• Do not use Discord to host any images you post, these links expire quickly! You can learn how to add images to your posts here.

Forum Feedback Thread

If you have any feedback on what we can do to improve the forums, please let us know in this thread! I'll try to respond when I can.

If you have questions about your account, though, please use the "Contact us" button at the bottom of the page.


Pokémon Master
Aug 25, 2017
The only issue I can think of with the forum is that color themes weren't included, I miss that old café color scheme 😔. Though on the topic of user customizability, I think allowing the widgets on the side bar to be slightly customizable would be cool too, I personally prefer having profile status posts near the top so I would move it up there if I could so I could see new community posts easier, but some people might prefer something like recent threads at the top of their page for quick access.


Pokémon Island Creator
Aug 28, 2022
Games Corner

I like the thread thumb, but please make the dimensions/aspect ratios clear to the developer. I need to do try-and-miss to understand the parts that were cropped. Also an option to override the thumb (with a external image link) would be nice. Currently, I need to put the thumb under a spoiler at thread start to make it work this way.

There is no way to go into the latest post just by the thread summary. I need to click into the thread and, then, go to the latest post (two pages, two clicks). I can go to latest unread message clicking at thread reply number, but sometimes I wasn't logged or I already read the latest message and need to go by the two pages to reply. Maybe changing to thread reply number sending me to latest message rather than first unread message solve this.


If I put my resource as compatible with Essentials v19, but is for 21, it won't show when people is searching for v19 tag. This is annoying and encorages devs to have multiple threads instead.

When I send a resource links over discord, I miss the resource icon rather than Eevee Expo's default icon.


The message limit per page (20) is too small. A setting for changing this would be nice.


Sep 2, 2023
This is a silly request. But, I have an animated gif version of my avatar. I used it at The PokeCommunity and it looked quite nice, but this forum doesn't seem to permit animated avatars? Would it be possible to allow animated avatars? I feel like that little extra movement just adds some nice pop to an otherwise static forum when one is browsing.