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Completed Pokemon Pandora

This project is complete. Any future revisions will be bug fixes or small updates.
Project Status
A small detour can change your entire life...

Game Title:
Pokemon Pandora

You are a young trainer on his journey to become the very best like no one ever was. You start in a hotel where you prepare yourself for the 4th gym battle. After getting the badge, a rockslide on the next route blocks the path to the next city and you have to go back. A group of thugs steals a little girl's Psyduck which you want to get back. You enter there hideout which is a cave and after defeating their boss somehting...very bad happened. You accidently freed an ancient evil and now it is your task to ban it from this world again. Can you do this or is this world doomed?

Game Screenshots:






Features and helpful information:

-We raised the shiny rate, because the game is so short. It is 1/250 now.
-We added the item Fishing Rod which combines Old, Good and Super Rod.
-You start with a good collection of items. Check your bag.
-The city you start in has a free move relearner.
-Not really a helpful information, but it seems like many people got confused by this. It is intentional that the trainers south of the city don't fight. The protagonist already defeated them, because that's the route where he originally came from to reach the city.

Game Download:
Current version:
v3.3 is the current version
New additions to v3.0: Custom Surfing sprite for the Protagonist, lower catch rates for the mini-bosses, edge snapping on the cave maps and slightly improved dialogue

@Haunted Ditto -Director
@mustafa505 -Spriter
@Ampharos 2.0 -Eventer
@SenKeyMaS -Mapper

Made Using:
Pokemon Essentials and RPGMakerXP

Resource Pack:


Pokemon Essentials:

Miltank and Yanma gen 3 OW:

Bases for our custom character's OW's:

Gen 4 Music in .midi format:

Bases for our tileset:
Luna Madellena
The Acanthite Project

Last edited:
My game crashed, so I'm taking that as a sign to have a writing break.
The crash was this popping up after I caught a (green) Deerling in the forest:

It did go into the ball (Greatball) and the nickname prompt showed up, maybe the error is related to PC storage? My party was full and I haven't boxed anything yet.

Anyway, onto the game content. I'm liking it so far, even though it's been a bit hard. This game totally feels like it was sliced out of a bigger adventure, and I don't think I've seen many games where beating a gym is just the initial goal?? Side note, the badge designs are really nice, even though I only earned one of them. While I'm on the topic of the gym I wanna mention a weird little bug I encountered there.
I saw the cutscene of the trainer walking across the gym, but I left to visit the Pokemon Center before actually battling him. When I came back, here's where he was!

He's close enough I could still battle him normally, and after I won he zipped into place at the computer. No harm done, just odd.

Couple other things I noticed so far: After the car outside the hotel drives away, there's an invisible patch were it used to be that can't be walked on. There's a few signs that aren't interactable, like the one on the wall inside the hotel, the one between the Pokemon Center and Pokemart, and the one in front of the gym. Not sure how intentional this is- there are a few TMs in the bag to start with, but a number of them (TM49 Echoed Voice, TM76 Struggle Bug, and TM86 Grass Knot) can't be learned by any of the 3 starter Pokemon. Also TM40 Arial Ace can only be learned by Yanma, but it already knows this move anyway.



Haunted Ditto

Creator of Pokemon Pandora and Pokemon Climate
My game crashed, so I'm taking that as a sign to have a writing break.
The crash was this popping up after I caught a (green) Deerling in the forest:

It did go into the ball (Greatball) and the nickname prompt showed up, maybe the error is related to PC storage? My party was full and I haven't boxed anything yet.

Anyway, onto the game content. I'm liking it so far, even though it's been a bit hard. This game totally feels like it was sliced out of a bigger adventure, and I don't think I've seen many games where beating a gym is just the initial goal?? Side note, the badge designs are really nice, even though I only earned one of them. While I'm on the topic of the gym I wanna mention a weird little bug I encountered there.
I saw the cutscene of the trainer walking across the gym, but I left to visit the Pokemon Center before actually battling him. When I came back, here's where he was!

He's close enough I could still battle him normally, and after I won he zipped into place at the computer. No harm done, just odd.

Couple other things I noticed so far: After the car outside the hotel drives away, there's an invisible patch were it used to be that can't be walked on. There's a few signs that aren't interactable, like the one on the wall inside the hotel, the one between the Pokemon Center and Pokemart, and the one in front of the gym. Not sure how intentional this is- there are a few TMs in the bag to start with, but a number of them (TM49 Echoed Voice, TM76 Struggle Bug, and TM86 Grass Knot) can't be learned by any of the 3 starter Pokemon. Also TM40 Arial Ace can only be learned by Yanma, but it already knows this move anyway.



First of all: Thanks for playing the game and giving me feedback. I really appreciate it.

