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A Pokémon fangame made using RPG Maker and Pokémon Essentials Join our discord for Updates, Information, and Help {Pokémon Deception Server} Story & Location What do you do when everyone around you is out to get you? Are your friends really your friends? The people who served you coffee, are they out to get you? Welcome to the ... Region. Well actually its 4 separate regions. Orion the biggest and poorest filled with violence and an unknown gang named Team Flush whose power is far stronger than you'll ever understand. Osiris the richest and a massive hub for research and development of Pokémon lead by the Splicer Foundation. Apollo a snowy and mountains region similar to its sister region Lyris a heavily mountains region Features All gimmicks from past games (Dynamax, Mega, Z-crystals, Tera) New moves, items, and abilities 4 Big regions to discover 18 Gyms A massive and interactive story Field effects (Custom and revised from Reborn/Rejuv) Side Quests and a whole lot more Screenshots More Screenshots will be down as devolvement continues. Notice: this game will follow the structure of episodic releases.
- Made with Essentials 20.1 - Disclaimer: This project has no affiliation with Pokémon Snakewood made by Cutlerine and it's but a tribute to the original work, it intends in no way or form to replace it but to build upon and expand. Hoenn has been invaded by a zombie plague! Revive the experience of the iconic 2010 ROM Hack by Cutlerine once again as you are the younger sibling of Brendan, who woke up without memory on a devastated region, trying to find the whereabouts of their brother and the origin of the zombie outbreak with the help of Professor Birch while meeting an almost unrecognizable Hoenn, facing zombies, new characters and uncharacteristic humor! Features Update for the zombie Pokémon: Many zombie Pokémon are available for the player from the previous only two, furthermore many have also been added from many media such as XtraSnakewood, Snakewood DX, RetroNC's video and our own zombies! Furthermore you can only catch one using a previously unused item, the Necro Ball. Zombie Pokémon are powerful but be careful with your choices as Necro Balls are hard to come by. High Difficulty: For those who want a challenge, the game has a considerably higher difficulty that was carefully worked to be as fair and competitive as possible, both with trainer battles and a few AI tweaks (Vanilla mode also available! Hopefully more fair than the original game, I think). A new type, Plague: Derived from the original Disease-type of Pokémon Snakewood (renamed due to UI issues), its main feature is that they do more damage, but are unable to switch (might change in the future)! Plague is also followed by a new weather, Soot. Pokémon rebalancing: While there are still power differences between Pokémon and some are mostly a second thought after the early game, we've made sure that even if it's specific niche, every single one of our >360 Pokémon have something unique to them, while not bloating the game nor deviating much from the original version. Lack of grinding: EVs and IVs have been removed, furthermore DemICE's EXP gain system enables for a fast and smooth level curve without requiring level caps (considerable increase/decrease in EXP based on the level difference between the opponent. The game has been adjusted accordingly to all those features. You're encouraged to have a lot of Pokémon early! Increased exploration: While not required, the player is often rewarded for not going on a straight line, maybe check that rock or behind the tree, a surprise may wait for you! Ability changes: Giving love to some irrelevant abilities, Stall now skips every other turn, Sand Veil increases Defense during Sandstorm while Damp sets Water Sport on entry! Graphic overhaul: Most original Fakémon and characters have been redesigned in order to have a more modern look while trying to retain the silly core Snakewood essence, not everything was redesigned though, some familiar faces are unchanged and have (hopefully) just received a higher quality sprite. Limited resources: (SUBJECT TO CHANGE) One complain of the original Snakewood was how it didn't feel enough like a dystopian scenario. Your decisions matter, use your consumables wisely. New stuff: As mentioned before, Stygian Snakewood gives it a more modern look to the original game and such adds countless new features such as QoL, physical/special split, Fairy-type, new Zombies, new evolutions for some regular and fake Pokémon and Pokémon that weren't previously available in the original game. And as a bonus, certain unused Pokémon like Demoneon, Toxeon, Crazymadio and Zombified have sprites, regional forms have been added that kinda fit the game i know regional forms are overdone at this point but it wasn't me that came up with them and they look good so take it and a few secrets! Screenshots may not reflect upon the final release, the title screen is a placeholder Disclaimer: Credits might not reflect the final version and are subject to change. If any of the current features or screenshots shown contain any stuff that you believe it's yours and has no credit, please contact ASAP me on Discord #aaleven.
