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Released Pokemon Dreams

This project has a release available. The full version is still a work in progress.
Hello! May I be the first to introduce to you...

So far, this has been a solo project by me, and I hope to, at least, make a decent game!
I cannot wait to hear what you all have to say about it, both the good and the bad.
Without further ado...
Its the story you'd, typically, expect of a Pokemon game. You are a young Trainer going on an adventure.
Your aim is to get all 8 Gym Badges and beat the Champion.
All the while, you are fighting against a nefarious organization attempting to claim great power.
You are a new Trainer from Virod Town in the Somni Region. You are being entrusted with a valuable Pokemon,
one of the three extinct Pokemon of that region, now being raised in captivity. With your new partner, you decide to take on the Somni Region's Gym challenge.
Despite being rather new, it is renowned as one of the hardest to overcome. Only two trainers have ever been crowned Champion!
While on your adventure, you encounter Team Dream and Team Nightmare. Their goal is unclear. They claim to be making "something revolutionary".
What will you uncover on your adventure through the Somni Regoin?

These are the characters you play as. Who are they? Why are they going on this adventure? That is for you to decide.

The resident Pokemon Professor in the Somni Region. He researches Pokemon anatomy. His cousin, Professor Filbert, studies Pokemon genetics and assists Hornbeam in his research from time to time. However, he has been busy as of late researching a new
type of Pokemon that has emerged in the Somni Region, but more on that later.

A Trainer no one really seems to know about, besides Professor Hornbeam.
You run into him on your way to your first Gym Battle, and he, immediately, challenges you.
His partner is the Pokemon Vibubble.

The "Explorer in White", Ferryn, is famous all around the world for tackling locales that even the most hardened of Trainers avoid on their travels.
She has come to take on the three Peaks of the Somni Region. Despite not being too much of a Trainer, she does enjoy the occasional Pokemon battle.
She was, eventually, given the Pokemon Shyly as a partner.

The son of Dr. Eam, Luc has just about anything he could want. Despite this, he isn't what you'd expect of a
kid with a famous father. He helps his dad with certain tasks and wants to become a Professor when he is older.
He seems to have a soft spot for battling, however. He goes everywhere with his partner, Mambile.

The founder of N-Vision Labs, he tends to spend much of his time working. Despite this, he still gives his family plenty of attention.
Dr. Eam spends his time designing safety equipment for Trainers and other professions. However, he has recently announced the creation
of a new Poke Ball, the Hyper Ball! According to Dr. Eam, it guarantees the captured Pokemon performs at peak levels,
without harming or modifying the Pokemon itself. It is still in development and no where near finished, though.

Team Dream is one part of a whole organization. Team Dream specializes in infiltrating laboratories and similar places.
Once inside, they attempt to steal the technology they need to further their "project". The leader of Team Dream is an
individual code-named "SLUMBER". They stick rigidly to the plan they have been assigned. If a plan goes awry, they tend to lash out
and become much more dangerous. It doesn't help that the Admin of Team Dream tends to be rather reckless.

The other half of this mysterious organization is Team Nightmare. They are typically sent into the field when
technology from destroyed or rundown laboratories are needed.
They have, also, been witnessed kidnapping people and Pokemon, for unknown reasons. The leader of Team Nightmare is an person going by
the code-name "NIGHT TERROR". They tend to be rather talkative, often revealing major portions of their plans. However, they always seem
to be completed by the time they make this information known.

The Pokemon of the Somni Region range from awe-inspiring to, frankly, ridiculous.


You will encounter a wide variety of creatures as you make your way through the Somni Region. Some new faces and old favorites will greet you throughout your travels.
By far, some of the oddest Pokemon have to be the "Somni Forms" of other Pokemon. While an accurate description, it is a bit of a misnomer.
Certain Pokemon in the Somni Region bear a great resemblence to Pokemon from other Regions in appearance and disposition.
However, their movesets, typing, abilities, and DNA greatly differ from one another.
It has been a topic of great discussion between researchers of the Somni Region.
Name: Galvatric
Type: Electric/Dark

Of all the Somni Forms, Galvatric is the closest, genetically, to the Pokemon it mimics, Emolga.
It was, originally, called Baratric due to its mannerisms and nocturnal behavior, but it was changed because it
made people think it was a closer relative to Pokemon like Zubat.

