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Enhanced Pokemon UI [v21.1]

v21.1 Enhanced Pokemon UI [v21.1] v1.0.6

This resource pertains to version 21.1 of Pokémon Essentials.
Pokémon Essentials Version
v21.1 ✅
Enhanced Pokemon UI for v21.1
Adds various small improvements to several Pokemon UI's, such as the Party, Summary, and Storage screens.


This plugin enhances several of the base UI screens in Essentials that deal with displaying Pokemon information by adding new features or displays that aren't included in base Essentials. Each of these features can be turned on/off, so you can mix and match which features you want to include.

Here's a breakdown of each UI addition included in this plugin:

  • Party Screen
    Party Ball Icons
    The Poke Ball icons that appear next to each Pokemon in this UI will now match the ball that the Pokemon was captured in. In the default UI, this ball image was always a normal Poke Ball, but this plugin allows for all official Poke Balls to be displayed. Any custom Poke Balls you include can be displayed as well, as long as you add the appropriate graphics for them.
  • Summary Screen
    • Shiny Leaf
      Each page of the Summary now displays the total number of Shiny Leaves the Pokemon has collected. Shiny Leaves was a cosmetic feature introduced in HGSS that has been replicated by this plugin.

    • Happiness Meter
      On the info page of the Summary, a heart gauge is now displayed at the bottom of the screen to indicate the current happiness level of the Pokemon.

    • Legacy Data
      On the memo page of the Summary, there is now a new choice in the Options menu that allows you to pull up a window that displays various statistics related to the Pokemon that are now tracked by the game.

    • IV Ratings
      On the stats page of the Summary, there are now icons that appear next to each stat that indicate the IV quality of each respective stat.

    • Enhanced Stats Display
      While viewing the stats page of the Summary, you can toggle between the normal stat view and the Enhanced stat view. The Enhanced stat view will display EV/IV information for each stat, as well as the total remaining EV's left to allocate and Hidden Power type.
  • Storage Screen
    • Shiny Leaf
      Each Pokemon's Shiny Leaf count is now displayed in the storage screen, similar to how it's displayed in the Summary screen.

    • IV Ratings
      A series of icons appear below each Pokemon to indicate the quality of its IV's. These are the same icons that are displayed in the Summary.

Plugin Features
  • Enhances the Poke Ball display in the party menu, allowing each ball sprite to reflect the ball the Pokemon is caught in, rather than always using a generic Poke Ball.
  • Adds functionality for the shiny leaves and shiny crown introduced in HGSS. These may be displayed in the Summary and Storage screens.
  • A debug tool is included to allow you to freely manipulate the number of shiny leaves on a Pokemon.
  • Displays graphics on the info page of the Summary screen to indicate the current level of happiness the Pokemon has.
  • Displays graphics in the Summary/Storage screens to indicate the quality of the Pokemon's IV's. This can be toggled between using stars or letters to indicate quality.
  • A new toggleable display in the stats page of the Summary screen to display EV/IV information, as well as Hidden Power type.
  • Adds a new "Legacy Data" option on the memo page of the Summary. This pulls up a new window that displays statistics of each particular Pokemon, such as how many items it has consumed in its lifetime, how many times its KO'd an opponent, and much more.

  • First, download and install the latest version of my Modular UI Scenes plugin, if you don't already have it. This is required for this plugin to run.
  • Next, download this plugin using the link provided and extract its contents to your root Essentials folder so that both the Graphics and Plugins folders in the download merge with their equivalent folders in your project.

Plugin Tutorial
Party Ball Icons

In base Essentials, the party screen will always display a generic Poke Ball icon next to each Pokemon. With this plugin however, each Pokemon will now have a graphic displayed matching the particular Poke Ball type that it was caught in. The graphics for each Poke Ball type is stored in Graphics/Plugins/Enhanced Pokemon UI/Party Ball. If you'd like to add graphics for new ball types, or replace the provided graphics with something else, you may do so here. This plugin comes with graphics for all of the Poke Ball types that are defined in base Essentials - including the Beast Ball. There is also a graphic included for the Park Ball, which only appeared once in the series for use in the Pal Park in Gen 4. This ball isn't found in Essentials by default, but it's there if you want to use it.

If you decide that you'd rather not display these Party Ball icons, or you'd prefer to keep it the way it functions normally in base Essentials, you may turn this feature off by simply opening the Settings file in the plugin folder, and setting SHOW_PARTY_BALL to false.

HGSS Shiny Leaf
HGSS introduced an often overlooked mechanic that allowed your follower Pokemon to rarely discover a "shiny leaf" while walking. Each shiny leaf the Pokemon found would be displayed in its Summary. Once the Pokemon found 6 shiny leaves, it would be fashioned into a crown that would be displayed instead. This is pretty much entirely just a fun little cosmetic feature, but there's no reason why it couldn't be reworked into something more meaningful. Regardless of how you choose to implement it - if at all - this plugin provides all the basic mechanics for its implementation, as well as all the necessary UI displays.