A Pokémon fangame made using RPG Maker and Pokémon Essentials Join our discord for Updates, Information, and Help {Pokémon Guardians Server} Story & Location Welcome to the Angkor Region. A vast and diverse region full of people and Pokémon alike living, training, and thriving like never before. But, sacrifices have to be made for life to flourish, and a secret and quiet cult has begun to make their appearance to fulfill and ancient prophecy once used to save the region from total destruction. Who will be the one to stop the threat this unknown group holds over the region. Features New moves, items, and abilities New Item: Pokémon Rings (Similar to crests from Rejuv) 100+ Fakemon & Regional forms 18 Gyms A massive and interactive story Side Quests and a whole lot more Screenshots
Follow the project on Twitter/X : Twitter/X Join the Discord ! Lethalmon's Discord TikTok account (in french) : TikTok Presentation Lethalmon is a Pokémon fangame that take inspiration from Lethal Company and Pokémon Emerald Rogue with a little sprinkle of the "Safari Zone". The project started in march 2024, but i started to ponder about it's base principles after discovering Lethal Company in november 2023. My main goal with this fangame is to make sure that no playthrough is the same. Inspired (as its name suggest) by Rogue-like games, your main goal as a player will be to explore dungeons to capture Pokémon. Limited by a certain number of steps, you will have to show creativity in optimizing your explorations of the dungeons. The further you will go, the rarer and more powerful the Pokémon will become ! Your task is to become as powerful as possible! Explore the dungeons and collect the 8 badges that will grant you access to the Pokémon League. Plot Outline W.I.P. As it is not the most important aspect of Lethalmon, is it still under revision. This part of the thread will get updated as time goes on. Despite this, here is the sprite of the main character while exploring the dungeons! Credits : @Dracoyan2 Screenshots Here's some screenshots of the game. I will add some more in future updates! Features The Hub It's from here that you will start each of your explorations in the dungeons. Most of the features i will present will be available in here, making it essential in your future ventures in the dungeons! Selling your Pokémon The main way to gain money is by selling the Pokémon captured in the dungeons, the rarer the Pokémon, the more money you will get. And if it's shiny? It will multiply its value by five! You will likely face a dilemma, you have a super powerful Pokémon that could be even more powerful, but selling it would grant you a hefty sum of money which could be used to upgrade your other Pokémons... So? What will it be? That's for you to decide! Upgrading your Pokémon In a game where we sell our pokemons, everything has a cost! Changing its nature, upgrading your IVs, redistribute its EVs and others! Make the local economy flourish! Improving your Competence Increasing your number of steps, unique items to Lethalmon to ease your explorations... You will find a ton of objects to improve your character! Huge Replayability The arenas and dungeons will change everytime you start a new exploration and the Pokémon you encounters will depend on the number of badges you have acquired so far. The dungeons will be very varried in terms of themes and fauna, so i hope you're ready for it! Future Features And of course, even more features will be added in the future like a whole new fishing system which will be more fun and where you can improve your rod! Lethalmon's Team Flo Main Dev Dracoyan Main Pixel-Artist H3yllow English Translator Crqnchy Occasional Contributor Credits Made with RPG Maker XP and PSDK. Pastebin here Thank you for reading! And I hope you look forward to Lethalmon. My friends and I are hard at work to provide you with the best experience possible ! And if you ever join the Discord, feel free to let me know that you're coming from Eevee Expo!
Social Join our discord community for the latest updates ! Daemon Discord Follow me on Twitter/ X : @TwoTakuStudios Follow me on YouTube : YouTube Daemon is a completely brand new game made from scratch on the Unity Game Engine ! The game started two months ago and I've made tremendous progress ! Heavily inspired by Pokémon B/W because of the sprite animations and story ! The game focuses on the Fujian Region, with many Asian themes apparent throughout the game. WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF DAEMON In the lush region of Fujian, where Daemon and humans thrive in harmony, a legendary evil Daemon know once threatened to plunge the land into darkness. However, centuries ago, a legendary hero, aided by their party of loyal Daemon, managed to seal away the evil Daemon and restore peace to Fujian. Now, as the region flourishes, a new threat emerges. The evil and powerful Daemon, was said to possess the ability to control the minds of other Daemon, bending them to its will. A radical group known as the Eclipse Sect emerges with the belief that Daemon should be free from human control and live as they