- Views: 64,782
- Replies: 248
Pokémon: Chaos in Vesita 1.1.5
Playtime: 35-40 hrs
-About German Version-
Ich habe mich wirklich sehr auf die englische Version fixiert, weshalb die deutsche Version etwas darunter leiden musste.
Das Spiel ist sehr "denglisch", da ich viele Sachen im Script und im RPG Maker selber ändern musste für die internationale Version.
Ich versuche in Zukunft aber noch eine komplett deutsche Version zu releasen.
Das Spiel ist sehr "denglisch", da ich viele Sachen im Script und im RPG Maker selber ändern musste für die internationale Version.
Ich versuche in Zukunft aber noch eine komplett deutsche Version zu releasen.
Hello, I‘m a german fan game creator ready to release his third fan game. As a huge Pokémon fan I was always interested in creating cities or landscapes so when I discovered the RPG Maker XP and the Pokémon Essentials kit (V.17) my new obsession started. I'm doing everything on my own from mapping, writing, spriting and eventmaking. With the given material of many talented spriters and composers I was able to create a beautiful Pokémon game which kinda feels like an homage to our Nintendo childhood. I've been inspired by the release of brilliant diamond to take a step back and appreciate the wonderful memories these games gave us and to turn it into a new and colorful adventure.
The game mainly focuses on the 6th gen Pokémon and features, very underrated in my opinion!
The game mainly focuses on the 6th gen Pokémon and features, very underrated in my opinion!
Far away from every known continent is an island located in the deepest blues of coral oceans. So rich of Pokémon and nature, life has evolved into the most beautiful ways all around the region. From 'the lungs of Vesita' the Saltu Jungle to the highest peaks of Vesita Mountains Pokémon, nature and people lived in harmony and peace.
No one knows how life on Vesita would have looked like if the shadow of chaos never striped the island. But it landed on here.
Errupting into chaos, life on Vesita would never be the same again. Pokémon turn against human while a new ice age emerged killing everything coming its way.
Hope is near, as two more shadows appear over the night sky of the fresh born chaos. Sent by the guardian of equality and balance they were able to defeat the chaos in a three year long war resulting into many innocent deaths. Dust has settled over Vesita and the story of the so called 'Savior-Pokémon' lives on to this day inspiring a whole new generation of people.
Your adventure starts with a huge surprise! An organisation called PokéVentur is offering you an once in a lifetime, all-inclusive trainer experience. As one of three lucky winners of a starcard you will travel around the region accompanied by the diligent helpers of PokéVentur. However things take a dark turn very fast.
Vesita is built on destruction, death, war but also hope. People from all over the region have gathered and formed another organisation called Team Duplica. Their leader is... one of a kind. He lost the presidental election to the admiring and charming Alexo. Team Duplica leader Master Ilan does everything in his power to get what he wants. Will you prevent him from birthing another chaos into the Vesita region?
+Discover the completely new 'Vesita' region
+A great cast of new characters
+Dive into a new storyline
+31 new Pokémon forms for Gen 6 Pokémon
+1 new legendary Fakemon
+16 Custom Mega Evolution for Gen 6 Pokémon
+1 HM item for every Field Move
+Speed Up button on Q-Key
+Gen 6 Exp Share (Exp All)
+Level Scaling (optional)
+Move Relearner inside PokéCenter PC
+Nature changing mints
+Encounter signs
+Nickname Pokémon from party
+PokéVentur quest system
+24/7 Gym
+New UI
+Casino, Triple Triad, Safari-Zone
+Story-heavy post game
+A great cast of new characters
+Dive into a new storyline
+31 new Pokémon forms for Gen 6 Pokémon
+1 new legendary Fakemon
+16 Custom Mega Evolution for Gen 6 Pokémon
+1 HM item for every Field Move
+Speed Up button on Q-Key
+Gen 6 Exp Share (Exp All)
+Level Scaling (optional)
+Move Relearner inside PokéCenter PC
+Nature changing mints
+Encounter signs
+Nickname Pokémon from party
+PokéVentur quest system
+24/7 Gym
+New UI
+Casino, Triple Triad, Safari-Zone
+Story-heavy post game
The Starter Trio
Many Regional Forms
Custom Mega Evolutions
The Vesita Region
-Post Game Guide-
Thanks so much guys!
