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Released Pokémon: Chasing Glory

This project has a release available. The full version is still a work in progress.
Project Status
Project Version
This game was made for the Relic Castle Winter Jam # 1


She trained her whole life to reach the Indigo Plateau.
She's met and trained countless species of Pokémon.
She then approaches the summits of glory.

...But was the life of a competitor the life she really wanted?

Build teams and travel from Kanto to Sinnoh to test your battling skills in region-wide tournaments!
An alternative approach to the traditional Pokémon journey.



The production for this game was a blessing, and its probably the happiest I've been developing a concept.
However, the game had to be extremely rushed near the end to meet the deadline, so on that end, I was disappointed.
You'll know it when you see it. The battle system itself is also very rough.

Overall, the current state of this game is rather underwhelming. Consider it as writing practice and nothing more, as I enjoyed a lot of the NPCs in this game. One day, this concept will see justice, but it's not today. Go play my other game, Ghosts of Knowledge for an actual RPG.


Ranko-chan - Story, Eventing, Spriting, Mapping, Scripting, Writing, Dialogue, screaming at themself

archie pichu - Player Character Splash Art/designer

Saucecoie - Eventing, Music, Team-building/Competitive help

moca - Map



The Journey!

- Follow the Krona's journey to stardom, as you tackle tournaments and challenges region to region.
- The journey isn't very lonely, as many characters will be traveling alongside her, some closer than others.

Teambuilding System!

- Krona is already a seasoned Pokémon trainer, and has caught and trained many Pokémon as she collected the badges throughout the region.​

- However, with the Pokémon League Tournaments on the horizon, which Pokémon should she bring? Build a team to your liking before you enter the various tournaments.​

A multi-faceted Overworld!
- The interactable NPCs in the world are not only for show, but they can give vital details on which Pokémon to bring!​
- Some NPCs are going to eventually become your opponents in the tournaments, and may even become reoccurring characters!​











DOWNLOAD v 1.2 (Tech Demo)

Project Glory 1.0
- Game pushed to release before the due date.

Project Glory 1.1
- Various bug fixes and transfers. Also compressed the game files.


Project Glory 1.2 (Latest)
- More bug fixes, including a soft-lock.


Project Glory 2.0

- On its way as you're reading this, holy



Includes custom stuff that I edited or made for the game. Not needed to play.



PSDK Engine related credits

SFML : Moteur graphique utilisé pour le liteRGSS

Game Freak, CREATURES INC. et The Pokémon Company : Univers Pokémon et produits associés

Microsoft : Visual Studio 2012, 2017, Visual Code


Nuri Yuri
Creator of PSDK
Programming of FollowMe, Database Engine, Battle Engine & some PSDK modules
Programming of RubyFmod
Initial contribution in LiteRGSS

Project Leader of Forêt Éternelle
Pokemon Move Programming
Database Editor UI
Resources fix
Contribution in PSDK Wiki

Remote game self switches & variables
PathFinding Engine
Fiber Events (wip)
HGSS Slopes
Various Fixes

Speed / SirMalo
New PSDK UI Design

Jayzon : Gen6 Battle Entry Graphics

Otaku : Alolan Pokemon retrieval & Alpha 24 Battle UI

Pαlвσlѕку, Qwerty, Tokeur, Redder, Schneitizel, Mauduss
Gen4 Database

Fafa, Jarakaa, Shamoke, BigOrN0t, Bouzouw, Diaband.onceron, Kiros97, Likton, MrSuperluigis, oldu49, SMB64, sylvaintr, UltimaShayra & Unbreakables
Bêta Test of Gen4 PSDK engine

Old PSDK UI Design

Aye, Anti-NT : Suggestions.

Cayrac : Move Programming

FL0RENT_ :Alpha Ruins Puzzle

Gen7 Database update (Items & Pokémon)
ball_17 (beast ball)
ball_18 (GS ball)

AEliso19, yyyyj, Maxoumi, Bentoxx, Splifingald, Buttjuice : Ruby Host Update

Neslug : Shiny Pokémon Animation

Renkys : Quest Book UI

Angi-MK, Aethnight & la communauté de Gemme : Participation in PSDK through communication

Helio : Spanish Translation

Eurons : Trainer Card & KeyBinding UI


Gen1 to 5 Overworlds :
MissingLukey, help-14, Kymotonian, cSc-A7X, 2and2makes5, Pokegirl4ever, Fernandojl, Silver-Skies, TyranitarDark, Getsuei-H, Kid1513, Milomilotic11, Kyt666, kdiamo11, Chocosrawlooid, Syledude, Gallanty, Gizamimi-Pichu, 2and2makes5, Zyon17, Zenos

Gen6 Overworlds : Princess-Phoenix, LunarDusk6

Gen6 Pokémon Battlers : Diegotoon20, Domino99designs, Falgaia, GeoisEvil, Juan-Amador, N-Kin, Noscium, SirAquaKip,

