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Pokémon holding Mail

Pokémon holding Mail 2017-02-20

Pokémon Essentials Version
v16.2 ➖
What's this?
One of the cutests, yet often unused/overlooked features (perhaps for a good reason, as online trading isn't a common thing in Pokémon Essentials games) is Mail. Yes. Mails are coded into the game, and there's plenty of backgrounds on your /Pictures/ folder for each item. With this small resource, we'll learn how to create a Pokémon holding a Mail from another trainer. You can use this in a Pokémon trade, or perhaps in a gift Pokémon.

Show me the goods!

Since there are many lines, and you might want to alter the gift/trade Pokémon further, we are going to create a new script/method. Create a new script section above "Main" (I usually just have a "multi-purpose" called "Misc. Scripts").

I'm going to assume you know how to edit a Pokémon. If you need an example, check the Pokémon Fan Club example map.

We are going to create a new Pokémon and instead of edits its moves, level, etc, we're just going to focus on the item and how to create the mail parameters which are:
- Writer's name (usually another trainer)
- Up to three Pokémon displayed (usually the trainer's)
- A message. Read here for text formatting information.

For the purpose of this tutorial, we are creating a Level 30 Bulbasaur holding a Bubble Mail, with a set message from trainer Mr. Gela, and displaying three Pokémon.

Expand Collapse Copy
def giveMailMon
	msg="Wahee! This is my text.\nPretty cool, huh?"
	# If you have shiny menu icons, make the other Pokémon shiny after these three lines:
	poke1=[poke.species,poke.gender,poke.isShiny?,(poke.form rescue 0),(poke.isShadow? rescue false)]
	poke2=[pokeb.species,pokeb.gender,pokeb.isShiny?,(pokeb.form rescue 0),(pokeb.isShadow? rescue false)]
	poke3=[pokec.species,pokec.gender,pokec.isShiny?,(pokec.form rescue 0),(pokec.isShadow? rescue false)]
	p.mail=PokemonMail.new(p.item,msg,"Mr. Gela",poke1,poke2,poke3)

To call this new method, just write "giveMailMon" in a script call inside an event.

Please credit if used to:

Mr. Gela

Please do not redistribute this anywhere resource anywhere else. If you wish to share this, link to this site.


Por favor da créditos si lo utilizas a:
Mr. Gela

Por favor no redistribuyas este recurso en ningún otro lugar. Si quieres compartir esto, utiliza un enlace a este sitio.
Mr. Gela
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