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-Post Game Guide-
After beating the champion Marv waits outside your house and asks you to come with him to meet Gunter in his house in Altara Town.
There he will give you the Order Bell which you can use to summon Temprina at Peak Point.
Yveltal, Xerneas & Weather Orb
After encountering Temprina at Peak Point (Post Game) go back to Gunters house and Marv will ask you to summon the Savior-Pokémon.
Starting with Yveltal you will meet up at the Altara Temple to place the first artefact.
Then you meet up again at the Hanera Temple to place the second artifact which actually let's Yveltal appear.
After encountering Yveltal Marv asks you to go to Lake Brevis.
There you will place the third artifact on the shrine on your own.
Then head to the Aster Woods where Marv already awaits your arrival.
After putting the last artifact on the shrine Xerneas will appear and can be caught.
Marv will then ask you to meet him at the peak of the Igno Vulcano for a last battle.
After defeating Marv you'll receive the Weather Orb which we will come to later.
Zygarde & Vitado Ticket
Before your encounter with Temprina you'll find an item inside the Order Bell.
After the encounter head to Prof. Tribus in Flopetal Town where he will tell you something about his researches he's been doing throughout the game.
He asks you to collect the 10 Zygarde Cells and then bring them to Unitum Grotto on Isle of Unity.
Loaction of the 10 Zygarde Cells: Barmoss Town Trainerschool Backyard, Rockiff Steep Cliffs on the far east, Lostor Forest (Part beneath Vallis City) hidden behind a ledge and grass,
Lake Brevis behind the Brevis Cave, Route 7 blocked off by rock smash, Route 8 a little to the right from the small Duplex Hideout behind some water,
Venoa Marsh, close to where the Tame-Flower was found, Route 11 entrance to the Saltu Jungle, Route 13 close to Nanu Town blocked off by Rock Climb,
Goldvic Town (Pokémon League) close to Victory Road you have to surf
After encountering Zygarde go back to Tribus in Flopetal where he will hand you the Vitado Ticket.
You will find Kan in his house in Imperia City - Suburbs where he hands you the HM Dive.
Groudon, Kyogre, Rayquaza & Rematcher
Meet Alexo in his office in Imperia City and you can decide if you want to challenge Kyogre (Blue Crystal) or Groudon (Red Crystal) first.
For Kyogre head with the Blue Crystal to Lake Brevis inside the Brevis Cave where you can dive down and encounter it inside the Coral Fortress
For Groudon head with the Red Crystal to the Igno Vulcano and in the fourth room there is a strength stone to the left
which will lead you to the Magma Fortress.
After encountering each of them head back to Alexos office where he would like to meet you again at the center of Lostor Forest (the big part).
However he will only ask you if you obtained the Weather Orb from Marv. (Look at Yveltal, Xerneas & Weather Orb)
If so you'll place the Weather Orb on the mossy stone and Rayquaza appears, ready for battle.
After encountering Rayquaza Alexo will give you the Rematcher.
Rematches against Gym Leaders and the Elite Four
After obtaining the Rematcher from Alexo you can now rematch every Gym Leader in any order you like.
After defeating all eight of them you can head to the Pokémon League and face rematches against the Elite Four.
Found south to Nanu Town inside the Ardus Grove which was blocked off by an old man before.
Darkrai & Cresselia
Someones missing in front of the old mansion at the Tritanium Plateau. The little boy broke in and you have to get him out of there.
Talk to his sister then break through the door and follow him through the rooms until you meet Darkrai in the upper floor.
After escaping the little girl hands you the Lunar Wing.
Then during night time head with the Lunar Wing to Lux Glade and encounter Cresselia.
ATTENTION: This happens before the Post Game and cannot be done without further instructions:
You have to press a button inside the Duplex Headquarters in Pedraco City which activates a secret way inside the last room before Ilans Loft.
It leads to a painting behind some plants which you can examine and find the Azur Flute.
With that you can head to the top of Mt. Frigu and challenge Arceus there.
You can only enter Mt. Frigu after challenging the League once.
Flopetal Island & Vitado Island (Mew/Mewtwo/Entei/Suicune/Raikou)
After obtaining Dive from Kan and the Vitado Ticket from the Professor you can now head to Flopetal Island where you land in the village of Pavilla Ville.