Smogon XY Sprite Project, Zermonious, Zerudez

Alolan Sprites : Smogon

Official Pokémon X/Y Texts : Smogon, X-Act, Peterko, Kaphotics

Official Sun & Moon Texts : Asia81

Gen7 icons : Poképedia, Otaku

Pokémon Offsets : Don

Epic adventures Tileset :
Alistair, Alucus, Bakura155, Bati', Blue Beedrill, BoOmxBiG, Chimcharsfireworkd, CNickC/CNC, CrimsonTakai, Cuddlesthefatcat, Dewitty, EpicDay, Fused, Gigatom, Heavy-Metal-Lover, Hek-el-grande, Kage-No-Sensei, KizemaruKurunosuke, Kymotonian/Kyledove, LaPampa, LotusKing, New-titeuf, Novus, PokemonDiamond, PrinceLegendario, Reck, Red-Gyrados, REMY35, Saurav, SL249, Spaceemotion, Speedialga, Stefpoke, sylver1984, ThatsSoWitty, TheEnglishKiwi, Thegreatblaid, ThePokemonChronicles, TwentyOne, UltimoSpriter, Warpras, WesleyFG, Yoh, Youri (Yuri / Nagato Yuki), 07harris/Paranoid, 19dante91, 27alexmad27

Gen7 Pokémon Battlers :
Amethyst, Jan, Zumi, Bazaro, Koyo, Smeargletail, Alex, Noscium, Lepagon, N-kin, fishbowlsoul90, princess-phoenix, DatLopunnyTho, Conyjams , kaji atsu , The cynical poet, LuigiPlayer, Falgaia of the Smogon S/M sprite project, Pikafan2000, Lord-Myre

PSP Animations
Metaiko (Création des animations)
Isomir (Animation Close Combat)
KLNOTHINCOMIN (Animation Aéroblast, Eco-Sphere et Fulmigraine)

Battle Backs : Midnitez-REMIX
Brick icon & ADN Berserk : Maxoumi
Pink Ribon Icons : yyyyj
Mega-Blastoise Sprites, Cap-Pikachu : Smogon / Leparagon
Meltan & Melmetan : WolfPP/Wolfang62 et conyjams
Mega-Drattak Sprites : BladeRed et Amras Anarion
Default Message windowskin : ralandel
XBOX 360 Keys : Yumekua

Special Thanks to PSDK Staff: Rey, Buttjuice, and Nuri Yuri for various bugfixes and worse.

Tilesets + Graphics:

Magiscarf tileset - Magiscarf

Interior Tileset - PureAzuure

Interior Magnet Rail Tileset - Ditto209

Gen 4 Hoenn People: KyleDove

Kymotonian Wally: KleinStudio and Kymotonian

Magnet Train + Pokemon Center Interior Elevate tiles: DonLawride

Pokemon Center Tileset: Modeling Clay

Emoticons: Super Mario RPG

Forest+Road Background: Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire


Frontier Brain Battle - Pokémon HeartGold/SoulSilver
2nd Colossuem Battle - Pokémon XD Gale of Darkness
Pokémon Center Theme Gen 6 - Pokémon X and Y
Marketplace Theme - Pokémon Black and White
Rosarium Piano - Original arrange by Yonder Voice, arrange by RankoDev
Rosarium Music Box/Guitar Arrange - Saucecoie
Sevii Islands Theme - Fire Red Leaf Green
Train sound effect: Pokémon HGSS
Ending - HGSS

Emotional Support:
Pokemon Fangame Community. Thank you for putting up with my ****. I'm a broken person.

Last edited:

Deleted member 1065

I've downloaded and tested the game a bit (I'm in the front of the Pokémon Center for the registration).
I'm pretty happy to see all the particles and all the event you've put, it's really full of life, you've done a lot of work for that entry :D

I hope I'll have some time to continue and see what you did for the league challenge :3

(Btw there's a house, the left one that has it's door treated as deep swamp tile, you should check really quickly the tileset using the SystemTag editor and remove the deep swamp info by right clicking on the tile ;))
So...I like to take notes as I play jams. I got this much written down before registering for the tournament:
There's an excessive number of NPCs, which is good and bad I supposse. I normally love interacting with everyone and everything, but this seemed like too much at once when the actual gameplay hasn't started yet. Made me feel a little anxious, which I guess is what the protagonist was feeling too! The world definitely feels full and active.

And now having played to the end I really dunno what else to write about. Um. Did you collaborate with Curry to make this game?

I guess I'll talk about the team builder.
For a completely menu text based team builder, I think it runs really smoothly. I word it like that because...well it just seems like it'd be easier to have a few labelled PC boxes? I dunno, I personally like to see abilities and movesets but I'm not into competitive play so maybe that's not normally a priority.
Anyway, with what you've got setup I think the biggest drawbacks are probably:
1. There's no tracker/indicator of what's already been selected, and how many party slots are yet to be filled. It'd be nice to have like, a little something on screen displaying 1/6 or making pokeballs appear with each choice. Oooh having all 6 choices slowly appear in the overworld would be stellar.
2. The lists take up multiple windows, so there's never a full view of all the options even if I've narrowed it down to just looking at Offensive Pokemon.
3. There's no changing or backing out of a decision once a Pokemon is selected.