did in ancient times, wild and untamed. Led by a charismatic leader named Eclipse, they seek to unseal the legendary evil Daemon and harness its power to liberate Daemon from human influence. To unseal the legendary Daemon , the Eclipse sect searches for ancient relics scattered across Fujian, each holding a fragment of the legendary Daemon's power. The protagonist must race against the Eclipse Sect to find and safeguard these relics before they can be used for nefarious purposes. Characters Layla and Leo are the protagonists in the game ! These are their concept arts These are their portrait arts when starting up a dialogue with them ! These are the animations sprites so far for them ! Daemon Daemons are monsters that you will encounter. You can seal them into scrolls and use them for battles, solving puzzles, and much more ! Daemons are monsters that roam in the Fujian Region. Here are some that were created so far. Credits to zerumon for the concept arts @zerumon Hissear - Fire Starter Floofy - A normal rodent you will encounter early into the game Fighting bird ! No name yet though Concept Art for other Daemon's that need to be animated : Media View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-yOshGGRb4 Features Planned 184 Daemons on release Energy System in Combat for more tactical gameplay Generic Types but with the addition of Sound and Magic Removed Dragon / Bug Typing / Rock Planned Shiny Daemons ( Mutations ) Custom Idle Sprites for all Daemons Dynamic Day / Night and Weather System Quest System Relationship System similar to Persona based on choices Rogue Like end game content Multiplayer ( Having one person join your game ) QoL updates from old Pokémon Games Recruitment Anyone who is interested to join can send me a message on Discord ! Am currently looking for a mapper and concept artist if anyone is interested in contributing :) Social Discord : https://discord.gg/pDDP6W7jMm Twitter : https://twitter.com/TwOtakuStudios Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCAXmzTTOr7UncqmP11wJqQ
Introduction Hello. I am Beeze/Zatoria and this is my first game. I've always been into creating stuff when I was small. My main thing was drawing ,a hobby I still have to this day, and one day, I decided to put that talents to use and tried to use that and try to put together this game. I'd say I did more than I thought I would do for this! I just knew that I had to get this out there, so here it is! NOTE: The game is in a Demo phase but has several versions that were done on an older version of the kit used, which is why this Demo is considered to be the 6th version. The STORY You are a 16 year old child that lives on an outer Island called Bikana Island which is famous for their large beach, but there are no Pokémon's on the island itself. You have a friend named Kira who has been your best friend for as long as you have known them. One day, you happened to find out that your mother use to be a Pokémon Trainer. You being a teenager that attends school always imagined what life would be if you were able to have Pokémon, praying you would get the opportunity to do so. Both you and Kira was supposed to get the experience of a Pokemon trainer from a mysterious call that came from a Professor in a Region where Pokemon exist; however, fate decided that your time was now. You learn about the Secret that your mother has been keeping, and as fate would have it, you quickly find yourself having your first battle experience with a Pokémon! An evil Organization sets out to destroy you and your entire family. Will you, with the help of your friend Kira learn the mysteries of Pokemon? ? Or will you succumb to the allure of power and darkness,join the evil ones and bring this world to ruin? FEATURES -Beast Pokemon - Pokemon that are modified by the Team of Evil which feeds off of it's frustrations. -Mega evolution Stages - Mega stages will be in! (Initial, Advanced,True bond). These are unique feature to the game where Pokemons who have Mega evolution will go through stages of them starting from the beginning. When there is a True bond with Pokemon and Trainer, that will be when their power is at their maximum. -New Mega Pokemon - There will be new Mega's made. We plan to cover a good range. - Gym Badges - The Game will feature 9 Gym Badges for both stories making it a Grand total of 18 badges. There will also Be a Pokemon League, where you will face off against the best trainers in the region(s). There will be a cap on your level based on the number of badges you have obtained. -Mystery Quest system - You want to set out on an adventure to places you've never seen before? Well you've come to the right place! Accept quests to go out to places you might have never even heard of before existing on regions you have explored, go through tougher explorations and missions in order to gain Great Rewards. The missions will get harder as you Rank up. (You will start at the Rank of Bronze and after completing enough missions and earning enough points you will Rank up. The Ranks are as follows : Rookie --> Normal--> Advanced---> Star -->Diamond--> Cool-->Ace ---> Intense-->Legendary). You will be able to put these Ranks onto your Trainer . Eg. You can be 'Ace trainer (Your name here)' when you go into both regular and online battle's. -Ev Cap changed- The Ev Cap for this game is 1200. You can put 300 Ev's into one stat as a maximum amount. To be added: Pokemon Contests - Pokemon Contests will be added to the game as a story of its own. It will feature the judgement round, and then the contest battle round which I am planning to have a unique theme to it in comparison to how it is normally done. (I cannot explain more than this here). Online Battles - Online battling will be added to the game sometime in the future. Event Islands: These are islands where you participate in an event and gain event points. Gain enough for some unique prizes! Download Link Download Pokemon Legends here Hotfixes Evil Route Hotfix Where to Contact us: Found your interest in this project? You can contact any staff member and speak about joining and we will go through the process of getting you on board! Pokemon Legends Discord
Made using Essentials v20.1 on RPG Maker XP Fellowship in Kanto is a new experience where you can play as Red, Leaf, Yellow, nurse Joy and others, in a double battle-based game. So join our heroes as they Journey together to stop Team Rocket and become the champions. Features -New Partner system: Now you in full control of your partner's team, you can switch to your Partner at any time outside of battle, and they become the main character. Your partner is not a walking Poke center anymore, any damage in battle will be carry on. You can trade Pokemon, join\dismiss your partner using the Partner scroll. The item storage is shared among all characters to make trading items easier. -Unique main characters. -Gyms and Elite four in 2v2 battle system -The story is much expanded to cover the different characters Story lines. -Gen1-4 Pokemons all updated to gen 8 mechanics. ( some to gen 9 ) What’s new in ver 1.2.0 Check update log in the game folder for more information. -Control partner \ Co-op mode ( Updated ) -New mega evolutions and some gen 9 evolutios added check pokemon changes for more info -Change Mega limit to be based on the team not on a character. ( can be increased ) -Stat Change Overlay in battle with the option to turn it off. -Changes to starters The story so far After defeating team rocket at the pokemon tower, our heroes now journey toward Fuchsia to face the 5th GYM leader KOGA , and explore the Safari Zone, while making as many allies as possible, on the way! The story stops just before the raid on the Silph Co. and the clash with team rocket take place, most of the map is now opened except for Saffron city and some unfinished areas. Discord server. link Pokemon changes + eeveelution spreadsheet you can find it in the game folder Credits for those Who made this Possible ( If I miss someone, Please email me ) Download ver 1.2.2 ( Main game ) (Mega link) Patch 1.2.2 for 1.2+
RPG Maker XP | Pokemon Essentials v20.1 Pokémon Black Coffee (Beta Version) Artwork by MNJArtz (Rated Adult - Mild adult references throughout) Join the Discord here: https://discord.gg/xpGsubKH2A Arduino*, a new region, is a little-known vacation island that has been recently inhabited by many of Kanto's population. The region was previously known as a paradise island that only exported coffee. As you move to the island, you begin your journey as a Pokemon trainer, helping the Pokemon Institute of Science & Research along the way. Collecting gym badges along the way is not the primary goal, but helps along your Missions. Ultimately, exploring and making the island a better place. As the island began as a small paradise island, slowly becoming a bit of a metropolis, keeping things as nature intended it is what the local people wanted. Can you make your mark in this world? *Arduino is a name of Italian origin. Any resemblance to any persons or entities is purely coincidental. Challengingly difficult, compared to vanilla games. Features: New Region New Story Pokemon up to Gen 8 Mini-games Dozens of Move Tutors Side Quests Become a Gym Leader (Post Elite-Four) Unique Safari Zone (Post Elite-Four) Items replace HM's Item replaces trade evolutions Higher level cap New Items New Pokemon (Mission Tracker to be implemented in full version) Credits I would like to thank the following people for without them this game wouldn’t be possible: Jimbo__OBSD - Bug testing and general input Syconix - Bug testing and general input fable & Shishiboo - Early game testing and input Thundaga - Youtube Tutorials "Pokémon Essentials" was created by: Flameguru Poccil (Peter O.) Maruno With contributions from: AvatarMonkeyKirby, Marin Boushy, MiDas Mike Brother1440, Near Fantastica FL., PinkMan Genzai Kawakami, Popper Golisopod User, Rataime help-14, Savordez IceGod64, SoundSpawn Jacob O. Wobbrock, the__end KitsuneKouta, Venom12 Lisa Anthony, Wachunga Luka S.J., and everyone else who helped out "mkxp-z" by: Roza Based on "mkxp" by Ancurio et al. Swdfm - Swimming sprites Initial Overworld Sprites: WesleyFG The Spriters Resource 2and2makes5 Chocosrawlooid cSc-A7X