Name: Sirentice
Type: Water/Fairy

While it bears a resemblance to Gardevoir, this seems to be more out of survival than relation.
It draws Gallade and Male Gardevoir close with its looks. Then, it leaps out of the water,
frightening them with its lower body. On closer inspection, it appears that its lower body is similar to
the Pokemon Lumineon. However, it does not live in any body of water that is, also, home to Lumineon or Finneon.

Name: Mastoad
Type: Water/Psychic

Considered to be the Somni form of Politoad, Mastoad barely moves. It only moves
as much as it needs to. Despite this, it can unleash fearsome physical blows. Mastoad, apparently, boosts
its strength with its psychic powers. However, very few people ever attempt to raise
a Mastoad due to how problematic its prior evolutions are.

Name: Statitan
Type: Normal/Rock

A manmade Pokemon from long ago. It is believed to have been created from
a society similar to the one that made Golurk. In fact, their types can be seen as direct parallels to each other.
Incredibly old cave markings depict a being similar to this Pokemon. Despite this, many
Statitans have relatively new body compositions.

Pokemon Crossbreeds have been discovered in the Somni Region!
You won't find them in the wild, and a regular old Daycare Center won't work either.
The conditions have to be just right for these Pokemon to be brought into the world.
However, the results can be worth it. Some Pokemon that can't normally breed can, possibly, crossbreed, such as Blissey and Snorlax.
Maybe there is more to Pokemon breeding than first thought, or is this something only possible in the Somni Region?
Here is what to expect from your adventure through the Somni Region:








The Somni Region isn't set in stone. Many small changes could be made right under
your nose. Keep an eye on your surroundings, something new might appear...




A new type has appeared in the Somni Region! The Light-type is the inverse of the Dark-Type, defensively.
Anything Dark resists, Light is weak to. Anything Dark is weak to, Light resists. They do share an immunity to Psychic, however.
Light-types are, typically, identifiable as they are either heroic in appearance, such as Gallade, or have a very caring nature, such as Chansey.
Light-Types are, often, defense-oriented with decent offensive stats. Light-Type
Pokemon are not overly common, so don't worry about getting caught off-guard.
Try taking a Ghost-Type with you if you're having trouble against them.
Despite being a fair distance from the Kalos Region, the Somni Region is full of Pokemon that can access Mega Evolution.
Rumor has it, the extinct Pokemon of the Somni Region were able to Mega Evolve!
Pokemon Essentials - Maruno
EBS/Ultimate Title Screens/Easy Mouse System - Credits
Mega Evolution Sprites and Sylveon Sprites - Gen 6 Sprite Project
Certain Gen 6 scripts, items, and icons - Project: Generation 6 Release
Pokemon Overworld Sprites - Spriter's Resource
Its finally time! Pokemon Dreams Demo Version 1.0.3 is now available!
There are still a ton of things I want to do. Some sprites are still need editing or currently
have a placeholder sprite, there are some tiles in need of editing, some transitions need work, and black bars are rampant.
However, there is already plenty here to get some feedback on.
As such please mention anything that you think is a little bit off here, even if it so much as
a Pokemon's sprite is just an inch off the ground. It still just me working on this game, so there is a lot I miss or
just straight up forget.
Please feel free to leave any critiques and other such comments here.

Update 1.0.3: A pretty huge update. New areas, more story, a few new Pokemon to find. Even some new
minor Legendary Pokemon to capture. While I did not get to the exact place I wanted to with this demo,
there is still a lot that this demo comes with.

-Seabreeze Island has been completed. Explore it to your hearts content.
-Small errors and other such things have been corrected.
-Some new Pokemon, including three minor Legendaries, the Plaguemasters, one of which can be
found in the current demo. Happy hunting.
-Lightningrod Forest has been added. Electric types love this place.
- New Mega Stones are available, meaning new Pokemon that can Mega Evolve!
- A game-breaking bug has been fixed.

Google Drive/MediaFire

This demo includes:
4 gyms...
166 new Pokemon (I think I might have gone overboard...), of which 8 are crossbreeds, 14 are new evolutions, and 8 are Somni forms...
and a decent chunk of the overall story.
I eagerly await what you all have to say, both the good and the bad.
Any criticism is greatly appreciated.
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Jul 5, 2017
Sorry for not updating in a while! However, I do
have some interesting news!


New Pokemon have appeared in the Somni Region, but they aren't completely new...
A new field of research has opened up in the Somni Region!
Curious? Check out the Pokemon tab for more information!

