Can you handle the cutthroat and perilous trials set forth by the judges?
This is IRON MAPPER: Relic Castle's mapping competition!
Trial II. Mountain Map
Deadline: Monday, May 29th 2017
Iron Mapper
Iron Mapper is a mapping competition on Relic Castle. Each mapping competition, otherwise known as a "trial", will have a deadline clearly stated, and you will have this time to complete and submit a map according to the theme and criteria of the trial. Once all submitted maps are judged after the deadline (this depends on the volume of entries, usually a few days), the judges will post the results, and prepare for the next trial.
For more information (overall rules, how judging works, a list of trials) please visit this thread.
Trial II. Mountain Map
Deadline: Monday, May 29th 2017
Ah, mountains. Everyone seems to hate mapping mountains. Naturally, every trial would be about mountains if we could have our way, but our sponsors would cut our funding. Pity. Either way, your task for this trial is to make a map that involves at least one mountain. You could even have more than one if you so desire. It's entirely up to you!
Good luck!
The following criteria must be met:
- Your map can be made with any tileset you want provided the tiles are public. You must include credits for the tiles with your submission if they aren't your own.
- Your map cannot exceed 90x90 tiles.
Your judges for this trial are:
@Atomic Reactor
A tip from the judges:
"Having a different tile for traversable areas can help break up repetitive textures on a mountain."

Submitting your Entry
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