Fernandojl Gallanty Getsuei-H Gizamimi-Pichu help-14 kdiamo11 Kid1513 Kymoyonian Kyt666 LarryTurbo Milomilotic11 MissingLukey Pokegirl4ever Silver-Skies spritesstealer Syledude TyranitarDark Zyon17 Gen 9 Project Elle - Animated Tiles Saffron Gym Golisopod User - Following Pokémon Help-14 zingzags Rayd12smitty mej71 PurpleZaffre Akizakura16 Thundaga Armin (Fairies Resource Pack) Maruno Shaikh Zhafri - Artwork Moyo - Advanced HM Items Marin Bergium Benitex, - Level Scaling Joltik, Umbreon Edoardo Zuliani - Gym equipment graphics LinKazamine - EV/IV Screen Caruban KRLW890 - Improved battle AI TRAVisty James for Pokémon version of Paramore - Misery Business soulzzii for Pokémon version on Linkin Park - Hybrid Theory album & Pokémon version of Evanescence - Bring Me To Life Golpe Baixo for Pokémon theme by Metallica Osmosis Bones for Pokémon version of One - Metalica DeMo for Pokémon version of Virtual Insanity - Jamiroquai clynaack for Pokémon version of Nevermind Album - Nirvana LeafyHeart for the graphics for the new Pokémon MNJaRtz for the title screen and box art image Serebii.net for all Pokémon information Pokémon Essentials Wiki for mansplaining everything for me Join the Discord here: https://discord.gg/xpGsubKH2A Game: Pokémon Black Coffee (Beta Version)
My first project, (over 3 years off and on in the making...) Pokemon ReDX! made with the Pokémon Essentials GS base Like how Link’s Awakening DX was a Gameboy Color upgraded port, Pokémon ReDX (Red Deluxe) is a Gameboy Color “styled” upgrade to base Pokémon Red. Explore the stories of Pokémon Red with a new coat of paint. Meet new characters, tackle new plot elements, encounter new Pokémon! Become the very best, like no one ever was in Pokémon ReDX. While the basic plot follows Pokémon Red, there’s quite a lot of new events happening. You have a new rival along for the ride. Jade, if you play as a boy, or Jasper, if you play as a girl. Blue is your aggressive cocky rival who focuses on besting you battle while Jade/Jasper will be a more friendly face who is more focused on the Dex. Prof Oak has charged you three to beta test his life’s work, the Pokédex! Help take down the Team Rocket criminal organization. The Admins from HGSS now make appearances in their Kanto games. Looker has come to Kanto to try and uncover Team Rocket’s motives, he will meet up with you on occasion to lend a hand. Take on the Gym Challenge! Kanto's Champion's throne is currently vacant, the league has issued a challenge to all trainers to try and claim the throne for themselves! ReDX features an expanded dex to the original 151 (coming in at around 300 species!). The Kanto region has received some minor upgrades to accommodate the new Pokémon. For example Routes 9 and 10 are now canyons and there’s a path split in Rock Tunnel that leads to a snowy mountaintop. New Mega Evolutions are being discovered too! There are side quests to pick up for extra rewards as you play through the game. Apex Pokémon are here to challenge you! A twist on Totem Pokémon, Apex Pokémon cannot be captured, but will drop loot when defeated. You will not find Apex Pokémon out in the wild, they each have a den they reside in. A Switch Battle style has been changed, now “Switch” style no longer tells you what the incoming Pokémon is. Hidden Grottos will allow you to find rare Pokemon and items. Wonder Trade unlocks during the story and allows you to find even more Pokemon! The Cable Club in Pokemon Centers is now the Trainer's Nook, where various services are provided for trainers. As you earn badges more services are unlocked! No longer do you need the move FLY! In nearly every major location you will find the Pidgeot Express, who will fly you to a place you've been to before (for a fee). The Game is 95% complete as is. What’s left to finish? Grammar I need to go back through and work on re-writing a lot of text (I started this project 2-3 years ago and some of the older stuff is poorly written) there is also a lot of inconsistency on if Pokémon and people are written out as BULBASUR or Bulbasaur. Many instances of Pokemon or Pokedex instead of Pokémon and Pokédex that needs to be fixed. Music Currently most all the music is MP3, I need to get all my music converted to looping tracks, low priority, but something I want to do to help with file size. Balance I need a handful of “beta” testers to run through the game and test how well the difficulty curve is (I know what to expect so “surprises” won’t work on me as well). Quests More quests to be added, existing quests to be polished up some more, that sort of thing. Post Game There’s currently 3 Post Game story beats I have planned that are still in the works. First is the dealing with the remnants of Team Rocket, this one is in 2 parts with Part 1 nearly complete. The Battle Fortress is a mini post game facility that will have the player challenge the Battle King and his minions. The Origin of all Pokémon will have the player explore the secret of Mew. Currently there is a Mew event that unlocks a Mew Battle in the Post Game, but that’s a placeholder until I can fully write the scenario for this event.
