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can you "catch 'em all"...in...
POKéMON SHINY ISLAND, a game by Evan (Starrcasm) & Tangocoyo
Made using Pokémon Essentials GSC Kit Version 1.3.2 (Based in Essentials v18.1)
Playtime: 2-6 Hours*
Hello, and thank you for coming to Orchid Island! We appreciate you taking the time to help us with our research. My name is Maggie, and I'm a doctoral candidate of Pokémon Research, studying under Professor Elm. Ever since the rampaging Red Gyarados at the Lake of Rage made news a year ago, Professor Elm has made studying alternately colored Pokémon a priority, and here on this newly unearthed island, they appear much more often! We notice that alternately colored Pokémon also reflect with bright light. It's for this reason that we've nicknamed them SHINY POKéMON. Professor Elm has set me on the hunt to learn more about these rare creatures.
A manageable POKéDEX of 64 to find throughout the island!
A base shiny rate of 1/252!
"Horde Pokémon" appearing on the overworld!
Different new ways to boost your odds of finding Shiny Pokémon!
Shiny Evolutions (Pokémon that evolve only from Shiny Pokémon)!
A new Poké Ball that has a much higher catch rate on Shiny Pokémon!
Cameos from well known Pokémon Characters
Loose usage of the "Rebirth" theme! Kinda! [The island emerged after Lugia's awakening]
Can you catch 'em all?!
(note: all save files will work with all versions of the game)
This game was a lot of fun to make! It was interesting to mess around with scripts and play with different ways to modify the shiny rate, as well as getting the number of shinies to show on the Save Screen and in events. It was also very exciting to get gen-2 style overworld Pokémon running around. There are a lot of elements to this small game, and we hope that you enjoy it! If you're able to get all 69 shiny Pokémon, let us know!
a game by Evan (Starrcasm) and Tangocoyo
8-bit Looker Theme by the wonderful "Synthescissor" on Youtube
8-bit Hoenn Gym Leader theme by Tangocoyo
Gen II Style POKéMON overworlds by Megaman-Omega of Pkmn Prism
Shiny icons and overworlds recolored by Evan
Poltchageist overworld by Evan
Fablett, Judowoodo, Fogsire, Argubull, and Dragastro designs by Tangocoyo and Evan
Poltchageist, Sinistcha, Fablett, Judowoodo, Fogsire, Argubull, and Dragastro icons by Evan
Fablett, Judowoodo, Fogsire, Argubull, Dragastro, Poltchageist, and Sinistcha front and backsprites by Tangocoyo
Meditite, Medicham, Honchkrow, Mismagius, Bonsly frontsprites by Tangocoyo
Looker Trainer Sprite and overworld by Evan
Vario, Maggie, Brawly, and Agatha Trainer Sprites and overworlds by Tangocoyo
Title Screen by Tangocoyo
Eventing by Evan
Scripts by Evan and Tangocoyo
Mapping by Evan and Tangocoyo
See below for full kit credits
Please let us know what you think! This was made for the EEVEE EXPO SUMMER GAME JAM 2024, and we hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed making it!
* Time-wise the breakdown for my full playthru was the following:
EDIT: Version 1.1 is up due to several broken transition events. Nothing else was changed content-wise.
EDIT: Version 1.2 is up due to certain evolution methods not working. Nothing else was changed content-wise.
EDIT: Version 1.3 is up, due to a few hotfixes involving passability, breeding, and a line of pixels in the Sinistcha back sprite that was super annoying. Nothing else was changed content-wise.
KNOWN BUG: Levelling your Pokémon to Level 100 causes an error that exists in Pkmn Essentials GSC (based in v. 18.1), and we are looking for a way to squash that error.

