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Completed Pokémon: Salt & Shadow

This project is complete. Any future revisions will be bug fixes or small updates.
Project Status
Project Version


Are you ready for a new challenge?

Defy the perils of Cradle Island in Pokémon: Salt & Shadow. Explore a vast, interconnected world with dozens of possible paths to the end. Be warned, the challenges ahead are unfair and some may seem truly impossible.

1. Just 13 Days Remain
Each time you rest to heal your fainted Pokémon, time advances one day. There are only 13 days left until the end of the world. Players will have to use their items, minimize damage, and make strategic sacrifices to get the most out of every day.
2. Pokémon Can’t Gain XP in Battle
Build a team from the Pokémon available in the areas you’ve unlocked. Use them to defeat the trainers that block access to higher level areas. The best way to improve your team’s power is to catch a higher level Pokémon. This means your team is always changing, your strategies always adapting.
3. Summon the Legends
The legendary Pokémon abandoned the world to ruin. Only offerings from those with the will to defy fate can bring them back. Catch specific sets of Pokémon to perform the summoning rituals, then call the legends to fight by your side.
4. Metroidvania-Style World
The world is filled with branching paths, shortcuts, secrets, and side-quests. Explore the many branching paths and defeat their guardians to unlock new areas. Optional mini-bosses guard unique rewards such as a Seamother's Tear (which can make a Pokémon of any level evolve) and the Omega Ring (which lets players mega-evolve once per TURN instead of once per battle).
5. Build for Double Battles
Nearly every challenge in Salt & Shadow is a double battle. This opens new team-building possibilities and gives players far more options on every turn. PvE players rarely get to explore the many doubles-specific moves and mechanics. This is a great introduction for players new to the format, while veterans can play on the game’s harder difficulty: Perish Mode.

Quick Facts
  • Playtime: Typically between 15-40 hours, depending on how many optional quests you do.
  • Uses Pokémon up through Gen 8 (Sword & Shield).
  • TMs can be used on any Pokémon with a matching type! Some new movesets are available, strictly adding to existing ones.
  • Run from trainer battles! Scout ahead and prepare for the foes to come.
  • Created with Pokemon Essentials v19.1, featuring Generation 8 Project.

How to Download

  1. Click the link above.
  2. The PkmnSalt&Shadow.zip file should download automatically. (If it doesn't, there should be a "Download" button you can press)
  3. Once the PkmnSalt&Shadow.zip file has been downloaded, open it and press the Extract All button. (You can also open your Downloads folder, right click it, and click "Extract All...") It will extract the game files into the location of your choice.
  4. In the location you chose (default is Downloads/PkmnSalt&Shadow), run Game.exe. If Windows SmartScreen tries to stop you, you may need to press "More Info" and then "Run anyway".
Developer Discord Server

Want to ask questions, leave feedback, or just chat with the devs? We'd love to have you. You can join the Salt & Shadow discord server here.

Who the heck are you guys?

We're a group of friends that did a game jam about "Pokémon meets Dark Souls" and it turned into a one-year-long project. We've had so much fun working on it, testing out all the various routes and finding new ways to overcome the game's many challenges. Each time we did, we made things a little harder.


Pokémon: Salt & Shadow:
Created By:
Benjamin Arvey
Reuben Covington
Dan Felder
Will Kolada

Featuring art by:
Sis Calypsis
Alice Fae

Pokémon Music from:
ENLS's Pre-Looped Music Library

Special Thanks to:
Zinnia and the Pokémon Tectonic team
Aleco Pors

Pokemon Essentials v19.1:
"Pokémon Essentials" was created by:
Poccil (Peter O.)

With contributions from:
AvatarMonkeyKirby, Boushy, Brother1440, FL., Genzai Kawakami, Golisopod User, help-14, IceGod64, Jacob O. Wobbrock, KitsuneKouta, Lisa Anthony, Luka S.J., Marin, MiDas Mike, Near Fantastica, PinkMan, Popper, Rataime, Savordez, SoundSpawn, the__end, Venom12, Wachunga, and everyone else who helped out

Based on MKXP by Ancurio et al.