Embark on a Journey of Myth and Mastery in the Pantheus Region! Introduction to the Development of "Northbound" Greetings, adventurers and game enthusiasts! Welcome to the official development thread for "Northbound," an exciting new Monster Capture RPG set in the captivating Pantheus Region. Inspired by the classic monster capture games we all know and love, "Northbound" brings a fresh, immersive experience, blending modern-day settings with rich Greek culture and mythology. In "Northbound," players will embark on an epic journey, capturing and training unique creatures known as Daimon. As you traverse the diverse landscapes of the Pantheus Region, you'll encounter vibrant towns, ancient ruins, and mysterious forests, each filled with secrets to uncover and challenges to overcome. Meet the Starter Daimon of "Northbound"! Greetings, fellow Tamers! Today, we're thrilled to introduce you to the first companions you'll meet across the Pantheus Region: the starter Daimon! These unique creatures embody distinct elements and traits, offering varied experiences and strategies as you embark on your adventure. Let's dive into the details of each starter Daimon: 1. Leafrog - The Agile Grass-Type Daimon Description: Leafrog is a small, vibrant green Daimon with large, expressive eyes and leaf-like appendages. Known for its agility and connection to nature, Leafrog is perfect for Tamers who value speed and cunning in their battles. Personality: Leafrog is curious and playful, often hopping around in search of new adventures. It forms strong bonds with Tamers, who appreciate its quick thinking and resourcefulness. 2. Pyranda - The Fiery Fire-Type Daimon Description: Pyranda is a dynamic Daimon with bright orange and red fur that flickers like flames. Bursting with energy and spirit, Pyranda is ideal for Tamers who love taking the offensive in battles. Personality: Pyranda is spirited and bold, always ready to take on a challenge. It thrives with Tamers, who share its passion and determination, making it a fiery addition to any team. 3. Kelponi - The Playful Water-Type Daimon Description: Kelponi is a sleek, water-dwelling Daimon with shimmering blue scales and a playful demeanour. Known for its versatility and adaptability, Kelponi suits Tamers who prefer a balanced approach in their battles. Personality: Kelponi is playful and friendly, often seen splashing around in water. It bonds well with Tamers, who enjoy a mix of offence and defence, making it a versatile companion on your journey. Key Features of "Northbound" Greetings, adventurers! We're excited to share the core features of "Northbound," designed to provide a rich and immersive Monster Capture RPG experience. Whether you're a seasoned player or new to the genre, "Northbound" offers a world of adventure, strategy, and discovery. Here’s what you can look forward to: 1. Dynamic Character Interactions Engaging NPCs: Interact with diverse characters, each with unique personalities and stories. Relationship Dynamics: Form rivalries, friendships, and mentor-student relationships that evolve based on your decisions. Greek Phrases: Incorporate authentic Greek phrases to enhance cultural immersion and authenticity. 2. Impactful Player Choices Decision-Making: Your choices matter! Dialogue options and moral decisions shape the story and character relationships. Reputation System: Your actions influence the world around you, impacting how NPCs perceive and interact with you. Multiple Outcomes: Experience different endings and story paths, providing high replayability. 3. Unique Daimon Diverse Creatures: Discover and capture a wide variety of Daimon, each with unique abilities with over 150 to discover! Starter Daimon: Begin your journey with one of three distinct starter Daimon—Leafrog, Pyranda, or Kelponi—each offering unique gameplay experiences. Training and Evolution: Train your Daimon to unlock their full potential and evolve them into more powerful forms. 4. Challenging Trials Pantheus Region League: Test your skills in the Pantheus Region League, where you'll face off against formidable Trial Leaders. Elemental Trials: Take on trials that test your mastery of elements—Grass, Fire, Water, and Neutral. Strategic Battles: Engage in turn-based battles that require strategy, planning, and adaptability. 5. Exploration and Discovery Vibrant World: Explore the diverse landscapes of the Pantheus Region, including bustling towns, ancient ruins, and mysterious forests. Hidden Secrets: Uncover hidden secrets, treasures, and lore as you journey through the world. Side Quests: Engage in side quests that offer additional challenges and rewards, enriching your adventure. 6. Cultural Authenticity Greek Influences: Immerse yourself in a world incorporating Greek mythology, architecture, and traditions. Authentic Atmosphere: Enjoy a setting filled with references to Greek culture, enhancing the overall narrative and experience. 7. Player Customization Character Creation: Create your unique character by selecting from different backgrounds. Wild Card Trait: Add an extra layer of unpredictability with the Wild Card trait, introducing wacky and unique encounters. Customization Options: Customize your appearance and choose traits that align with your playstyle. Skill Tree: As you progress through "Northbound," your Tamer gains experience points (XP) from battles, quests, and exploration. Allowing you to unlock new skills and abilities that enhance your Tamer's performance in various aspects of the game. Screenshots: We can't wait for you to experience what "Northbound" offers. Stay tuned for more updates as we develop and refine the game. Your journey in the Pantheus Region is about to begin! Stay updated with the latest news, behind-the-scenes insights, and exclusive content about "Northbound" by following us on Twitter! Connect with fellow Tamers, share your thoughts, and be the first to know about all the exciting developments. 🔗 Follow us now: Northbound on Twitter 🔗 Learn more and apply: Recruitment Thread on Eevee Expo 🔗 Join us on our new Discord Server!: Northbound Discord Thank you for your support, and we can't wait to share this incredible journey with you!
