--- Pokémon Fissure is recruiting now! ---
I have been working on this game solo since 2023, and I think it's
about time I admit that I could use some help to finish the game.
Pokémon Fissure is made with ES V20.1, and it will take place in a new region called Torakia.
The game have Pokémon up to gen 9 (not DLC), and great gen 4 style graphics.
There are also new fakemons and regional forms to discover, as well as new characters.
--- Starters Pokémon ---

Hynatike, Espony, Brawlizer
--- Game Screenshot ---
(Screenshots are very outdated. Will updade them when I can.)

--- Game Description ---
(Need updating)
In this game you will play as the local professor's assistant. You will try to help the professor to
discover why the region of Torakia, doesn't have any backstory.
It's been a mystery for years and it's finally time for that to change!
Also while you're at it, you could also participate in
the Torakia League to become the new champion of this region.
--- Features ---
Regional forms
Rebalancing for some Pokémon and moves
New moves
New abilities
Gen 9 Pokémon (not DLC)
Improved IA
Side Quests
New Items/battle items
Unreal day night cycle
Boss Pokémon
Healing Vial
Mid battle dialogue
--- Recruitment ---
Here is a list of roles that I will need for the game.
Playtesters: To test new things when they are available.
Translators: English is not my primary language, so having someone who can help me with the translation would be nice.
Programmer: To make new fancy stuff, ES bug fix, cool new features, etc.
Spriters: Although I made all the sprites of the game, some of them are not perfect. Some extra help would be nice.
Original Composer: To make cool original music. No need to use soundfonts.
--- Team ---
@CelestialFearow - Do everything (outside of music)
Nandthesword - Translation, playtesting, balancing
nickr02vgm - Composer
the_vietnamese_nerd - Playtesting, balancing
--- Contact ---
If you want to help me you can contact me on Discord: sarubia_star
You can also join my Discord
Yes, that's right! There is already a demo for the game. (The game was in the Eevee Expo)
You can play it
Anyway, have a good day/night!
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