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Fusion Mechanics

v21.1 Fusion Mechanics 1.2

This resource pertains to version 21.1 of Pokémon Essentials.
Pokémon Essentials Version
v21.1 ✅
Merry Christmas!

This plugin allows players the ability to fuse any two Pokémon and combine their attributes, without requiring you to include each fusion as its own species within the pokemon.txt PBS file. This is accomplished by the creation of a new FusedPokemon subclass of the Pokemon class, that stores the two Pokémon as attributes, and then calculating its stats dynamically from those pieces.

This plugin does generate sprites on-the-fly when you need them. Rather than using the Japeal algorithm (that I don't know), it merely slices each sprite in half and puts one on top of the other.
Please note, though, that when the sprite is generated, it will be invisible in-game until you reset your game. Not sure why Essentials 21.1 doesn't load images that did not exist at the time of the game being launched.
You are able to include custom sprites, by adding them to the Graphics/Fusions/Battlers/Custom folder. There are a few sprites already included in the folder - specifically to make sure that Square Mewtwo has access to both of its Mega Evolutions as sprites, and the Kanto starters + Gengar have access to both their Megas and their GMaxes.

This plugin has been tested to be compatible with:
https://japeal.com/pkm/ for the original fusion generator to inspire this and Infinite Fusion (also source of the plugin icon)
Mathoo/Rot8er_ConeX for the plugin
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