Team: Elle Made with PSDK Overview: I've been working on various projects, as I always do, but I really wanted to post something, anything, before we got too deep into the beginning of summer. None of my projects -at the time of writing this- are close to being ready, so I thought I'd do a personal challenge, trying to make a game in 24-48 hours. What I managed to come up with was a simple rogue-lite in a desert-ruins re-envisioning of Lavender Town. There's no story, it's just a simple attempt to see how high up the tower you can climb and try to make it to the top alive. I will say, I'm a little concerned the difficulty may be a bit high, but we'll see how it goes. Screenshots: Features: -Overworld following Pokemon -Obtainable Pokemon from gen1 to gen6 -Gen4 assets mixed with beautiful fogs -No saving or running. -Choice of gender and skin tone -Simple Pokemon mechanics -Randomized encounters and randomized rewards -Special interactive cameo of Elle -Possible frustration Developer Notes: The only known bugs I know of is that sometimes the audio overlaps. My PC is a bit messed up right now, so I wasn't able to test the audio, and if you need to, just turn off your music. Some moves in PSDK don't have their descriptions, which is pretty normal, since I'm using an out-of-date version of PSDK. Other than that, I think that's it. If you notice any bugs, errors or something else broken, please let me know in the comments below. Download Link: Download Link
Pokemon Orphan A project using RpgMaker XP and Pokemon Essentials v21.1 Download Link Howdy Y'all this is my first game, using Essentials and it is very much still in development, but I have up to the second gym all sorted and available for play. Feedback as always is appreciated. This is a pretty basic pokemon fangame, just a little bit harder than a mainline game. Plot Outline Following the tragic loss of your parents, and with no immediate or extended family to stay with, our protagonist finds themselves sent to an orphanage to stay until they turn 18. But as a twist of fate would have it, the orphanage is full and has no room for anyone else. With few options, our protagonist finds themselves setting off on a pokemon journey with their very own partner pokemon. A practice that has since become less common and fallen out of favor with the public at large. Reopen the closed pokemon gyms, and challenge the retired leaders to battle for their badges, and eventually challenge the league! The odds are stacked against you, but with your partner pokemon (and a little grinding) you can overcome anything. Features Like I said above this is my first game, so there aren't any unique or game changing features, but this is what I have. A sense of humor: There are a lot of jokes, that I have hidden throughout the game, with more planned for the future. I hope I can make you laugh at least once! Quests : I've got a few basic quests programmed in with more planned for the future. Pokemon Fight Club: In Celedive City there's an illegal pokemon fighting ring, where the trainers play for keeps. Bigger prize pools, and the winner gets to keep one of the losers pokemon. Screen shots. Credits
Join the Discord: Tabula Rasa Discord Follow Our Twitter! @PokemonTRasa Pokémon Tabula Rasa is a story-driven fan game with 2 brand-new regions! This game was made possible by RPG Maker XP and Pokemon Essentials v20.1 NEW REGIONS The Anphelio Region ----------------------------------- Tundra Climate Dense Snowy Terrain Domestic Wildlife The Pansperma Region ----------------------------------- 4 Divided Biome Groups Undiscovered Past Vast Exploration Potential Story After strangely waking up from a four-year comatose, your best friend and the Anphelio region's professor help you get back on your feet to discover two brand-new regions. Go on a vast and expansive journey, completing an OPTIONAL 12-gym challenge along the way, to find out why you were in a comatose state and how you suddenly came back from it Screenshots Starters Grass Type TORCHIC ↓ Water-Bug Type TREECKO ↓ Fire-Rock Type MUDKIP Who will be your next companion? Features Fully custom OST Custom Battle Backgrounds New Evolution Gimmick OPTIONAL* 12 Gym Challenge (4 in Anphelio, 8 in Pansperma) Custom Anphelion and Panspermanian regional variants for over 150+ Pokémon Unique Idle Animations for Each Character Choice Brand New Fakemon 3 New Legendaries Seasons Mechanic* Secret Bases/Houses Stealth Sections Expansive postgame Development We're currently working on the project and progress is coming along. Our first goal is to get a content-filled, polished demo out to all of you to try out before our full project release. Stay tuned! Credits Notes If you want to join the team, you can contact us over on Discord, Twitter, and even Relic Castle DM's! We are currently looking for help in the pixel-art department who is experienced in Gen 4/5 style and can work with making trainers, fakemon, regional variants, and icons
