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Resources by Mr. Gela

Gen 4 and 5 Trainer sprites and PBS Mr. Gela
Trainer battlers Gen 4 and 5 Trainer sprites and PBS 2020-06-27
An organised assortment of trainer classes from DP to B2W2 including their trainertypes.txt
Enables the use of custom windows with names in them, to use for the name of NPCs, for example.
DP Summary Screen Mr. Gela
A replacement for the Summary screen based on the DP one.
HGSS Trainer Card Scene Mr. Gela
A revamped Trainer Card screen based on the one from HGSS, with new features!
Alternative Options screen Mr. Gela
My own styling of the Options screen, closer to the DP one.
Seagallop (boat "cutscene") Mr. Gela
Brief cutscene about a boat based on FRLG's Seagallop travelling to Sevii Islands
Starter "heart", Mega stone and Z-crystal graphics in the party screen Mr. Gela
Displays the pink heart given to the special LGPE starters in the party screen.
Mr. Gela's HGSS rips Mr. Gela
Other Mr. Gela's HGSS rips 2018-06-07
A miscelaneous collection of graphics ripped from a HG ROM.
Simplified Game Corner Shop Mr. Gela
A easy-to-use replacement to the otherwise tedious to set-up Game Corner prizes shops.
How to make your own battle backgrounds Mr. Gela
A simple Photoshop/GIMP tutorial to help you make your own Gen IV battle backgrounds.
Portraits in text messages Mr. Gela
Animated or static graphics such as faces to display during text.
Geolocating the Player Mr. Gela
Using an API to obtain the Player's Country and City of residence.
Password in Events Mr. Gela
Password in Events 2017-02-24
Using a text input scene to make the player type a word, and check if it's right.
Pokémon holding Mail Mr. Gela
Creating a Pokémon holding a mail with customized text.
Display IVs in the summary screen with graphics Mr. Gela
Displaying stars to inform the player of the Pokémon IV's.
Text input settings controlled by the player Mr. Gela
Allowing the player to change text input (keyboard or classic), instead of having it hardcoded.
Relearning any level-up move Mr. Gela
Similar to Gen 7, a small addition to make the Move Reminder teach future level-up moves.
Learning a particular move upon evolution Mr. Gela
Translating a new evolution feature to Pokémon Essentials.