"RPG Maker XP" by:

Generation 8 Project:
  • Battler Sprites:
    • Gen 1-5 Pokemon Sprites - veekun
    • Gen 6 Pokemon Sprites - All Contributors To Smogon X/Y Sprite Project
    • Gen 7 Pokemon Sprites - All Contributors To Smogon Sun/Moon Sprite Project
    • Gen 8 Pokemon Sprites - All Contributors To Smogon Sword/Shield Sprite Project
    • Gen 6 Pokemon Overworlds - princess-pheonix, LunarDusk, Wolfang62, TintjeMadelintje101, piphybuilder88
    • Gen 7 Pokemon Overworlds - Larry Turbo, princess-pheonix
    • Gen 8 Pokemon Overworlds - SageDeoxys, Wolfang62
    • Gen 1-5 Pokemon Overworlds - MissingLukey, help-14, Kymoyonian, cSc-A7X, 2and2makes5, Pokegirl4ever, Fernandojl, Silver-Skies, TyranitarDark, Getsuei-H, Kid1513, Milomilotic11, Kyt666, kdiamo11, Chocosrawlooid, Syledude, Gallanty, Gizamimi-Pichu, 2and2makes5, Zyon17,LarryTurbo, spritesstealer

Gen 9 Move Animation Project:
Thanks to the Reborn team for letting people use their resources. You are awesome.
Gen 8 Animation Project lead by StCooler, with additional contributions by DarrylBD99, WolfPP, ardicoozer, riddlemeree
Thanks to BellBlitzKing for his Pokemon Sound Effects Pack: Gen 1 to Gen 7 - All Attacks SFX.
Gen 9 Animation Project led by KRLW890 and Nut0066, with additional contributions by Toxillian, QuahogTheCreator, Lcorp, and Shashu-Greninja

Plugin Credits:
Advanced HM Items (modified, v1.0.1)
Moyo, Marin, http404error

Auto Multi Save (v1.2)

v19.1 Hotfixes (v1.0.7)

Additional assets:
Crystal sprite by AntumDeluge (OpenGameArt.org, CC0)
Nurse Joy sprite by PokeJosh (DeviantArt)
Summit View assets by Szadi Art (itch.io)
Selected LA and Gen 9 sprites by KingOfThe-X-Roads, KattenK, G.E.Z. (smogon.com)
Underwater Ambience sound by Tim Verberne


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Discord: http404error#4585
Aug 25, 2022
Salt & Shadow has been updated to version 1.6.0.
  • Added a massive move animation pack. Moves all have cool unique animations and sounds now!
  • Perish Mode has been restored to its full intended difficulty. Previously, there was a bug preventing it from increasing all the stats correctly. Even though enemy levels may seem slightly lower now, this may be a sharp increase in the difficulty of Perish Mode; beware!
  • Graphical overhauls for Skyspear Summit and Distant Light.
  • The Champion has gotten some new tricks. Don't worry about it.
  • Fixed bug with Ability Capsule that wouldn't let you switch to the second ability (this issue was introduced in 1.5.3).
  • IVs have been set to all 15s everywhere.
  • The Mountain Lord requires an additional vassal now.
  • Fixed the Mountain Lord being able to evolve, which wasn't intended.
  • Recolored a lot of commonly used tiles.
  • Some niche improvements to battle AI.
  • Fixed a secret Pokemon causing an unintended crash (this issue was introduced in 1.5.4).
  • Remove the grass rustle animation which was a common source of lag spikes.
  • Minor fix to terrain immunity effect messages.
  • You can look through the binoculars in Climber's Rest.
  • Added some new books and signs to ensure that new players remember to run away from battles and learn to use the map to hunt for offerings. Improved communication at the ending too.


