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Search results

  1. DerxwnaKapsyla

    Resource Name Windows

    So I finally got around to asking about how to fix the "color.to_rgb32" notification in the console, and it's been fixed now, meaning this should be future compatable with v22. # Name-box by By Theo/MrGela @ theo#7722 # Expected behaviour and use: # Use in a text command, with an added keyword...
  2. DerxwnaKapsyla

    Resource Overworld Weather Enhancements

    That would be my bad! I uploaded the v20 and backwards version of the script. I've recompiled the plugin, including the v21.1 version, as well as the v20 and backwards version in a separate folder.
  3. DerxwnaKapsyla

    v21.1 Overworld Weather Enhancements 2.0

    This is a rerelease of my old script tutorial for Weather Sound Effects. It was pointed out to me that I hadn't posted updates to it here since 17.1. So, I took the initiative to update it to v21.1 and also make it a plugin (with some enhancements made by @http404error). Installation is easy...
  4. DerxwnaKapsyla

    Resource Overworld Weather Enhancements

    DerxwnaKapsyla submitted a new resource: Overworld Weather Enhancements - Rain should make sounds! Thunder should make noise!! Let's channel Darude during the Sandstorm!!! Read more about this resource...
  5. DerxwnaKapsyla

    Resource Simple Exit Arrows

    View: https://pastebin.com/VX7h3u8H v21 version of the script
  6. DerxwnaKapsyla

    Resource Modular UI Scenes [v21.1]

    That's the big reason why I wanted to use this plugin for this end- giving the other developers a way to put this in their own games, because fitting descriptions into those small spaces is very frustrating.
  7. DerxwnaKapsyla

    Resource Modular UI Scenes [v21.1]

    Something I want to do with this plugin is make it so you can have an expanded view of a move. Longer description box, available flags that move has, effect chance... Stuff like that. I just need to study how to actually do that, haha. Admitedly though, I'm wondering if this plugin is necessary...
  8. DerxwnaKapsyla

    Resource PokeGacha

    Yeah, don't hold yourself up waiting for this; especially as I'm going on vacation soon and work will be at a standstill until I get back at a minimum.
  9. DerxwnaKapsyla

    Resource PokeGacha

    Creating a setting that scales the level of what you pull based on progression shouldn't be too hard. Stuff like that was planned to be a version 2 sort of thing. I had also been planning to make the concept of "banners", which would allow for more specialized tables. For example, a starters...
  10. DerxwnaKapsyla

    Resource Marin's Enhanced Jukebox

    https://mega.nz/file/Z4d2QLLD#0S2LxUw8qy_u9nRimnIrKAEeOYXBZI9W7AliwmeGUVc v21 (unofficial) update
  11. DerxwnaKapsyla

    Resource Name Windows

    Updated the Name Window script to v21; no Text Skip included in this one though.
  12. DerxwnaKapsyla

    Map Forest Map. How does it look?

    This is a phenomenally well done map! I have a few small things I would like to point out though; This gatehouse is missing the bottom of its stairs. Simple oversight with an easy fix! Water shorelines have specific tiles when they curve like this, to facilitate a more natural looking curve...
  13. DerxwnaKapsyla

    Resource PokeGacha

    There are a few species typo'd in the script, I haven't uploaded the fixed version yet. That being said, that line there will make it so a Pokemon is skipped entirely and not given a flag. Not giving it a flag, however, will still put it in the Tier 1 category (Where Base/Baby Pokemon are, as...
  14. DerxwnaKapsyla

    Resource PokeGacha

    I wouldn't call this culture- I don't actively play any mobages, and the gacha was the least engaging thing for me in the ones I did play. I wanted a way to flex my coding muscles, and this seemed like a decently challenging way to go about it.
  15. DerxwnaKapsyla

    Resource PokeGacha

    Though, something to be aware of is that may break the script unless you change the odds and rarity tiers.
  16. DerxwnaKapsyla

    Resource PokeGacha

    Add the "ExcludeFromRandomSearch" flag to any Pokemon you don't want to show up.
  17. DerxwnaKapsyla

    Resource PokeGacha

    After double checking (and having Maruno point it out), this does still work on v21. You just need to assemble flags for the species first, otherwise the arrays will break. I really am a genius
  18. DerxwnaKapsyla

    v21.1 PokeGacha 1

    (Compatible with v20.1) I made this to see if I could, to test what I knew and retained about rgss coding. I picked something I was very familiar with and attempted to recreate it at a foundational level. This is, technically speaking, fully functional, with minimal assembly required. This...
  19. DerxwnaKapsyla

    Resource PokeGacha

    DerxwnaKapsyla submitted a new resource: PokeGacha - Random Pokemon Generator but with odds and rarities! Salt not included. Read more about this resource...
  20. DerxwnaKapsyla

    Resource Mass Flag/TutorMove adder

    Can confirm that ":Species_Form" didn't do anything of note! That aside, this is such a phenomenally good resource.