• Hi, Guest!
    Some images might be missing as we move away from using embedded images, sorry for the mess!
    From now on, you'll be required to use a third party to host images. You can learn how to add images here, and if your thread is missing images you can request them here.
    Do not use Discord to host any images you post, these links expire quickly!
Arcky's Graphic Transparancy

v21.1 Arcky's Graphic Transparancy v2.0.0

This resource pertains to version 21.1 of Pokémon Essentials.
This new update is a revamped version from the old script that I made a while back so if you have the old one installed, please uninstall it before installing this update. The plugin is named differently though but having both plugins might cause issues.
I discovered this bug recently while testing my current project and I noticed that it wasn't working correctly, but now it is. :) This update isn't necessarily if you don't use this array.
thanks to No Pro Bro for reporting this issue. :)