POKéMON SHINY ISLAND, a game by Evan (Starrcasm) & Tangocoyo
Made using Pokémon Essentials GSC Kit Version 1.3.2 (Based in Essentials v18.1)
Playtime: 2-6 Hours*

Hello, and thank you for coming to Orchid Island! We appreciate you taking the time to help us with our research. My name is Maggie, and I'm a doctoral candidate of Pokémon Research, studying under Professor Elm. Ever since the rampaging Red Gyarados at the Lake of Rage made news a year ago, Professor Elm has made studying alternately colored Pokémon a priority, and here on this newly unearthed island, they appear much more often! We notice that alternately colored Pokémon also reflect with bright light. It's for this reason that we've nicknamed them SHINY POKéMON. Professor Elm has set me on the hunt to learn more about these rare creatures.
A manageable POKéDEX of 64 to find throughout the island!
A base shiny rate of 1/252!
"Horde Pokémon" appearing on the overworld!
Different new ways to boost your odds of finding Shiny Pokémon!
Shiny Evolutions (Pokémon that evolve only from Shiny Pokémon)!
A new Poké Ball that has a much higher catch rate on Shiny Pokémon!
Cameos from well known Pokémon Characters
Loose usage of the "Rebirth" theme! Kinda! [The island emerged after Lugia's awakening]
Can you catch 'em all?!

(note: all save files will work with all versions of the game)
This game was a lot of fun to make! It was interesting to mess around with scripts and play with different ways to modify the shiny rate, as well as getting the number of shinies to show on the Save Screen and in events. It was also very exciting to get gen-2 style overworld Pokémon running around. There are a lot of elements to this small game, and we hope that you enjoy it! If you're able to get all 69 shiny Pokémon, let us know!

a game by Evan (Starrcasm) and Tangocoyo
8-bit Looker Theme by the wonderful "Synthescissor" on Youtube
8-bit Hoenn Gym Leader theme by Tangocoyo
Gen II Style POKéMON overworlds by Megaman-Omega of Pkmn Prism
Shiny icons and overworlds recolored by Evan
Poltchageist overworld by Evan
Fablett, Judowoodo, Fogsire, Argubull, and Dragastro designs by Tangocoyo and Evan
Poltchageist, Sinistcha, Fablett, Judowoodo, Fogsire, Argubull, and Dragastro icons by Evan
Fablett, Judowoodo, Fogsire, Argubull, Dragastro, Poltchageist, and Sinistcha front and backsprites by Tangocoyo
Meditite, Medicham, Honchkrow, Mismagius, Bonsly frontsprites by Tangocoyo
Looker Trainer Sprite and overworld by Evan
Vario, Maggie, Brawly, and Agatha Trainer Sprites and overworlds by Tangocoyo
Title Screen by Tangocoyo
Eventing by Evan
Scripts by Evan and Tangocoyo
Mapping by Evan and Tangocoyo
See below for full kit credits
POKéMON ESSENTIALS GSC was created by:
Pokémon Essentials GS base resources made by:
"RPG Maker XP" by:
devamped sprites made by:
Cry Credits:
- Xaveriux
Pokémon Essentials GS base resources made by:
- Flameguru
- Poccil (Peter O.)
- Maruno
- AvatarMonkeyKirby
- Marin
- Boushy
- MiDas Mike
- Brother1440
- Near Fantastica
- FL
- PinkMan
- Genzai Kawakami
- Popper
- help-14
- Rataime
- IceGod64
- SoundSpawn
- Jacob O. Wobbrock
- the__end
- KitsuneKouta
- Venom12
- Lisa Anthony
- Wachunga
- Luka S.J.
