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Completed Pokémon Experimental Traveler

This project is complete. Any future revisions will be bug fixes or small updates.
Game Title: Pokémon Experimental Traveler

Game Screenshots:

Game Download: http://www.mediafire.com/file/923ljai3nsug4ma/Pok%E9mon_Experimental_Travler.zip/file
Made Using: RpgMaker XP

Team: All was made alone

-Starting Over may not work it's been buggy. I tried my best to fix it. Just save a lot.
-Were was spelled Where in the credits.
-Traveler was spelled Travler in the folder and game.
-Shinies are easy to find (You at least get 1 or 2 per play through)
-If you're going to stream or put this on YouTube please put it as a reply or DM me on discord Tokoyami [Larvestaable]#7051
[This is so I can watch it and see if there are any mistakes unknown to me]
-Small bugs will be fixed (hopefully) and an update will come out sometime next week.

Resource Pack: https://eeveeexpo.com/resources/229/

Viridian Forest

Better Summary Screens

Better Gen 5 back sprites

Persona 5
-Blooming Villian
-Will Power
-Last Surprise
-Rivers in a Desert


Pokemon OST

Custom Shiny Pokemon and edited sprites.

Unoffical Team (Were disbanded before work was made)
-Brennan (Mapper)
-Larvestaable (Mapper and Everything else)

Beta Testers

Last edited:


A wild Minun appeared!
May 17, 2017
So I just played your game. It was pretty interesting.
It would be nice to be able to reread the notes though. Because that one time I clicked away a note pretty early I just clicked all the tiles to find the exit ... that was pretty annoying. Other than that I had fun solving the puzzles.
Also the encounter method of Pokémon is pretty nice.
One downside is that if you loose you have to do everything again ... so I didn't do all endings.
Also stuff felt pretty random ... but it added to the atmosphere ... it was pretty tense and mysterious
This game needs a lot of polishing. A lot of the mapping and dialogue are pretty rough; the latter having too much "random humor xD" for my tastes, but that might just be me. The idea of doing puzzles in a style similar to Portal's test chambers could make for a good game by itself, but the game dropped me into something else when I thought it was getting interesting, which is a shame in my opinion. I don't understand what the point of interrupting the flow of the game that early on.

Larvestaable, this is your third game jam entry. I fully support doing what you want and entering the game jam for fun and making cool projects, but if you really want to improve the quality of your work I suggest looking at how to improve your mapping, general presentation, and the overall tone of your game. Best of luck!