In both the Summary and Storage screens, the number of shiny leaves a Pokemon has accrued will be displayed. If the Pokemon has collected enough shiny leaves to make a crown, this crown will also be displayed. If you would like to hide either display, you may do so by setting SUMMARY_SHINY_LEAF and STORAGE_SHINY_LEAF to "false", respectively. These may be found in the plugin Settings.


To set a shiny leaf on a Pokemon, a Debug tool has been provided to allow you to manually set the number of leaves that you want. This can be found within "Cosmetic info..." in the Pokemon's debug menu.

Setting shiny leaves on a pokemon through a script is as easy as just setting Pokemon#shiny_leaf equal to a number, where Pokemon# refers to a defined Pokemon object. If set to a number equal to or greater than 6, the Pokemon will be given a shiny crown. Note that all this plugin does is allow for the possibility of shiny leaves to be set and displayed. No mechanics are in place to actually give Pokemon shiny leaves through gameplay (such as followers finding them while walking). How to implement these shiny leaves is up for you to decide.

If you want to call this Shiny Leaf display to be used in another UI, you can do so by simply using
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pbDisplayShinyLeaf(pokemon, overlay, xpos, ypos, vertical)
Where the arguments require the following:
  • A Pokemon object.
  • The bitmap that this display should be drawn over (usually an overlay bitmap in most UI's).
  • The X and Y positions for this display.
  • Whether or not you want the shiny leaf icons to align vertically (true), or horizontally, like in the Summary screen/Pokedex (false). Note that this doesn't have any effect on how the shiny crown is displayed.

Happiness Meter
Usually, a Pokemon's happiness levels are hidden from the player, and they must visit an NPC to gauge this information. This plugin eliminates that need by implementing a feature in the Info page of each Pokemon's Summary that displays a meter that indicates each Pokemon's happiness levels. This "meter" is a row of four heart icons. The more happy the Pokemon is, the more these hearts will fill up. Each full heart is the equivalent of roughly 64 happiness points.


If you want to call this Happiness meter to be used in another UI, you can do so by simply using
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pbDisplayHappiness(pokemon, overlay, xpos, ypos)
Where the arguments require the following:
  • A Pokemon object.
  • The bitmap that this display should be draw over (usually an overlay bitmap in most UI's).
  • The X and Y positions for this display.

If you want to disable this meter from appearing, you may simply set SUMMARY_HAPPINESS_METER to false in the plugin settings.

Legacy Data
In the memo page of the Summary, a new choice will appear in the Options menu called "View legacy". When selected, this will pull up a new window that displays a variety of information related to that Pokemon. These statistics record everything related to this Pokemon throughout its entire history - from the moment of obtaining it, up to the present. This is meant to make each Pokemon feel a little more unique and personalized, by allowing you to see its entire legacy at a glance.




Here's a breakdown of each statistic that is tracked in this menu:

  • General
    This page tracks basic statistics related to the Pokemon.
    • Total time in party: Tracks the total time this Pokemon has spent in an active party. This tracker is paused whenever the Pokemon is deposited in storage or in the Day Care. Time spent while paused doesn't count. Note that if you have some custom gameplay mechanic that temporarily removes a Pokemon from your party, you'll have to account for this so that this tracker works properly. This can be done by running this script Pokemon#update_party_time prior to removing the Pokemon, and then running Pokemon#last_update_time = System.uptime upon receiving it again. Note that Pokemon# in these instances refers to the specific Pokemon object you're editing.

    • Items consumed: Tracks the total number of items this Pokemon has consumed. This includes items used on it directly from the bag both on the field and in battle, as well as held items the Pokemon consumed on its own. Only consumable items count towards this total. TM's and TR's don't count towards this total, even if they are consumable.

    • Moves learned: Tracks the total number of moves this Pokemon has learned. Note that this counts any time a new move is added to the Pokemon's moveset, and doesn't discriminate between moves it has already learned in the past. So for example, if a Pokemon learns a move, and then later on you teach that same move to it again after deleting it, that will count as 2 moves learned even though it was the same move.

    • Eggs produced: Tracks the total number of eggs this Pokemon has parented. Any time an egg is produced in the Day Care, both the mother and father who are deposited in the Day Care will have this count increase by 1.

    • Number of times traded: Tracks the total number of times this Pokemon was traded. This doesn't discriminate based on trainer ID's; meaning that if the Pokemon is traded back to its original trainer, that will still count towards this tally as a new trade.

  • Battle History
    This page tracks battle statistics specific to this Pokemon.
    • Opponents defeated: Tracks the number of opposing Pokemon that this Pokemon has KO'd with a direct attack. KO's that occurred through indirect damage such as poison do not count towards this tally.

    • Number of times fainted: Tracks the number of times this Pokemon has fainted in battle through any means.

    • Supereffective hits dealt: Tracks the number of times this Pokemon dealt Super Effective damage to another Pokemon.