As for the current progress of the game, I'm very close to getting the game
demo ready. The content is there. Its mainly just some annoying glitches, nothing
that makes the game unplayable. However, the root of it is proving difficult to find.
If you want to try and help, please check out this forum. I'll try and iron it out as
best I can, in the meantime.

Have a great day, everyone!​


Jul 5, 2017
Hello, everyone! Today, I have a few updates and wonderful news.

First of all, a new tab has been made in the Pokemon section discussing Somni forms. There are even some Somni forms documented there that you will encounter on your journey!

Second of all, I have added the Spriter's Resource to the Credits section. I used the overworld sprites that they had available. I do not know how I forgot to mention them, but I have rectified it. It is a good thing I rectified that before I released the game demo. That would have been horrible.

And speaking of releasing the game demo...

The demo for Pokemon Dreams is now available! It should be under the Updates/Demo section for anyone who wants to play. I cannot wait to see what you all have to say. I hope you enjoy what the game has to offer!

Have a great day, everyone! If there are any complaints or critiques you have, please reply to this forum! I will answer them as soon as I am able.​


Member of the Aether Foundation
Aug 22, 2018
A Fakemon modeled after a blue jay already makes me curious about this Project, will try it out definitely. Such beautiful birds!

If I may give some advice concering the spritework, the female playable character's one (Lin) looks a weird to me, as if she's barely having a head and 'only' has a face with hair on top of it. I'd enlarge the forehead a little to balance that out. That's all, just something that caught my eye right away.
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Jul 18, 2017


Jul 5, 2017
A Fakemon modeled after a blue jay already makes me curious about this Project, will try it out definitely. Such beautiful birds!

If I may give some advice concering the spritework, the female playable character's one (Lin) looks a weird to me, as if she's barely having a head and 'only' has a face with hair on top of it. I'd enlarge the forehead a little to balance that out. That's all, just something that caught my eye right away.

First of all, thank you for taking interest. Second of all, the female character was kind of off for me, as well. I was having a hard time thinking of a good design, so I just kind of went for it. Thank you for your feedback. Can't wait to hear anything else you may have to say about the game.


Now, now. There is no need to shout. All joking aside, it does not at the moment, maybe in the future, but I'm kind of pushing it with the number of Fakemon as it is. Long story short, not now, but maybe in the future. Maybe.


Maker of Many and Finisher of Few
Jul 21, 2018
I forgot to mention, Dragobat looks really cool! I can't wait to see the front sprite to better understand what I'm looking at! :D


Jul 18, 2017
What types light beating? And what its weakness besides of ghost type? What types resisting light type ? Allready know its resisting bug fairy and fighting as you wrote its resising dark s weakness


Jul 5, 2017
What types light beating? And what its weakness besides of ghost type? What types resisting light type ? Allready know its resisting bug fairy and fighting as you wrote its resising dark s weakness
As I stated, anything dark resist, light is weak to. As for what light is super effective against, i left that puposefully vague. I want you to figure it out as you go on your journey. I will tell you that it is super effective against dark types, though.


Member of the Aether Foundation
Aug 22, 2018
Can't wait to hear anything else you may have to say about the game.

Will give some feedback as soon as I'm through! ^^ When exactly that'll be, I don't quite know yet, I'm sorry. :<

I SO hope that there are Eevees obtainable in the Demo for that Light Type-Eeveelution(?) Paladeon.


Jul 5, 2017
Will give some feedback as soon as I'm through! ^^ When exactly that'll be, I don't quite know yet, I'm sorry. :<

I SO hope that there are Eevees obtainable in the Demo for that Light Type-Eeveelution(?) Paladeon.

Don't worry about it. Any feedback at anytime will be greatly appreciated. As for Paladeon, try asking around Mont City. Maybe someone around there can point you in the right direction.


Welp. I better get off my lazy butt and get back to working on the game. I'll still be checking in periodically, though. If there is anything that could be improved, please feel free to leave a reply.
The next update will have gym number 5 available and two more encounters with Team Nightmare! Things are about to get shocking (hint, hint.). Until then, have a nice day everyone!


Jul 18, 2017
Would be cool that galavatric will have evoltion electric and dark is cool type and can be useful if evoltion for galavartic wont happen what about bring raichu electric dark type mega evoltion if it will be added since its meant to have gurochu as evoltion for it but canceled if raichu is added to the game it desveres mega


Member of the Aether Foundation
Aug 22, 2018
So, I started playing this for some variation, I only played for 21 minutes but I've already got some feedback to give. I hope it'll help!

