- Views: 55,574
- Replies: 53
Professor Finch needs you to help him investigate the open world around his lab, find some powerful birds, and collect their special feathers!
If you have the latest version, the titlescreen should say Version 1.1 at the bottom.
This game was originally made for the Relic Castle game jam #4, and was spotlighted by the community with its' own badge! Thanks everyone!
→Download the game here!←

If you have the latest version, the titlescreen should say Version 1.1 at the bottom.

→Download the game here!←

Plot and Features:
As a pro Birdkeeper, you have been hired by Professor Finch to help him investigate some bird business. From his lab you need to head out in each direction to find some special birds and collect their feathers! In this game you can expect to find:
›Choose your starter from a pool of options that include different movesets and abilities!
›Hidden/Bonus starter choices!
›Soft resetting for that shiny starter? See it instantly when you start the game!
›So many boss battles
›Fight Boss Birds to unlock the paths to secret boss battles in other areas!
›You can beat the bosses, but they're all able to be captured if you want to challenge yourself!
›Fight those bosses in any order you choose, because this game is open world!
›Find Mini/Optional Bosses!
›What else is in this game?
›Field moves that aren't tied to learning specific HM moves!
›But if you like moves there's tons of TMs to customize your team!
›More characters appear as you play! That means more trainers with stronger Pokemon!
›Optional sidequests!
›Hidden items everywhere

Frequently Asked Questions:

A: Check out the thread about all Relic Castle badges! Basically, if you've played Birdcall enough to have both the Clear Bell and the Tidal Bell, then you can send your save file to a Relic Castle staff member as proof to get the badge! (I can't give badges, please message Relic Castle staff about any questions)
Q: Why won't my emulator run this game? What emulator do I need?
A: This isn't a hacked game. It's made with RMXP, so no emulator needed!
Q: Can I play this on mobile?
A: There has been some success playing with JoiPlay, but I haven't tested it myself. There might be some issues...
Q: How do I use the Clear Bell and Tidal Bell?
A: The Bells were included to mark the halfway and finishing points of the game, and we meant to use them in the postgame. However at the time of writing there's no postgame update, so for now the Bells just hang out in your bag as your proof of completion!
Q: Why do I have to play as [x] character? How do I get the other ones?
A: The player character's appearance is chosen randomly when starting up! They all play the same and don't have any assigned pronouns/gender/race used by the game. If you prefer a certain one of the four options feel free to soft reset a couple times before starting a save file.
Q: What's going on with the starters?
A: There's multiple of each species because each one has a chance to be shiny, have an egg move,a hidden ability, or something like that. If you check them out there should be some flavor text to give you a hint. And yes, their stat/movepools have been adjusted a bit for this game. Doduo, Pigey, and Spearrow aren't the only starters though!
Q: What's the shiny chance in this game?
A: Higher than usual! Starters' chance of being shiny is calculated differently.
Q: Where do I go? What order should I go to each area?
A: I recommend picking any direction to start, completing that area, and then moving clockwise to the next area. Then you'll get to use your new ability right away...but there's no wrong way to play this open world game! You might enjoy visiting the lab between areas instead of waiting for the end though, the Professor gets really wordy if you save all your feather reports for once.
Q: I'm stuck! How do I use the static Feather?
A: This answer is a direct spoiler since this is one the more obscure uses of a feather. Sorry for not making it clear enough!
So, you're looking for the true/secret boss in the Quarry, and can't figure out how to use the Static Feather? Just go to the area outside where several workers are standing around one of the drilling machines! (Yes this involves going through the caves and doing an ice puzzle before coming out) Check out their machine from the back/bottom side
Q: What are the cheat codes, the easter eggs, the secret names?
A: There are a few names that you can give your player character and affect this game. You may have accidentally discovered one of these names and gotten an extra starter or item because I added a bunch of presents for my friends! Anyway, I'll officially reveal some names that act as cheat codes!
Name your character:
- Hilbert, Nate, Hilda, or Rosa = The main bosses are all changed to different Pokémon
- Barry, Dawn, or Lucas = The mini/optional bosses are all changed to different Pokémon
- Lyra, Ethan, or Kris = The true/secret bosses are all changed to different Pokémon
- Candela, Spark, or Blanche = Get this character's respective legendary bird as a starter, and applies the all the boss changes of the names above
- Ash, Ethi, Relic, or Voltsy = Start the game with a special bonus Pokémon
- Good Egg = Start the game with a bonus random egg
- x = Start the game with a bunch of x items
- GALMI = Start the game with a party and items more appropriate for GALMI (Yes this is probably overpowered and dumb, it's not too serious but I stole Birdcall's idea from them so they deserve all the shoutouts)

Changelogs and Credits:
Version 1.1 (August 22nd 2018)
Made shortcuts more obvious and accessible
Deployed the Feather Scouts
Added a couple extra items laying around
Fixed Pokémon that should have been Fairy type lacking the type and various moves
Fixed a bug where a certain Pokémon would scramble other Pokémon's movesets after encountering it
Fixed a bug where an NPC cared about her missing Pokémon a little too much
Fixed a couple sprites
Tweaked various NPCs and objects in the lab
Tweaked levels of wild Pokémon and various bosses
Tweaked a couple of trainers
Empowered the Mime
Version 1 Patch 1 (August 11th 2018)
Fixed a door in the factory that was trapping people in the wall
Called Tom a nerd
Changed how steam works. All the steam can be interacted with now, and when cooled it disappears completely
Changed the reward for checking all the birdhouses because that item was already available somewhere
Changed the descriptions of the bells to be more fitting
Added descriptor text to a couple of things that didn't have any
Fixed the girl worried about her lost Pokémon
Kicked the itemfinder a couple times until it started reading properly
Gave it to x
Project Credits
Nuclear Omega
Atomic Reactor
Pokemon Essentials starter kit
Simple HUD Optimized - by FL
Gen 3 Sound Effects Replacement Pack - by Deo, iteachvader
Better Unova backsprites (Gen 4 style)
Gen VI Overworlds
-Formatted by Sparta
GenI-V Overworlds
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