Mar 2, 2018
Well, this looks pretty good, I'm going to try it for sure. So far I really like the main character sprite, and all the structures look really different. Exciting!


The Wind and Snow Continue to Stare
Expo Team
So...I like to take notes as I play jams. I got this much written down before registering for the tournament:

And now having played to the end I really dunno what else to write about. Um. Did you collaborate with Curry to make this game?

I guess I'll talk about the team builder.
For a completely menu text based team builder, I think it runs really smoothly. I word it like that because...well it just seems like it'd be easier to have a few labelled PC boxes? I dunno, I personally like to see abilities and movesets but I'm not into competitive play so maybe that's not normally a priority.
Anyway, with what you've got setup I think the biggest drawbacks are probably:
1. There's no tracker/indicator of what's already been selected, and how many party slots are yet to be filled. It'd be nice to have like, a little something on screen displaying 1/6 or making pokeballs appear with each choice. Oooh having all 6 choices slowly appear in the overworld would be stellar.
2. The lists take up multiple windows, so there's never a full view of all the options even if I've narrowed it down to just looking at Offensive Pokemon.
3. There's no changing or backing out of a decision once a Pokemon is selected.

Thanks so much for the feedback Aki! It really helps. I can definitely see I went a bit overboard with NPCs. I'll work on it on as we go past jam.

The feedback on the teambuilder really helps too. I ran out of time to flesh out the idea but knowing where I should prioritize helps a lot. I really appreciate it.


Uruguayan Random User
Nov 24, 2017
Just like I did with Elle's project, I'll proceed to drop my thoughts and bug/glitch/whatever reports for this fangame since I decided to play it.

-This feels fresh. Must be because you start as a trainer in the Indigo Plateau, which feels like an original take to me.
-Everything was going so well until I finished the Team Building phase. Then the game got very spooky and I got very confused.
-I suppose the last event with a Puppet Battle is all placeholder stuff that will be replaced in the upcoming versions...?

-Pressing the X to quit the Options Menu actually closes the entire game instead of just leaving the menu, though I already told you about it on Discord.
-I may have found a movement permission issue, unless there's supposed to be some hidden stairs here.
-I think there's supposed to be someone here?
-The music volume is louder inside the Magnet Train but it's softer in the Indigo Plateau.
-I suppose I shouldn't be able to walk over the upper part of this wooden bench.
-Not sure if this one's a bug or just content for another version down the road, but this NPC and this sign lack a dialogue.
-Unnecessary line break in this NPC's dialogue.

And at this point, I reached the end of the demo. See you again for the final release ^^


The Wind and Snow Continue to Stare
Expo Team
Just like I did with Elle's project, I'll proceed to drop my thoughts and bug/glitch/whatever reports for this fangame since I decided to play it.

-This feels fresh. Must be because you start as a trainer in the Indigo Plateau, which feels like an original take to me.
-Everything was going so well until I finished the Team Building phase. Then the game got very spooky and I got very confused.
-I suppose the last event with a Puppet Battle is all placeholder stuff that will be replaced in the upcoming versions...?

-Pressing the X to quit the Options Menu actually closes the entire game instead of just leaving the menu, though I already told you about it on Discord.
-I may have found a movement permission issue, unless there's supposed to be some hidden stairs here.
-I think there's supposed to be someone here?
-The music volume is louder inside the Magnet Train but it's softer in the Indigo Plateau.
-I suppose I shouldn't be able to walk over the upper part of this wooden bench.
-Not sure if this one's a bug or just content for another version down the road, but this NPC and this sign lack a dialogue.
-Unnecessary line break in this NPC's dialogue.

And at this point, I reached the end of the demo. See you again for the final release ^^
Yep. I really apologize for that. I ran out of time and didn't get to finish the pacing of the story, so I whipped something up in like, 4 minutes.

In the future, expect the actual tournament arc, fixing the pacing of the story, and a bunch of other changes.

Thanks so much for the bugfixes. I'll get on those right away


The Wind and Snow Continue to Stare
Expo Team
v1.2 out. Fixed bugs including a nasty soft-lock. Last update before I roll out the true Jam version of the game with better content.


May 7, 2020
I just wanted to point out that if you lose the first battle you're stuck in the Pokemon selection menu forever. You can't select anyone because they all have 0 HP and you can't select exit the battle, the only thing you can do is close the game.


The Wind and Snow Continue to Stare
Expo Team
I just wanted to point out that if you lose the first battle you're stuck in the Pokemon selection menu forever. You can't select anyone because they all have 0 HP and you can't select exit the battle, the only thing you can do is close the game.
Thanks for letting me know! A lot of that is getting wiped for the official release demo coming up, but it's good to know that's a thing for future reference.


Oct 22, 2020
I'm trying to play this game, but all i get is a black screen with only audio and some text. I can't actually play it in any way. Is there any way of fixing this problem?


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    Chasing Glory 10_24_2020 1_32_56 PM.png
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