Positive things first, I enjoy how fast-forward the Game is at the beginning. You head downstairs from your room, obtain the Running Shoes, smoothly get your Pokedex and Starter and after a quick -visiting Steve you can start traveling. No long talking or speeches like in other Pokemon Games, instead it goes more or less right to the point. Neat!

The design of the Starting Town is quite pretty in my opinion. Dual Type Starters are also something I kinda like whenever it's implented.

Things I'd change or edit is next, I'd definitely add sprites appearing when choosing your Starter in the lab, especially since the Starters are Fakemon. I saved, picked one to view it and then resetted until having seen then all before deciding for one, which I personally don't mind, but it's not really optimal.

The new Pokemon lack cries and aren't animated like the Canon ones are. I hope that at least the former will be added at some point.

The NPC's Pidgey that one can battle inside the Trainer School feels way too overpowered if you choose Shyly, it outspeeds and instant-defeats me with a single Aerial Ace. o.o;

Bug Reports/errors follows, the music suddenly changes when being near Steve's house.

When picking a Null Berry the spot it grew at stays green instead of the usual brown, one can't step on it but neither plant a new Berry there. Is that intended? Besides, the Null Berry's description is hilarious, made me laugh.

Inside Steve's house is an invisible wall, the tiles I've marked in the following screenshot can't be stepped on and make the typical sound of 'walking against a wall'.

Sean looks a bit misplaced after defeating him, there's also an unecessary full stop on what he says upon defeat.

Spelling error within the Fisher Club of the Starter Town, it should read '(...)But, I would prefer this over the other clubs. Some are very competitive.(...)'

To conclude things, I quite like the Game so far and got a feeling that it's having potential, but it surely needs a bit of refining and polishing. That's fine and totally normal though I'd think! I'm curious what will continue happen and where the way will lead me, I'll keep playing this every now and then. If I happen to spot more things worth mentioning, I will!


Jul 5, 2017
---------------------------------------------------------------------Emergency Update---------------------------------------------------------------------
While editing Pokemon Dreams, I came across two game breaking bugs. One of them was out of the way and probably would not have been that much of a problem. The other was part of a required event and would have prevented anyone from progressing. As such, I have updated the game.
The download is up now. Sorry about this. If any other game breaking bugs are discovered, please post them on this forum as soon as possible.
All changes that this update brings will be documented in the Updates/Demo tab.
Have a nice day, everyone!


Member of the Aether Foundation
Aug 22, 2018
Omegas, something weird has happened: When I opened the Game today to continue, everything is weirdly dark, I can barely see anything. It remains like that while walking and even after a wild Encounter.

Inside buildings everything is normal though, even when leaving it remains dark outside.

It can't be an issue with my PC, I'm sure about that. Do you have any idea what could have caused this, I'd assume it's a Bug or something? Night Mode?

I guess I'll just redownload and start fresh since I haven't progressed far and you've updated the game anyway.


Jul 5, 2017
Omegas, something weird has happened: When I opened the Game today to continue, everything is weirdly dark, I can barely see anything. It remains like that while walking and even after a wild Encounter.

Inside buildings everything is normal though, even when leaving it remains dark outside.

It can't be an issue with my PC, I'm sure about that. Do you have any idea what could have caused this, I'd assume it's a Bug or something? Night Mode?

I guess I'll just redownload and start fresh since I haven't progressed far and you've updated the game anyway.

It's probably Night mode. Although, I don't know why it is that dark at noon. Maybe it has to do with your computer's clock? Other than that, no, it is not a glitch. There are encounters that become more common at night, so I left the day/night lighting on. Thank you for bringing it to my attention, though.


Member of the Aether Foundation
Aug 22, 2018
Oh, if Night Mode is set after the computer's clock it would explain the time delay, as I'm from Europe. ^^ Didn't know that there's a Day/Night-Circle in-game, cool!


Jul 5, 2017
Hello, everyone! Sorry to say, but the next update is taking longer than anticipated.
However, the game is coming along, nicely. I'd rather not leave you guys in the dark, so here are some screenshots.
As for when the update will come out, I cannot say for sure, but I
am getting close to getting it ready.
At this point, it is dependent on how much spare time I have.
Hopefully, it should be done soon, but I cannot say for sure.
Enjoy, and have a nice day, everyone!

