- Views: 10,844
- Replies: 8

current version: v1.3
My name is Pulp. I'm a farmer in a rural, poor area in the middle of nowhere.
POCKET GAIDEN follows a Berry farmer, Pulp, in a subset of a unnamed region based on China. Pulp is tired of exhausting rural life where nothing seems to ever change, so he wants to bring his Berry growing business to the bustling Honzhu City. But he needs to find a way of funding this dream, and also, his truck broke down, stopping him from making any deliveries. The story will take Pulp through both the wilds surrounding his home village and mysterious places called the Color Ruins. Resources we take for granted such as Poké Balls and Potions are extremely coveted where Pulp lives, so his journey is going to be a tough and gruelling one.
POCKET GAIDEN is my entry for the first Winter Jam. It's been a few years since I released any projects, so hopefully this is enjoyable. It's actually a GBA hack created with the pokeemerald disassembly (https://github.com/pret/pokeemerald/), which you should totally check out.
No resource pack, you can find all resources at (https://github.com/Mantager/pokeemerald/tree/gaidenone). The entire gaidenone branch is free to use. Just credit me, and more importantly, pret. Or just copy all the credits in this thread. Don't take anything from any other branches.
For patching: use BEAT (https://byuu.itch.io/beat/)
Download (v1.3): https://mega.nz/file/FNoEnY4D#DYV5qh9_A2lXSntZPcHCmYm7Tva84_JSyrbJ6ijwEhk
Apply the patch to an Emerald (Trashman) ROM. You know where to find it.
Game might be a little rough round the edges in some places, because obviously, I had time constraints. Report all bugs you find, including small ones such as decapitalisation errors or text not fitting in boxes. I'm pretty sure that there's no game-breaking bugs, but if you encounter any, tell me.

- Fixed the first Log event triggers in Cho Village to run properly
- Additional interactions with the giant wall in Color Ruins B1F (Yellow & Blue) will no longer revert story progress
- Fixed collision error in Pulp Field & Shendown Path
- Fixed Hall of Fame text misplacement, removed Brendan sprite, added # of whiteouts to player info
- Log's final team and Arum's team were given original movesets & high IVs, abilities also specified
- Removed the dummy item ball in Pulp Byroad
- Decapitalised more strings
- Cave background forced in Color/Dark Ruins
- Arena Trap displays correct name when switch blocked
- Added music to final Log event & removed HoF graphics showing in overworld
- Fixed oversight where the Lucky Egg would be given even if you have no space
- Fixed oversight where you could return to Dark City by interacting with the giant wall again
- Added more NPCs to Cho Village including a Move Tutor
- Fixed oversight where you could fight Arum without completing all 4 puzzles
- Fixed collision errors in various maps
- Fixed a bug where a certain tile used the wrong behaviour
- Rearranged Quick Claw's position to be more obvious
- Fixed a bug where a certain wall's text would display out of the textbox
- Dedenne comes with Tackle instead of Tail Whip
- Pulp now has a backsprite
- Tweaked teams of various Trainers
- Fixed Zoom Lens & Focus Sash's descriptions
- Tweaked wild encounters in Dark City's entrance
- Fixed various tile errors
- Fixed the first Log event triggers in Cho Village to run properly
- Additional interactions with the giant wall in Color Ruins B1F (Yellow & Blue) will no longer revert story progress
- Fixed collision error in Pulp Field & Shendown Path
- Fixed Hall of Fame text misplacement, removed Brendan sprite, added # of whiteouts to player info
- Log's final team and Arum's team were given original movesets & high IVs, abilities also specified
- Removed the dummy item ball in Pulp Byroad
- Decapitalised more strings
- Cave background forced in Color/Dark Ruins
- Arena Trap displays correct name when switch blocked
- Added music to final Log event & removed HoF graphics showing in overworld
- Fixed oversight where the Lucky Egg would be given even if you have no space
- Fixed oversight where you could return to Dark City by interacting with the giant wall again
- Added more NPCs to Cho Village including a Move Tutor
- Fixed oversight where you could fight Arum without completing all 4 puzzles
- Fixed collision errors in various maps
- Fixed a bug where a certain tile used the wrong behaviour
- Rearranged Quick Claw's position to be more obvious
- Fixed a bug where a certain wall's text would display out of the textbox
- Dedenne comes with Tackle instead of Tail Whip
- Pulp now has a backsprite
- Tweaked teams of various Trainers
- Fixed Zoom Lens & Focus Sash's descriptions
- Tweaked wild encounters in Dark City's entrance
- Fixed various tile errors
If I forgot you, then please tell me, I can be forgetful and the credit lists for these projects can get so long.
- all contributors to pret for the pokeemerald disassembly
- DizzyEgg for his Emerald battle engine, and all contributors to that
- Pokécommunity for various small bits of code (such as coloured Natures)
- anyone that helped me at any point on the pret Discord (answering my questions, etc)
- Slawter for dynamic overworld sprites
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