1. Huh, that's strange. I will try to fix that. Thanks for making it detailed.

2.The gym has no influence on the actual story. It should show that you are a normal trainer with a normal adventure who suddenly gets involved into the evil getting unleashed. And yeah, you eaned only one out of the four, because the poison gym is the fourth gym in the protagonist's adventure.
The bug is known. But we can only fix this when Ampharos2.0 has time (since he created the event is the most talented in eventing)

3. We will fix that
Yeah, we rushed the game so we weren't able to fill the signs with text.
There was no intention in giving the player only TMs his Luxray, Yanma and Sandile can use. Those are TMs the protagonist found while walking around. For example: He got TM86 after he defeated the first gym which was a grass gym (tree shaped gym badge). Those TMs still have a pupose since you can catch additional Pokemon. And the protagonist used the TM for Aerial Ace on Yanma (it can't learn Aerial Ace by level up).


Dec 10, 2017
After the car outside the hotel drives away, there's an invisible patch were it used to be that can't be walked on.
I have tried recreating this bug, but there is no invisible patch, the events are set to teleport to an inaccessible area so they won't get in the way.
EDIT: So it occurs after the player leaves the map and visits it again, the events are forced back to the og location, fixed.
EDIT 2: Fixed all mentioned glitches/bugs
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The Wind and Snow Continue to Stare
Expo Team
First off, congratulations on getting out a full adventure! That's a lot harder than it seems. Just beat the game, and you didn't do a bad job at all. I made a big list of criticisms.

Disclaimer: This is just my opinion. Everyone has their own tastes and thoughts I think, so this is just what stood out to me, personally.

A lot of them game could use some "mixing and mastering" if you know what I mean. There's a lot of neat concepts and ideas you did. Notably, you touched that this game's setting is really just a cut-out of a normal Pokémon adventure with a really really big road-block (the events that happen in this game). That's a pretty neat idea, in my honest opinion. The route before the town is filled with already beaten trainers, you tackle a Gym as you normally do, and then the game's events unfold.

I feel like this concept was executed rather lukewarm though, and in the end, it comes off as confusing, especially when the player first starts. You're given very little context of what's actually happening when you boot up the game, and I mostly just wandered around to find the plot/game-play. I'm running on a toaster, and the town you're stationed in is also huge, and there's no Running Shoes! I felt like I was moving at a snail's pace and I had to literally open up the game's files to manually add Running Shoes to my character. A follow-up consequence to this would be things such as the already beaten trainers in the lower route, where with no context, it just mostly confuses people when they're exploring the map, especially when nobody in the game actually mentions that you, the trainer, was the one who did all of this so far, and at best it's just implied very very subtly. Furthermore, some NPCs don't really give a lot of substantial information or items, and with so many buildings, I couldn't find it in me to explore all of them feeling that there wasn't much incentive , especially without Running shoes. Needing to steal a Psyduck to use Flash is interesting. A lot of Pokemon can learn it so uh, stealing one is a bit odd. You also did a few fan-game sins, like emoticons in dialogue and direct pop-culture references. I'm a bit lighter on that kinda stuff because technically, it's a fan-work and you can do whatever you want, imo. That's all really minor though. I'll move onto game-play.

The Gym itself was a cute idea. I could definitely see something like that in a main-line game, and it was genuinely cool. However, it was a bit flubbed in my opinion. You brought up the concept of a "guess who" type of Gym, but the trainers lock onto you as normal trainers, so it just kinda fell off because you were never given any room to guess.

It would have been really cool if none of them locked on like normal trainers, and you actually had to guess who the Gym Leader was, by talking to the trainers before a battle happened. Then they'd give you hints and stuff like normal. When one of the trainers lock onto you as you're walking and says "Hah, you guessed wrong!" , the effect doesn't hit as much because I didn't even want to talk to that person in the first place.

I will say, I really enjoyed the variety of Pokémon laid out in this small little area. You put a lot of neat picks in every zone, which means a lot of different players will walk out of the game with a lot of different teams. I think that's always fun to know you have a lot of options, and I love it when games do that (even though official games don't really do that, besides Sword and Shield).

However, another small issue with that is the level curve with these Pokémon. You added a Pawniard to the game, but Pawniard doesn't evolve until level 54, which is impossible to do before finishing the game. A lot of the Pokémon I picked up didn't evolve until the 40s, which I couldn't make without hard grinding (Ponyta) or I just couldn't figure out how to evolve them anyway (Gligar, he needs Razor Fang). Some of these were very very reasonable however, like Shuppet, who evolves at 37, and you catch them at like, level 30. If the max level is 40 before you beat the game, I would 100% shoot for Pokémon that evolve a bit around those levels, but take a few levels down.

Did I mention grinding? I did have to grind quite a bit before beating the final boss, who's Pokémon are at 40ish. This isn't a huge deal, but I feel there wasn't a lot of experience to go around, and it ended up quite difficult until I forced my Krokorok to level 40 to evolve (which was fine because he was a starter, which means it's going to be battling more often. But still. Try to gauge how much grinding players might have to do).