Discord: http404error#4585
Aug 25, 2022
Salt & Shadow has been updated to version 1.6.1.
  • The final Elite 4 member has honed some new techniques!
  • You can now nickname Pokémon any time from your party screen. Names can be 12 characters long now, too.
  • The Champion has installed Memory Reservoirs in his Throne.
  • Added a new optional boss as a reward for taking certain actions.
  • Fix some issues with a few move animations having unintended colored boxes or leaving the user invisible or playing backwards.
  • New animations for some moves. Adjust some long and/or very bright moves.
  • Ability Capsules and Patches are now moved to the first bag pocket. This should make it clearer that you can use them in the throne.
  • Fix a glitch with the lake cabin's Memory Reservoir.
  • Polished various graphics.
  • An optional boss is more resistant.
  • Fix incorrect description for TM Rage Powder.
  • Some new dialogue for the archaeologist.
  • Improve some dialogue for an endgame secret.
  • Added an autosave point after the final Shadow Card battle.
  • Fix Fiery Wrath bypassing Protect effects.
  • Fix a spot where you could walk into the sky.
  • Brom's gift for humor leaves a mark.


Discord: http404error#4585
Aug 25, 2022
Salt & Shadow has been updated to version 1.6.4.

  • Made a lot of team adjustments to the last two Elite 4 members and the Champion. Added some Elite 4 lore. Something changed in Perish Mode.
  • Statues will now always produce a shiny if one of the offerings was shiny.
  • Added neat little intros to a few bosses.
  • Made it even clearer that playing Voltorb Flip has no reward.
  • New wild moveset for Clauncher.
  • TMs, Ability Patches, and Ability Capsules are no longer double price on Perish Mode.
  • Nidorino and Nidorina are now available in Deepwood.
  • Fixed an issue with the Queen of Orchids lacking held items. Adjusted an item for Camper Sleepy.
  • Some foes have alternate Poke Balls now.
  • A couple NPCs have new dialogue and behavior under certain conditions.
  • Trainer Pokémon will now have consistent Natures.
  • Various new graphics, many from Sis Calypsis again!
  • The AI will play around Wide Guard a little better now, after it sees you use it the first time.
  • Fixed some bugs, such as with the moves Quash and Nature's Madness.
  • Clarified text on pinch abilities and Rivalry.
  • Updated the Pickup item list again. No more useless Escape Ropes!
  • Gender and gender markers are totally gone now.
  • TM Hyper Beam added to Skyspear Climb shop.
  • Fixed the crash when wild Pokemon used a switch-out move.
  • Allow obtainment of Sirfetch'd.
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Discord: http404error#4585
Aug 25, 2022
The Moon has arrived!

Salt & Shadow has been updated to version 2.1.0.

  • You can now visit the Moon, to experience a series of new quests, characters, Pokémon, and more! There is additional content planned for the Moon which is currently blocked off.
    • The Moon is accessible from the Glade of the Moon in Deepwood Brushlands. It is intended to be visited at any time during your playthrough.
  • If Perish Mode is too much for you, you can disable it at any PC (it cannot be re-enabled except by reloading an older save).
  • Reworked item pockets. Held items are now in pocket 5. Mega Stones are now in pocket 6.
  • When you catch a Pokemon while your team is full, you can now view its summary and your team's summaries before choosing which Pokemon to send to the PC.
  • The ability Corrosion has been buffed and renamed to Ultra-Caustic.
  • Reworded many abilities to explain more of their function. Narrowed ability description text font to fit more in.
  • Combined the gendered forms of Indeedee and Meowstic. Nidoran is unchanged.
  • Messages in the Champion's Throne have been updated to tell you more about the boss run.
  • The Light of the Abyss statue has been deactivated.
  • Renaming a Pokemon that's already been nicknamed now pre-populates the field with the previous nickname.
  • Updated sprites for the False Professor and the Queen of Orchids.
  • Triple Battles no longer have range limits or Shifting (there was only one in the game anyways).
  • A certain card has had its stats altered. Archibald adjusted. Fixed issues with Suit's intro battle and quest progression. Fixed bug with Lara's tourney dialogue which caused most players to miss a lot of it.
  • Small tweaks to Warren and the true final boss. Fixed missing checkpoint in ending.
  • Super Nerd Scotty in the Deepwood (the one with the Voltorb) has been adjusted and given a better reward.
  • New Shellder wild moveset. Kecleon in Queen's Garden in place of Lickilicky. Chansey removed from Queen's Garden. Indeedee moveset/learnset adjusted.
  • TM Hyper Beam added to Queen's Garden shop. (Was missing from patch 1.6.4)
  • Fix bug with Instruct.
  • Added something to marts.
  • Fix Lock On and No Guard not working with OHKO moves.
  • Fix Flame Orb/Toxic Orb overriding existing statuses.
  • Improve auto-targeting logic for the ability of the Pokemon you get in Genesis Cavern.
  • Added underwater ambience to opening sequence.
  • Various other minor fixes and improvements.
  • Fix an issue that caused a book to turn into a horse. It was probably unintended behavior. I think.
  • The version number is now shown on the title screen.


