Let the jam commence yet again!
RELIC GAME JAM #6 has concluded!
JUNE 30TH - AUGUST 10TH 2020
Results Thread
Overview Thread - Conclusion Thread
Be sure to check out the game jam channels on our Discord!
The results are in! As we had a record number of entries this year, we've decided to pick 3 Judge Spotlights and 3 more Community Spotlights!
We had a lot of fun playing all the different entries, and we've seen an enormous amount of creativity in each and every game. Be proud of what you've created!
With that out of the way, here are our spotlights as chosen by our judges...

"Congratulations, applicant.
After a thorough review of your application, we've deemed you to be a perfect fit for our POCKET MODERATORS program. As a POCKET MODERATOR, your duty is to enforce the rules of our fangame, PokéMMOn, by reporting illegal trades and offensive content.
You are expected to be a model citizen.
You are expected to be fair and just."

Click here to visit the thread!

"You find yourself in the Dream World, unable to wake up! To feed Snorlax, you must go around all the Dream Areas and perform minigames!"

Click here to visit the thread!

"The Theorus Region has been plagued by treacherous weather, and
the regional Prof. has turned to the only person he can think of, Rowan.
Rowan enlists you, along with the help of Barry and Dawn/Lucas
and together you will save the region from certain doom!"

Click here to visit the thread!

"Not everything is what it seems!
This game takes place in the world of Pokèmon, where you get to play as Looker, A.K.A 100kr, a renowned and famous officer of Interpol"
Click here to visit the thread!

"Play as a research assistant, helping Professor Cypress discover new Pokémon forms! Experience a branching story, with two opposing research organizations you can join!"
Click here to visit the thread!

"Seasonal explorers Dust and Zee spelunk their way to the bottom of the sea, expecting to find all sorts of relics and treasures of aquatic nature. However, they instead stumble upon a world that has already ended...
Join them in their whimsical and hopefully non-explosive journey through the streets of a former paradise
by collecting treasures and uncovering the secrets behind its remains!
Who knows what happened down there?"
Click here to visit the thread!
And that's it! That's all for Relic Castle Game Jam #6, an overall record-breaking event with 27 game entries and 192 voters, casting a total of 406 votes! A big congratulations to the 6 winners this year, and an equally big congratulations to all the participants who managed to get a game out there within the time period.
Thank you all for participating and making this annual event the success it is, and we hope to see you again real soon!
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