: KyleDove
Kymotonian Wally: KleinStudio and Kymotonian
Magnet Train + Pokemon Center Interior Elevate tiles: DonLawride
Pokemon Center Tileset: Modeling Clay
Emoticons: Super Mario RPG
Forest+Road Background: Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire
Frontier Brain Battle - Pokémon HeartGold/SoulSilver
2nd Colossuem Battle - Pokémon XD Gale of Darkness
Pokémon Center Theme Gen 6 - Pokémon X and Y
Marketplace Theme - Pokémon Black and White
Rosarium Piano - Original arrange by Yonder Voice, arrange by RankoDev
Rosarium Music Box/Guitar Arrange - Saucecoie
Sevii Islands Theme - Fire Red Leaf Green
Train sound effect: Pokémon HGSS
Ending - HGSS
Emotional Support:
Pokemon Fangame Community. Thank you for putting up with my ****. I'm a broken person.
SFML : Moteur graphique utilisé pour le liteRGSS
Game Freak, CREATURES INC. et The Pokémon Company : Univers Pokémon et produits associés
Microsoft : Visual Studio 2012, 2017, Visual Code
Nuri Yuri
Creator of PSDK
Programming of FollowMe, Database Engine, Battle Engine & some PSDK modules
Programming of RubyFmod
Initial contribution in LiteRGSS
Project Leader of Forêt Éternelle
Pokemon Move Programming
Database Editor UI
Resources fix
Contribution in PSDK Wiki
Remote game self switches & variables
PathFinding Engine
Fiber Events (wip)
HGSS Slopes
Various Fixes
Speed / SirMalo
New PSDK UI Design
Jayzon : Gen6 Battle Entry Graphics
Otaku : Alolan Pokemon retrieval & Alpha 24 Battle UI
Pαlвσlѕку, Qwerty, Tokeur, Redder, Schneitizel, Mauduss
Gen4 Database
Fafa, Jarakaa, Shamoke, BigOrN0t, Bouzouw, Diaband.onceron, Kiros97, Likton, MrSuperluigis, oldu49, SMB64, sylvaintr, UltimaShayra & Unbreakables
Bêta Test of Gen4 PSDK engine
Old PSDK UI Design
Aye, Anti-NT : Suggestions.
Cayrac : Move Programming
FL0RENT_ :Alpha Ruins Puzzle
Gen7 Database update (Items & Pokémon)
ball_17 (beast ball)
ball_18 (GS ball)
AEliso19, yyyyj, Maxoumi, Bentoxx, Splifingald, Buttjuice : Ruby Host Update
Neslug : Shiny Pokémon Animation
Renkys : Quest Book UI
Angi-MK, Aethnight & la communauté de Gemme : Participation in PSDK through communication
Helio : Spanish Translation
Eurons : Trainer Card & KeyBinding UI
Gen1 to 5 Overworlds :
MissingLukey, help-14, Kymotonian, cSc-A7X, 2and2makes5, Pokegirl4ever, Fernandojl, Silver-Skies, TyranitarDark, Getsuei-H, Kid1513, Milomilotic11, Kyt666, kdiamo11, Chocosrawlooid, Syledude, Gallanty, Gizamimi-Pichu, 2and2makes5, Zyon17, Zenos
Gen6 Overworlds : Princess-Phoenix, LunarDusk6
Gen6 Pokémon Battlers : Diegotoon20, Domino99designs, Falgaia, GeoisEvil, Juan-Amador, N-Kin, Noscium, SirAquaKip,
Smogon XY Sprite Project, Zermonious, Zerudez
Alolan Sprites : Smogon
Official Pokémon X/Y Texts : Smogon, X-Act, Peterko, Kaphotics
Official Sun & Moon Texts : Asia81
Gen7 icons : Poképedia, Otaku
Pokémon Offsets : Don
Epic adventures Tileset :
Alistair, Alucus, Bakura155, Bati', Blue Beedrill, BoOmxBiG, Chimcharsfireworkd, CNickC/CNC, CrimsonTakai, Cuddlesthefatcat, Dewitty, EpicDay, Fused, Gigatom, Heavy-Metal-Lover, Hek-el-grande, Kage-No-Sensei, KizemaruKurunosuke, Kymotonian/Kyledove, LaPampa, LotusKing, New-titeuf, Novus, PokemonDiamond, PrinceLegendario, Reck, Red-Gyrados, REMY35, Saurav, SL249, Spaceemotion, Speedialga, Stefpoke, sylver1984, ThatsSoWitty, TheEnglishKiwi, Thegreatblaid, ThePokemonChronicles, TwentyOne, UltimoSpriter, Warpras, WesleyFG, Yoh, Youri (Yuri / Nagato Yuki), 07harris/Paranoid, 19dante91, 27alexmad27
Gen7 Pokémon Battlers :
Amethyst, Jan, Zumi, Bazaro, Koyo, Smeargletail, Alex, Noscium, Lepagon, N-kin, fishbowlsoul90, princess-phoenix, DatLopunnyTho, Conyjams , kaji atsu , The cynical poet, LuigiPlayer, Falgaia of the Smogon S/M sprite project, Pikafan2000, Lord-Myre
PSP Animations
Metaiko (Création des animations)
Isomir (Animation Close Combat)
KLNOTHINCOMIN (Animation Aéroblast, Eco-Sphere et Fulmigraine)
Battle Backs : Midnitez-REMIX
Brick icon & ADN Berserk : Maxoumi
Pink Ribon Icons : yyyyj
Mega-Blastoise Sprites, Cap-Pikachu : Smogon / Leparagon
Meltan & Melmetan : WolfPP/Wolfang62 et conyjams
Mega-Drattak Sprites : BladeRed et Amras Anarion
Default Message windowskin : ralandel
XBOX 360 Keys : Yumekua
Special Thanks to PSDK Staff: Rey, Buttjuice, and Nuri Yuri for various bugfixes and worse.
Tilesets + Graphics:
Magiscarf tileset - Magiscarf
Interior Tileset - PureAzuure
Interior Magnet Rail Tileset - Ditto209
Gen 4 Hoenn People: KyleDove
Kymotonian Wally: KleinStudio and Kymotonian
Magnet Train + Pokemon Center Interior Elevate tiles: DonLawride
Pokemon Center Tileset: Modeling Clay
Emoticons: Super Mario RPG
Forest+Road Background: Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire
Frontier Brain Battle - Pokémon HeartGold/SoulSilver
2nd Colossuem Battle - Pokémon XD Gale of Darkness
Pokémon Center Theme Gen 6 - Pokémon X and Y
Marketplace Theme - Pokémon Black and White
Rosarium Piano - Original arrange by Yonder Voice, arrange by RankoDev
Rosarium Music Box/Guitar Arrange - Saucecoie
Sevii Islands Theme - Fire Red Leaf Green
Train sound effect: Pokémon HGSS
Ending - HGSS
Emotional Support:
Pokemon Fangame Community. Thank you for putting up with my ****. I'm a broken person.
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