• The Eevee Expo Game Jam #10 has concluded, congratulations to all participants! Now it's time for the judges to play through the games, and you can play along to vote who deserves the community choice spotlight.
    You can check out the submitted games here!
    Play through the games and provide some feedback to the devs while you're at it!
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Search results

  1. 4AllNighterGrinder64

    Resource Animated Pokemon System [DBK Add-On] [v21.1]

    That's understandable. Figuring out a system for a Pokemon's whose unique spots is tied to the Personality Value would be a difficult problem to solve.
  2. 4AllNighterGrinder64

    Resource Animated Pokemon System [DBK Add-On] [v21.1]

    I've just recently found an issue related to the animated sprites of Spinda. When I go to the Summary Menu of Spinda in the Party or PC, the game crashes. This happens when attempting to hover the hand cursor over Spinda in the PC. And it happens when attempting to view Spinda in the Summary...
  3. 4AllNighterGrinder64

    In Development Pokémon Super Yellow Gameplay Edition

    Pokemon Super Yellow Gameplay Edition Super Yellow Gameplay Edition V1.0.1 Google Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1m-pZN3pkee6Gmp1x4LC_C1b0ku1pzrI-?usp=sharing Super Yellow Gameplay Edition V1.0.1 Internet Archive Link: https://archive.org/details/sy-v-1.0.1-build Super...
  4. 4AllNighterGrinder64

    Resource In-Depth Pokedex Data Page [v21.1]

    I made a mistake! I found out that the Plugin folder for the resource was renamed to [MUI_002] Pokedex Data Page. I forgot to get rid of the old Pokedex Data Page folder in the plugins folder. Works fine now.
  5. 4AllNighterGrinder64

    Resource In-Depth Pokedex Data Page [v21.1]

    I gave the update for this plugin a try. The previous version of 1.0.4 worked without issue for me. This was before Eevee Exo existed. But with the latest version, I ran into a System Stack Error that stopped the game from booting. I cleared out previous save data and PluginScripts.rxdata...
  6. 4AllNighterGrinder64

    Resource IV and EV Summary Screens

    During the process of tweaking the UI for my project, I figured out how to add a small addition to the Stats Summary Page.rb. This small addition shows the Base Stat Total of a Pokémon in the Summary screen. I just got this to work, and I only needed to make a small edit to the bg_allstats.png...
  7. 4AllNighterGrinder64

    Resource [Alpha] Pokémon PBS Editor v0.1

    From my first impressions of this alpha build, I find its user experience to be much better than using Notepad++ to edit Pokémon data. A problem I found from poking around was when I loaded in pokemon_forms.txt. For my project’s needs, I want the Pokémon data packs to be separate from the core...
  8. 4AllNighterGrinder64

    Resource P:LA Party Evolver

    While assembling my project base build, I discovered a visual bug with this plugin, that likely happens on a minimum build of Pokémon Essentials V21.1. I discovered this visual bug when using just this arrangement of plugins, after assembling a test build to isolate and solve what the issue with...
  9. 4AllNighterGrinder64

    Resource [20.1+] BP System

    I have tested out 1.0.6 of the BP System plugin with all of the Deluxe Battle Kit plugins. Terastallization works as intended now. The plugin conflict with the previous version and the DBK Terastallization add on is now fixed. I forgot to test out Mega Evolution and Z-Moves on my end, but they...
  10. 4AllNighterGrinder64

    Resource [20.1+] BP System

    I will try out the updated BP System soon. I will let you know if the conflict with terastallization is fixed.
  11. 4AllNighterGrinder64

    Resource Terastallization [DBK Add-On] [v21.1]

    While assembling my project base build, I discovered a plugin conflict with this plugin and LinKazamine [20.1+] BP System 1.0.5. When all the DBK plugins are installed and used alongside the BP System plugin. So that means using all the following before Lin’s BP System plugin is used: Modular...
  12. 4AllNighterGrinder64

    Resource [20.1+] BP System

    While assembling my project base build, I discovered a plugin conflict with this plugin and Lucidious89’s Terastallization [DBK Add-On] [v21.1] v1.0.3. When the BP System is installed alongside all of the Deluxe Battle Kit plugins, this plugin causes a Pokémon that uses the Terastallization...
  13. 4AllNighterGrinder64

    Resource Deluxe Battle Kit [v21.1]

    During the process of working on adding new moves such as Nerve Numb, an Electric-type version of Venom Drench that needs the opponent Pokemon to be paralyzed, I stumbled into a problem with the ability Forewarn. I just found this problem, but I will share the crash log I just got. Even after...
  14. 4AllNighterGrinder64

    Resource Hidden Ability Capsule (v19.1)

    I tried this resource out and I was able to adapt it for 21.1 of Pokémon Essentials. I have just recently been able to pull it off, so I have not done extensive testing. This is what needs to be done if you want the Hidden Ability Capsule/Super Capsule to work for 21.1 (It is important to note...
  15. 4AllNighterGrinder64

    Resource Ultimate Move Tutor

    Thank you for the advice. Because I am still a total beginner with Essentials, I was able to find out what the actual problem was. The value MOVETUTOR needed to be at 34. And then in the move relearner code, I needed to set the Control Variable 0034 to 2. Now the move tutor is working in the way...
  16. 4AllNighterGrinder64

    Resource Ultimate Move Tutor

    I need help with the Ultimate Move Tutor Plugin. The only issue I am facing is that I can’t set it so that the move tutor can teach egg moves, tutor moves, and pre-evolution moves. In the Plugin’s move_tutor.rb code, I have set the value MOVETUTOR to this: MOVETUTOR=2 (This was changed from the...