• The Eevee Expo Game Jam #10 has concluded, congratulations to all participants! Now it's time for the judges to play through the games, and you can play along to vote who deserves the community choice spotlight.
    You can check out the submitted games here!
    Play through the games and provide some feedback to the devs while you're at it!
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Search results

  1. L

    Released Pokémon Sardonyx: Raised to Win

    Interesting, I can't wait to see where the story goes. II shall also go back now and catch Pokémon that have new forms for their evolutions.
  2. L

    Completed Pokémon Paradise

    Thank you. To be honest I used the item finder, saw that it said there was an item near by, didn't notice my character turn so proceeded to move one tile and spam the enter button over the entire area. I was sat there for two hours. 😅 I can go back and find the last one now.
  3. L

    Released Pokémon Sardonyx: Raised to Win

    Ok loving the game so far and have been following for a while now, only started playing recently. But after looking at the wiki I have a couple of questions though I suspect some might not be in the game yet. 1) Since a mega was designed for it, would I be right in guessing that Kanto Growlithe...
  4. L

    Completed Pokémon Paradise

    Hey, does anyone know or can explain where the batteries are? I keep pressing enter and every single patch of grass where the item finder says one is buried but can't find any.
  5. L

    Released Pokemon This Gym of Mine

    Yay I will play for now and start a new when the next update games. I ended up getting finding a Murkrow and getting a Mawile for now. Also that is good to know about the quests, thank you for the reply. I just need to find where your version of Aron ins now. Though there is one suggestion I...
  6. L

    Discussion when did you get into pokemon

    When Pokémon Blue first came to the UK, I got it for Christmas from my great Nan along with a yellow cased Gameboy. Gen 3 was my favourite for the longest time though.
  7. L

    Released Pokemon This Gym of Mine

    Hello just started playing this game today. Got taken by surprise that I ended up having to go to bed before catching my first two Pokémon to make a team of three. (I donated some items to the item bank after giving a random guy a potion and fighting some trainers while exploring). I choose the...