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Pokémon Emerald UI Pack

v21.1 Pokémon Emerald UI Pack 1.2

This resource pertains to version 21.1 of Pokémon Essentials.
Made the plugin function in v21.1.
The script now comes as a plugin rather than seperate scripts, this is for easier plug and play!
  • Removed crash regarding pbRegisterComparator in the Pokédex script
  • Made the scripts slightly more bit sized (they add on the original scripts rather than completely overwriting them)
  • Fixed an issue with displaying the ABLE and NOT ABLE annotations in the part screen
  • Pokémon will now slide correctly when switching them in the party
  • Pokémon will no longer be skipped when scrolling through them in the party screen (this was due to Hotfixes overwriting it)
I held this off for a little bit. But I've finished the Pokédex UI, the screen now animates as you scroll through. As well as made it so the pokeball on the left rolls as you scroll (much like in emerald). The slider previously didn't work, which has been resolved. And finally added a custom UI for the search screen.

Do note: If you do use the Pokédex UI, make sure to credit @ENLS. He's been a huge help in making it, he animated the pokemon preview as well as did the heavy lifting on making the Pokéball roll.