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Resources by TechSkylander1518

Bug Prevention TechSkylander1518
Some simple steps you can take to try to make it easier to deal with bugs.
How to play a Pokémon fan game TechSkylander1518
  • Featured
I see a lot of people asking so I figured it'd be nice to just a quick link to give lol
The Chakra Clinic Resource Pack TechSkylander1518
Character portraits, overworld sprites, and a customizable base!
Egg Cycles for Pokémon TechSkylander1518
Just a quick attempt to make categories so you don't have to do guesswork when assigning egg cycles
Character Customizing Pack: Watering TechSkylander1518
An add-on to Poltergeist's resource with some assets for a watering can sprite!
Character Customization Pack: Swimming TechSkylander1518
An add-on to Poltergeist's resource with some assets for a swimming sprite!
Altering the hue of just part of a sprite TechSkylander1518
Change the colors of specific parts of a sprite while leaving the rest intact!
Code to display IV/EVs, and a description of how these lines of code work.
Customizing the text of the stat screen, including displaying IVs/EVs