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Search results

  1. Richard PT

    Resource Generation 9 Resource Pack [v21.1] (Updated with Indigo Disk contents)

    Yup, its the pixels and not the size %, my bad then. They now look good. thx for the support.
  2. Richard PT

    Resource Generation 9 Resource Pack [v21.1] (Updated with Indigo Disk contents)

    I edited my message with an image so you can understand better what i'm saying. By the way, the "optional pokemon sprites" are cut in half and all my pokemon back sprites are like DS, where we can see the full image of pokemon instead of only half. If you have the original size of that sprites...
  3. Richard PT

    Resource Generation 9 Resource Pack [v21.1] (Updated with Indigo Disk contents)

    I use PAINT for all graphics, i normally check everything manually before using the resources into my fan game. And i didn't used the gen 8 pack, in fact never did. But i noticed that for example: your Abra from front folder has the same scale that the one i use, which is the same as from PE...
  4. Richard PT

    Resource Generation 9 Resource Pack [v21.1] (Updated with Indigo Disk contents)

    I was trying to reduce the scale, but i always end up losing graphic quality. I really need the original pics to scale them without losing pixels quality. I don't know why he or the group decided to change the scaling/sizes, the update before i didn't get this kind of trouble. :/
  5. Richard PT

    Resource Generation 9 Resource Pack [v21.1] (Updated with Indigo Disk contents)

    No, i never used gen 8 pack stuff. It's the PNG files itselves. Which we can manually edit through Paint. They are much larger than before, ex: Abra front sprites are in 200% = same resolution as in PE vanila, but the back sprites have more than that, which in game, they looks much bigger in...
  6. Richard PT

    Resource Generation 9 Resource Pack [v21.1] (Updated with Indigo Disk contents)

    When i check the gen 9 pokemon back sprites, from the indigo disc, (not the vanilla folder), they are too big for me. For the looks of them, they have more than 200% resolution in therms of pixels. So, where did you find the back sprites for them or can you post the original back sprites from...
  7. Richard PT

    Resource Unown Report

    Well, i only made this with the same concept as the braille book. It lists all the unowns, and what they mention, like a translation, so you can use that to decipher puzzles and riddles in events. I made this for my fan game, where there's unown text and the players must decipher what it means...
  8. Richard PT

    Resource Simple-ish Nav Phone

    Hmm... Ok. When i've got the time, i'll see the plugin version and everything needed. Thx for answering.
  9. Richard PT

    Recruiting Pokemon Chronicles - Recruitment

    This is an english forum, the moderators don't like other texted languages here, cus its against the rules. The game is still under development but a bit slow, cus its very very hard to recruit people without payment, which i can't pay for recruits cus i don't have money for that. I have one...
  10. Richard PT

    Resource Simple-ish Nav Phone

    Ok. At the moment, i only have one trainer called by this "class": Pokemon Trainer, but even if there's another one with the same name, i think that the face picture should appear. If you need more help or info to recreate the bug and or pictures, i can send.
  11. Richard PT

    Recruiting Pokemon Chronicles - Recruitment

    bump... still recruiting...
  12. Richard PT

    Resource Simple-ish Nav Phone

    Hello again. As you can see, the last trainer doesn't display its face, so is there some character limitation or i miss something? By the way, i checked the sprites name, so it should appear, i guess.
  13. Richard PT

    Resource Simple-ish Nav Phone

    Great resource indeed. By the way, this works as an independente plugin, right? I can have my simple pokenav + this plugin and they doesn't clash, right? Good job by the way.
  14. Richard PT

    Resource Berry Core and Dex

    I think that it's better if you add a message when the player doesn't have any berry registered. I have the same issues as pkmnacademia, i didn't tested it more cus i was running out of time and maybe today, i will test it more. By the way, i use the plugin: Bag Screen with interactable Party, i...
  15. Richard PT

    Resource Berry Core and Dex

    This is a very usefull and a nice script. Thx for this resource.
  16. Richard PT

    Resource Essentials Deluxe [v20.1] [DEPRECATED]

    Oh, i misunderstood then, my fault there. XD
  17. Richard PT

    Resource Essentials Deluxe [v20.1] [DEPRECATED]

    You understand my point completely. I thought that since PEv21 was released, this version of this plugin was updated to work with PEv21 and not PEv20.1 anymore. If i understand right, this still works with PEv20.1?
  18. Richard PT

    Resource Essentials Deluxe [v20.1] [DEPRECATED]

    I don't know if i should mention it or not, but your "thread tittle" says v20.1 when we are searching for the resources list in your updated plugins, like this one. I'm working with PEv20.1 since that i'm not planing to update the PE engine anymore, cus i'm only one guy in an huge project in...
  19. Richard PT

    Recruiting Pokemon Chronicles - Recruitment

    bump... still recruiting...
  20. Richard PT

    Resource Pokémon Super Contests (Gen 4)

    Nice resource. By the way, can i use the wright Pokemon contests plugin + yours on the same project? I may test with both at the same time when i've got some extra free time.