• The Eevee Expo Game Jam #10 has concluded, congratulations to all participants! Now it's time for the judges to play through the games, and you can play along to vote who deserves the community choice spotlight.
    You can check out the submitted games here!
    Play through the games and provide some feedback to the devs while you're at it!
  • Hi, Guest!
    Some images might be missing as we move away from using embedded images, sorry for the mess!
    From now on, you'll be required to use a third party to host images. You can learn how to add images here, and if your thread is missing images you can request them here.
    Do not use Discord to host any images you post, these links expire quickly!
Geolocating the Player

Geolocating the Player 2017-03-06

Pokémon Essentials Version
v16.2 ➖
What's this?
This is a simple script that downloads information from an API to geolocate the player, since the one included in Pokémon Essentials died sometime ago.

Place in a section above Main in your Script Editor:
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def getLocation
  # See http://ip-api.com/docs/api:returned_values#selectable_output
  # for other returned values
  if formatted[0]=="success"
	Kernel.pbMessage(_INTL("You came from {1}, {2}.",formatted[2],formatted[1]))
Use 'getLocation' in a script call.

Design Notes
As far as I'm aware, only Vivillion forms need to rely on this, but you can be creative with it!

Instead of using it in a text message, you could also store the values for future use, all inside the script. The values are stored into an array, that will look something like:
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Where "status" will be either "success" or "fail", if the API failed to retrieve the information. The script will not print the information in a message unless the API returns "status" as "success". You should also be doing that all times, and stop storing the remaining (faulty or non-existant) information.

That said, you can store 'formatted[x]' at will instead of printing it into a text message. Where X is 1 for Country, 2 for City, 0 for Status. See the API's Documentation for other possible fields it can return.

Please give credit if used to:

Mr. Gela

Please do not redistribute this anywhere resource anywhere else. If you wish to share this, link to this site.


Por favor da créditos si lo utilizas a:
Mr. Gela

Por favor no redistribuyas este recurso en ningún otro lugar. Si quieres compartir esto, utiliza un enlace a este sitio.
Mr. Gela
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Last update


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