Disclaimer: While released this project is still being beta tested, there for there will be no download link until the testing is completed! A Pokémon fangame made by TurtTheTurtle using RPGMaker XP and Pokémon Essentials Story sigh "I still remember all those years ago when the Orion Region was united. Although it was struggling it was never like this now our great region is nothing but chaos." The Orion Region, a greatly divided set of 7 islands has fallen into chaos is the last 16 years. The wars, death, and innocent bloodshed only exacerbating the chaos. Hope is all the region has left if its willing to survive, but the peoples hope will be answered as one person's Fate decides it all. Embark your way through the chaotic region of Orion as one of 9 playable characters. Explore what the region has to offer and the history surrounding the 7 powers. Be careful though as all things go there's always someone lurking in the shadows. Features Episode 1 contains `8 hours of gameplay through 2 gyms National Dex (Gens 1-9 +DLC) New Fakemon New Moves New Megas Eeveeloutions of every type Brand New Starters Field effects (Some new some from Reborn/Rejuv/Desolation) 18 Gyms Relationship system Lots of side quests and so much more Screenshots Disclaimer Due to money constraints many main characters sprites will be filled in by temporary ones and recolors. In future updates when the sprites are made, they will be replaced. Links Discord- Discord Link Download- Coming at some point? Wiki Page- Pokemon Fates Collide Credits
Hey, folks! These days I have started to remake from scratch a game I made some years ago and that you have in this forum: PokéPark Fishing Rally Unity (PPFRU). This is PokéPark Fishing Rally 3D Unity or PPFR3DU. Project description and plot: The game is similar to the original game (PPFRU) in concept but not in practice. In PPFR3DU we will put ourselves in the shoes of David, son of the fishing guru who gives Red the Super Rod on Route 12 in Kanto. His dream is to also be a Fishing Guru like his father and to achieve it he travels to the region of Antarsia where he tries to make a living. It is there where he sees on TV that Professor Haya is studying the fauna of the area. The professor offers a great prize to the one who manages to capture at least one specimen of each species: a Guru diploma and a trip on the luxury cruise ship SS. Anne, which ends its voyage in Vermillion City. David sets out to fulfill his dream of being like his father and, in a 2-for-1 deal, to show him the diploma after a fantastic cruise to Kanto. Features and mechanics: PPFR3DU offers a 3D world to explore so you can move and interact in a more similar way to the classic Pokémon games. On the other hand, the fishing mechanics are inspired by Animal Crossing, where we will have to cast the rod pointing to the Pokémon we want to catch (in the form of hidden fish) and when it bites, we will get a series of Quick Time Events. If we do them correctly, we will catch the Pokémon and if not, the Pokémon will escape. As in AC, we will not know which Pokémon it is until we have caught it (the posts with the Pokémon icons will give us a clue of those available in the pond next to them). Once the Pokémon is caught, we will go to the display screen where we will see its statistics. We can decide whether to keep it or not but keep in mind that certain Pokémon will have specific abilities that will allow us to advance through the maps and the story: For example, Corphish allows us to cut small bushes from the path. In addition to this and to give a greater sense of "3D", the game has a classic 3D red-cyan mode. If you have the typical red-blue glasses, you can play the game with stereoscopic effect! The rooster is the one from version 1.0.0 of PPFRU: Poliwag Krabby Kingler Goldeen Seaking Magikarp Gyarados Dratini Corphish Crawdaut Feebas Milotic Carvanha Sharpedo Pokémon data can be exported to Pokémon Essentials games in JSON (requires Ruby Essentials 3.0.0 or above and MKXP-z) or TXT mystery gift format, or official gen 1 to 9 games in .PKM format to be imported via PKHex (obviously they will be "illegal" in Game Freak's eyes). Screenshots: Gameplay video (tech-demo): Mobile test: Download: I'm still implementing the main mechanics and game feel, but you can test a small tech demo with the basic features: Download Zelda Controls: For the tech-demo it is recommended to play with a gamepad controller with xbox layout. Left stick to move LB (L1) to take out and put away the fishing rod RB (R1) to run while moving Y to cast the rod and pick it up. If you keep Y, the aiming will appear and with the left stick you will rotate the character. B to cancel a rod cast. The buttons that appear in the quick time events are for mashing (continuous pressing until the green circle is filled). A to interact DPad Up to activate/deactivate the 3D mode with red-cyan anaglyph. Dpad Right and Left: Switch ball. Credits: ChainSwordCS: HD logo and remake of 2 tracks: Game track and catching track. Wowjinx and Funtendo: Making a translated logo based on ChainSwordCS japanese one. ILCA for BDSP models which where used for creating the character and the environment. Nintendo and Pokémon: For original game, Pokémon Smile + Rumble Rush + Home (for some parts of the UI) Nintendo: Animal Crossing fish model. Unity Technologies: Unity, ya know Manurocker95: The game development and stuff