"RPG Maker XP" by:
- Enterbrain
devamped sprites made by:
- DarkDoom3000
- Koolboyman
- Akailsamu
- Neslug
- NICKtendo DS
- Wes
- pokekicks
- Alpha Six
- Jeremy
- Lockerz102
- josthR69
- Koopaul
- Parasect047
- Ike
- ClawdNyasu
- Layle
- SengirDev
- Devicho
- Metalflygon08
- Nurseblissey
- Lichen
- Jphyper
- MrDustman
- Sadfish
- PoisonousGas
- SageDeoxys
- Taynathon
- Aioros
- The Spriters Resource
- Maruno
- FL
- Umbreon
- Pia Carrot
- Kcgaranzy
- mej71
- out written
- kiedisticelixer
- Nuuk
- EeVeeEe1999
- QuilChess
- JF278 & Dani (from Pokémon Fierce Melody)
- Pia Carrot
- Pioxys
- Xeogran
- Lightning
- Enderific
- SirWhibbles
- SupahSanti
- JaegerLucciano
- patrickackerman
- Seyeba
- ubasuteyama
- Rangi
- bloodless
- lakeofdance
- datlopunnytho
- Leperagon
- Soloo93
- Bronzeswagger
- Meltan - ???, BloodlessNS
- Melmetal - JuicyChickenThighs, PiaCarrot
- Grookey, Jozzer26, PiaCarrot, JaceDeane
- Scorbunny - PiaCarrot, JaceDeane, BloodlessNS
- Sobble - EeVeeEe1999
- Gossifleur - QuilChess, PiaCarrot, Copetin, JaceDeane
- Eldegoss - PiaCarrot, JaceDeane
- Corviknight - LucasSevero
- Dreadnaw - EeVeeEe1999, JaceDeane
- Wooloo - Nuuk
- Zacian - PiaCarrot, Copetin
- Zamazenta - PiaCarrot
- Impidimp - PiaCarrot
- Yamper - EeVeeEe1999, JaceDeane
- Rolycoly - EeVeeEe1999, JaceDeane
- Duraldon - Enderific, JaceDeane
- Alcremie - JaceDeane
- Weezing - PiaCarrot
- Menu - Toxel Dragapult Chewtle Cursola Coalossal Eiscue Dracozolt Arctozolt.
- Hatterene Barraskewda, Mr Rime
- Rookiedie - Pia Carrot
- Morpeko - JaceDeane
- Polteageist - EeVeeEe1999
- Cramorant - EeVeeEe1999
- Applin - Pia Carrot
- Obstagoon - Copetin
- Sirfetchd - Enderific, JaceDeane
- Ponyta - JuicyChickenThighs
- Zigzagoon & Linoone - EeVeeEe1999
- Dracovish - Nuuk
- Drizzile Inteleon - Pia Carrot
- Runerigus - EeVeeEe1999
- Blipbug line - Enderific (and resized by Pia Carrot)
- Dreepy and evo - Enderific
- Galarian Meowth - Enderific
- Hattena - Cinnaboopa
- The Spriters Resource
- Xaveriux
- MarcStudio08
- Caruban
- Xaveriux
- Vendily
- Pia Carrot
- Nyaruko
- Pablus94
- Marin
- Lockheart
- Taynathon
Cry Credits:
- Gen 1-6 Pokemon Cries- Rhyden
- Gen 7 Pokemon Cries- Marin, Rhyden
- Gen 8 Pokemon Cries- Zeak6464
- Zerokid, TheToxic, Golisopod User, HM100, KyureJL, ErwanBeurier
- Gen 8 Scripts: Vendily, TheToxic, HM100, Golisopod User, Aioross, WolfPP, MFilice, lolface, KyureJL, DarrylBD99, Turn20Negate, TheKandinavian, ErwanBeurier
- UberDunsparce - Compilation of Resources
- Pokémon Gold, Silver & Crystal
- The Pokémon Company
- Nintendo
- Affiliated with Game Freak
Please let us know what you think! This was made for the EEVEE EXPO SUMMER GAME JAM 2024, and we hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed making it!
* Time-wise the breakdown for my full playthru was the following:
- 2 hours to complete the "story"
- 3.5 hours to complete the POKéDEX
- 5.25 hours to catch all shinies and get the 100% true ending
EDIT: Version 1.1 is up due to several broken transition events. Nothing else was changed content-wise.
EDIT: Version 1.2 is up due to certain evolution methods not working. Nothing else was changed content-wise.
EDIT: Version 1.3 is up, due to a few hotfixes involving passability, breeding, and a line of pixels in the Sinistcha back sprite that was super annoying. Nothing else was changed content-wise.
KNOWN BUG: Levelling your Pokémon to Level 100 causes an error that exists in Pkmn Essentials GSC (based in v. 18.1), and we are looking for a way to squash that error.
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