Jan 3, 2025
Has anyone found the answer to the riddle "What is less than nameless" in the Tunnel of Nowhere on The Moon yet? Are there particular hints that i'm missing? (I read all the books i could find on The Moon, maybe i'm looking in the wrong area?)
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Jan 3, 2025
Has anyone found the answer to the riddle "What is less than nameless" in the Tunnel of Nowhere on The Moon yet? Are there particular hints that i'm missing? (I read all the books i could find on The Moon, maybe i'm looking in the wrong area?)
Nevermind I figured it out.


Feb 20, 2021
The game blew me away! the eeriness, the secrets, the plot, the challenge! all so unique and awesome!
If I may, one question: where are the hints for the crimson vanquisher and are there more secret ones like it?


Discord: http404error#4585
Aug 25, 2022
The game blew me away! the eeriness, the secrets, the plot, the challenge! all so unique and awesome!
If I may, one question: where are the hints for the crimson vanquisher and are there more secret ones like it?
You need to catch a certain kind of wild Pokemon. Try the Farmland as a starting point. That should set you on the right path.

There are many secrets in this game, but none which are very similar to this one. I encourage you to drop by the Discord if you want to talk through the full list of secrets and get hints about any you might be missing. Other players love to chat about that kind of thing.

Edit: Also, I am very glad that you enjoyed the game :)
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Discord: http404error#4585
Aug 25, 2022
Oops, I've forgotten to post updates in a while.

Salt & Shadow has been updated to version 2.1.7. Here are some highlighted patch changes from updates 2.1.1 through 2.1.7. The full list can be found on our Discord.
  • The Memory Reservoir menu will now include any compatible TMs in your bag.
  • Hail has been changed to Snow from Gen 9. (Instead of dealing damage to non-Ice types, Ice types get a +50% def boost.)
  • All happiness evolutions have been changed to level-ups.
  • While you are possessing an alternate vessel, you will automatically heal after every battle rather than only after certain trainer battles.
Other interesting updates:
  • You can now catch wild Bellsprout in the Shrine of Silent Gods instead of Jigglypuff.
  • Buffed Misty Explosion to 200 base power.
  • Golden Crown regains Geomancy.
  • A new interaction has been added to a quest NPC in the post game.
  • Updated some music and graphics for the Feverthorn Jungle and Queen's Garden areas. Added a book to Lake Cabin.
  • TM Waterfall can now be found next to a waterfall.
  • Added honors for our artists and updated challenge run honors.


Jul 23, 2023
lol seems like this f up my save. don't know if it's intentional or not

After I finished my game beating MissingNo., my Darkrai got corrupted into a PorygonZ?, then I tried reloading the save to see what the ending was if I sacrificed myself, then my Darkrai in the Hall Of Fame got the name DATA~ERR.

Forgot to capture my Darkrai's name, but it looks like this.
View: https://imgur.com/a/7c9uJX9
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Discord: http404error#4585
Aug 25, 2022
lol seems like this f up my save. don't know if it's intentional or not

After I finished my game beating MissingNo., my Darkrai got corrupted into a PorygonZ?, then I tried reloading the save to see what the ending was if I sacrificed myself, then my Darkrai in the Hall Of Fame got the name DATA~ERR.

Forgot to capture my Darkrai's name, but it looks like this.
View: https://imgur.com/a/7c9uJX9

What do you think? :)