There is the Scout headquarters located where you will be tasked with encountering a cookie thief (Mew) inside the Konterra Cave, to the west of the city.
After that you can head to Ventosa Town on Vitado Island where you will receive a key to the old lighthouse after listening to a story of an old man.
He sits next to the new lighthouse. Inside the old lighthouse talk to the statue and either Entei, Suicune or Raikou will appear.
Choosing Froakie as your starter, you'll encounter Raikou
Choosing Fennekin as your starter, you'll encounter Suicune
Choosing Chespin as your starter, you'll encounter Entei
Then head to Cape Fin up north and meet Tribus for a last battle.
After defeating him you'll obtain Mewtwo and you'll finish the game story wise now for 100%
After beating the champion Marv waits outside your house and asks you to come with him to meet Gunter in his house in Altara Town.
There he will give you the Order Bell which you can use to summon Temprina at Peak Point.
Yveltal, Xerneas & Weather Orb
After encountering Temprina at Peak Point (Post Game) go back to Gunters house and Marv will ask you to summon the Savior-Pokémon.
Starting with Yveltal you will meet up at the Altara Temple to place the first artefact.
Then you meet up again at the Hanera Temple to place the second artifact which actually let's Yveltal appear.
After encountering Yveltal Marv asks you to go to Lake Brevis.
There you will place the third artifact on the shrine on your own.
Then head to the Aster Woods where Marv already awaits your arrival.
After putting the last artifact on the shrine Xerneas will appear and can be caught.
Marv will then ask you to meet him at the peak of the Igno Vulcano for a last battle.
After defeating Marv you'll receive the Weather Orb which we will come to later.
Zygarde & Vitado Ticket
Before your encounter with Temprina you'll find an item inside the Order Bell.
After the encounter head to Prof. Tribus in Flopetal Town where he will tell you something about his researches he's been doing throughout the game.
He asks you to collect the 10 Zygarde Cells and then bring them to Unitum Grotto on Isle of Unity.
Loaction of the 10 Zygarde Cells: Barmoss Town Trainerschool Backyard, Rockiff Steep Cliffs on the far east, Lostor Forest (Part beneath Vallis City) hidden behind a ledge and grass,
Lake Brevis behind the Brevis Cave, Route 7 blocked off by rock smash, Route 8 a little to the right from the small Duplex Hideout behind some water,
Venoa Marsh, close to where the Tame-Flower was found, Route 11 entrance to the Saltu Jungle, Route 13 close to Nanu Town blocked off by Rock Climb,
Goldvic Town (Pokémon League) close to Victory Road you have to surf
After encountering Zygarde go back to Tribus in Flopetal where he will hand you the Vitado Ticket.
You will find Kan in his house in Imperia City - Suburbs where he hands you the HM Dive.
Groudon, Kyogre, Rayquaza & Rematcher
Meet Alexo in his office in Imperia City and you can decide if you want to challenge Kyogre (Blue Crystal) or Groudon (Red Crystal) first.
For Kyogre head with the Blue Crystal to Lake Brevis inside the Brevis Cave where you can dive down and encounter it inside the Coral Fortress
For Groudon head with the Red Crystal to the Igno Vulcano and in the fourth room there is a strength stone to the left
which will lead you to the Magma Fortress.
After encountering each of them head back to Alexos office where he would like to meet you again at the center of Lostor Forest (the big part).
However he will only ask you if you obtained the Weather Orb from Marv. (Look at Yveltal, Xerneas & Weather Orb)
If so you'll place the Weather Orb on the mossy stone and Rayquaza appears, ready for battle.
After encountering Rayquaza Alexo will give you the Rematcher.
Rematches against Gym Leaders and the Elite Four
After obtaining the Rematcher from Alexo you can now rematch every Gym Leader in any order you like.
After defeating all eight of them you can head to the Pokémon League and face rematches against the Elite Four.
Found south to Nanu Town inside the Ardus Grove which was blocked off by an old man before.
Darkrai & Cresselia
Someones missing in front of the old mansion at the Tritanium Plateau. The little boy broke in and you have to get him out of there.
Talk to his sister then break through the door and follow him through the rooms until you meet Darkrai in the upper floor.