I do still appreciate the level of insight that went into the game design. I did notice a lot of the Pokémon the main villains used had super effective attacks versus your starters, to encourage catching other Pokémon. Among the three starter Pokémon, one starts fully evolved and is reliable (Luxray), one's not strong at all but evolves early (Yanma at 33), and one is pretty decently strong, but evolves really late (Krokorok at 40). The bosses were strong, but not annoying (you had the decency to give them 5 strong Pokémon each, when a lot of people would just give them 6 dumb ones) and I felt there were many ways to go about them. You also gave us a good selection of TMs, but I felt they could have been a few more interesting items to play with. I didn't feel compelled to explore to length, with the encounter rate and the lack of areas to rest around at (surfing area).

The encounter rate was very high. I ended up buying Super Repels to offset this. This made the cave and surfing area very annoying too.

The mapping is really nice, but I felt it was a bit too large. I ended up getting lost at certain points, and the game's plot did a poor job at telling me where exactly to go. Of course, there were only a few maps, so I figured it out after walking all over the place. The large maps make it really annoying to go back to the Pokémon Center to heal (or the rest house, thank you for putting that there), and having to deal with all the encounters again. I literally had my Pokémon faint on purpose to go back home at points. I wouldn't say the solution is to make smaller maps, but to do a little better at pacing the game and it's direction. It would have been a bit more acceptable if there were say, a small town in between some of the areas. In the cave system, maybe a rest area or something. I definitely liked the environments and it was really cool venturing through them, and I wish they were a bit more fleshed out. I liked the boss battle areas too, with the Dusknoir and Salamence.

I'd like to say you have a good attention to detail, the attempts of the trainers with the routes, spriting Pokémon in the 3rd Generations style instead of using the HGSS overworlds, etc and I feel that shouldn't be overlooked. A lot of people like the details where there's a lot unique text for objects in stuff, but I personally think overworld consistency is just as important. There were a lot of nice things there.

Other minor things include typos (there are quite a bit of them, and I couldn't screenshot them all. But again, that's minor and all it needs is just reviewing for next time, since I know you were on a time limit), not using the correct e in "Pokémon", grunts not having dialogue etc.

Here's your reminder that I liked this game.

That's all I can think of. Definitely keep goin' yo! The fact that the biggest issues were easily fixed small-medium mistakes is pretty good I think. I would work on pacing. Great job this month.


Mar 13, 2020
So I played the game, and thought I would give out the review here than doing it privately. I liked the introductory part, but I thought the dev "mons" would have been in the game, to my disappointment they were not. The Luxray was pretty good addition in the team along with the Sandile, and the random events at part were okay as well, but I felt it was weird to have a free move tutor in the city. Some parts were confusing, like the route to the south of the city has only NPC and no trainers.. As for the plot, it did feel good playing through it, most of it looked like how the Gen 3 use to play out the shenanigans of the evil teams, something I feel has been watered down in the newer gen of the official games. And the cryptic exorcist in the swamp was a good addition, I did not know what it meant, until I read it 4 times, perhaps make those surprises a bit easier to read through? The mapping style for the game is great but very dull at times, should try making it less spacey and less repetitive like the cave maps. The graphics were done well, I really liked how you brought fresh looks to the FRLG battle graphics. Overall I enjoyed playing it, there were some inconsistencies that bothered me, like the surf sprite was not this game's hero but Red, but other than all that I enjoyed finishing it.

Haunted Ditto

Creator of Pokemon Pandora and Pokemon Climate
So I played the game, and thought I would give out the review here than doing it privately. I liked the introductory part, but I thought the dev "mons" would have been in the game, to my disappointment they were not. The Luxray was pretty good addition in the team along with the Sandile, and the random events at part were okay as well, but I felt it was weird to have a free move tutor in the city. Some parts were confusing, like the route to the south of the city has only NPC and no trainers.. As for the plot, it did feel good playing through it, most of it looked like how the Gen 3 use to play out the shenanigans of the evil teams, something I feel has been watered down in the newer gen of the official games. And the cryptic exorcist in the swamp was a good addition, I did not know what it meant, until I read it 4 times, perhaps make those surprises a bit easier to read through? The mapping style for the game is great but very dull at times, should try making it less spacey and less repetitive like the cave maps. The graphics were done well, I really liked how you brought fresh looks to the FRLG battle graphics. Overall I enjoyed playing it, there were some inconsistencies that bothered me, like the surf sprite was not this game's hero but Red, but other than all that I enjoyed finishing it.
Thanks for your feedback

1. Like mentioned in the "helpful information" section, the trainers in the south are already beaten, because that's the route the player came from.
2. The free move tutor exists to fix some movesets. For example: The Houndours you can catch have really bad moves so relearning some older moves is needed.
3. The surf sprite is a victim of the deadline. I will add it when I'm done with exams.


Feb 22, 2021
How do you turn on running? This game feels slow as molases - even text is slooow, even on the fast text setting, and walking feel like it's taking forever. Had no patience after the hotel.
And menu select sound could use being lowered. Both in tone and volume.


Elite Trainer
Dec 6, 2021
Just found this game from YouTube and currently really enjoying it, i still in third playthrough and so far i still not encounter any bug, stay healthy and hope to see you again in another fangame in the future 👍🙂