    • Critical hits dealt: Tracks the number of times this Pokemon scored a critical hit on another Pokemon.

    • Total number of retreats: Tracks the total number of times this Pokemon switched out of battle, fled from a wild Pokemon, or forfeited a trainer battle.

  • Team History
    This page tracks battle statistics related to this Pokemon while it was battling as part of a team.
    • Trainer battle victories: Tracks the number of trainer battles won while this Pokemon was in the party.

    • Gym Leader battle victories: Tracks the number of battles won versus a Gym Leader while this Pokemon was in the party. Gym Leader battles count towards the "Trainer battle victories" tally above, too. A Gym Leader battle is determined by checking if the name of the opponent's trainer type is set as "Gym Leader". This is handled in the trainer_types.txt PBS file.

    • Wild legendary battle victories: Tracks the number of wild legendary or mythical Pokemon that were captured or defeated while this Pokemon was in the party. Ultra Beast and Paradox species don't count towards this total. Legendary or Mythical Pokemon are determined by checking if a species has the flags "Legendary" or "Mythical" set in its data in the pokemon.txt PBS file.

    • Total Hall of Fame inductions: Tracks the number of times this Pokemon was part of a party that was inducted into the Hall of Fame.

    • Total draws or losses: Tracks the total number of times this Pokemon was part of a party that lost to an opponent (trainer or wild), or ended the battle in a draw.

If you want to disable the option for Legacy Data from appearing in the Options menu, you may simply set SUMMARY_LEGACY_DATA to false in the plugin settings.

IV Ratings
The quality of a Pokemon's IV's may now be displayed in both the Summary and Storage screens. However, this isn't displayed with exact numbers. Instead a graphic is displayed to indicate the general quality of the stat. There's two different styles in which this may be done.

The default style uses different colored stars to indicate quality, ranging from bronze to gold. The second style uses a letter grading system instead, from "F" up to "S". Here's what both styles look like in-game:


Here's a breakdown of what each IV Rating indicates:

  • Empty Star, or "F" Grade
    Indicates this stat has an IV of 0.

  • Bronze Star, or "D" Grade
    Indicates this stat has an IV in the range of 1-15.

  • Silver Star, or "C" Grade
    Indicates this stat has an IV in the range of 16-24.

  • Gold Star, or "B" Grade
    Indicates this stat has an IV in the range of 25-29.

  • Large Gold Star, or "A" Grade
    Indicates this stat has an IV of 30.

  • Large Orange Star, or "S" Grade
    Indicates this stat has an IV of 31.

To control which style displays in your game, you may do so by setting IV_DISPLAY_STYLE in the plugin settings to 0 for the star layout, or 1 for letters. If you'd prefer not to show IV Ratings in the Summary screen at all, you may toggle this off by setting SUMMARY_IV_RATINGS to "false" in the plugin settings.

In addition to the Summary display, IV Ratings may also display in the Pokemon Storage screen. Here, the star or letter graphics will be displayed in the bottom left corner of the display window of the Pokemon's sprite. They will be listed in the order that the Pokemon's stats are listed in the Summary. If you'd prefer not to show IV Ratings in the Storage screen, you may toggle this off by setting STORAGE_IV_RATINGS to "false" in the plugin settings.


If you want to call this IV Rating display to be used in another UI, you can do so by simply using
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pbDisplayIVRatings(pokemon, overlay, xpos, ypos, horizontal)
Where the arguments require the following:
  • A Pokemon object.
  • The bitmap that this display should be drawn over (usually an overlay bitmap in most UI's).
  • The X and Y positions for this display.
  • Whether or not the display should align horizontally, like in the Storage screen (true), or vertically, like in the Summary screen (false).

Enhanced Stats Display
On the stats page in the Summary, pressing the USE key will now allow you to toggle between the default display and an Enhanced display. In this new display, EV and IV information will be displayed next to each stat, instead of their raw values. To access this display, you must first turn the game switch on that corresponds to the number set in ENHANCED_STATS_SWITCH. Change this number in the settings if it overlaps with an existing game switch you use.


The numbers on the left of the divider for each stat indicate the number of EV's allocated to that stat, while the number on the right of the divider indicates the IV of that stat. Below, the line "EV/IV Totals" displays the combined total EV's and IV's for all stats, while the line "EV's Remaining" displays the number of EV's that are still available to allocate on the Pokemon. Finally, the last line will display the Pokemon's Hidden Power type, based on its IV distribution.
First release
Last update


5.00 star(s) 3 ratings

More resources from Lucidious89

Latest updates

  1. v1.0.6 Update

    Tweaked how Legacy data is stored and saved to fix inheritance issues with Shedinja after evolution.
  2. v1.0.5 Update

    Fixed an error that would prevent the shiny star icon from appearing in the PC Storage UI.
  3. v1.0.4 Update

    NOTE If you already have this plugin installed, you MUST delete your existing plugin files...