After escaping the little girl hands you the Lunar Wing.
Then during night time head with the Lunar Wing to Lux Glade and encounter Cresselia.
ATTENTION: This happens before the Post Game and cannot be done without further instructions:
You have to press a button inside the Duplex Headquarters in Pedraco City which activates a secret way inside the last room before Ilans Loft.
It leads to a painting behind some plants which you can examine and find the Azur Flute.
With that you can head to the top of Mt. Frigu and challenge Arceus there.
You can only enter Mt. Frigu after challenging the League once.
Flopetal Island & Vitado Island (Mew/Mewtwo/Entei/Suicune/Raikou)
After obtaining Dive from Kan and the Vitado Ticket from the Professor you can now head to Flopetal Island where you land in the village of Pavilla Ville.
There is the Scout headquarters located where you will be tasked with encountering a cookie thief (Mew) inside the Konterra Cave, to the west of the city.
After that you can head to Ventosa Town on Vitado Island where you will receive a key to the old lighthouse after listening to a story of an old man.
He sits next to the new lighthouse. Inside the old lighthouse talk to the statue and either Entei, Suicune or Raikou will appear.
Choosing Froakie as your starter, you'll encounter Raikou
Choosing Fennekin as your starter, you'll encounter Suicune
Choosing Chespin as your starter, you'll encounter Entei
Then head to Cape Fin up north and meet Tribus for a last battle.
After defeating him you'll obtain Mewtwo and you'll finish the game story wise now for 100%
Thanks so much guys!
Join the community
-No sound for evolution
-No animated sprites for custom sprites
-Graphic glitches in Full Screen (can be solved by switching back and forth sizes)
-Teleportation field move does not work
-some move animations are missing
-No animated sprites for custom sprites
-Graphic glitches in Full Screen (can be solved by switching back and forth sizes)
-Teleportation field move does not work
-some move animations are missing
Please report any bugs/errors you find to this thread!
Have fun!
Pokémon Essentials V.17 by Maruno, Flameguru, Poccil
With contribution from: AvatarMonkeyKirby, Luka S.J., Boushy, MiDas Mike, Brother1440, Near Fantastica, FL., PinkMan, Genzai Kawakami, Popper, help-14, Rataime, IceGod64, SoundSpawn, Jacob O. Wobbrock, the__end, KitsuneKouta, Venom12, Lisa Anthony, Wachunga
EBS and Pause Menu by Lukas S.J.
With contribution from: Marin, Pokecheck.org, PinkCatDragon, Tebited15, BadSamaritan, WolfPP, redblueyellow, Damien, Issei Hyoudou, Nasasu, luckygirl88
BW Bag Menu by CharizardThree3, Ersassus, BadSamaritan
ProjectPokemon: Sound dump
SunakazeKun / AurumDeluxe
James Keaton
Icon sprites:
OW Sprites/Battle Sprites:
Neo Spritesman
Gen6 PBS/Battler Graphics/Cries:
PokéMarket Sprite:
Storage Graphics:
Nintendo Gamefreak
-Pokémon Selection-
-Unreal Time System-
-Encounter List-
Pokémon Essentials V.17 by Maruno, Flameguru, Poccil
With contribution from: AvatarMonkeyKirby, Luka S.J., Boushy, MiDas Mike, Brother1440, Near Fantastica, FL., PinkMan, Genzai Kawakami, Popper, help-14, Rataime, IceGod64, SoundSpawn, Jacob O. Wobbrock, the__end, KitsuneKouta, Venom12, Lisa Anthony, Wachunga
EBS and Pause Menu by Lukas S.J.
With contribution from: Marin, Pokecheck.org, PinkCatDragon, Tebited15, BadSamaritan, WolfPP, redblueyellow, Damien, Issei Hyoudou, Nasasu, luckygirl88
BW Bag Menu by CharizardThree3, Ersassus, BadSamaritan
ProjectPokemon: Sound dump
SunakazeKun / AurumDeluxe
James Keaton
Icon sprites:
OW Sprites/Battle Sprites:
Neo Spritesman
Gen6 PBS/Battler Graphics/Cries:
PokéMarket Sprite:
Storage Graphics:
Nintendo Gamefreak
-Pokémon Selection-
-Unreal Time System-
-Encounter List-
Last edited: