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Resource Pokedex Tasks 1.1.0


Tester-Coder Hybrid
Jul 24, 2022
Is there any news on an update for this plugin? It causes nothing but errors and crashes for me. It crashes Ludicious89's Pokedex Data Page plugin but when I remove that plugin the Task page won't even show up. Catching Pokemon crashes the game. Adding them through debug crashes the game. Maybe I did something wrong but this is unusable in its current state.
I'm having a similar issue with the above. I added a custom pokemon through a script call.

[Pokémon Essentials version 21.1]
[v21.1 Hotfixes 1.0.9]

Script error in event 6 (coords 16,8), map 32 (Professor's Lab)
Exception: NoMethodError
Message: undefined method `each' for nil:NilClass

***Full script:
pkmn = Pokemon.new(:SABLEYE, 20)
pkmn.shiny = true
pkmn.item = :SPELLTAG
pkmn.nature = :NAUGHTY
pkmn.name = "Squall"
pkmn.poke_ball = :DUSKBALL

[Pokedex Tasks] [004] Utilities.rb:20:in `pbAddPokemon'
(eval):13:in `execute_script'
Interpreter:138:in `eval'
Interpreter:138:in `execute_script'
Interpreter_Commands:1177:in `command_355'
Interpreter_Commands:116:in `execute_command'
Interpreter:130:in `block in update'
Interpreter:86:in `loop'
Interpreter:86:in `update'
Scene_Map:167:in `block in update'

Have you each started a new save file after installing this plugin? Or maybe your custom Pokemon isn't defined in the tasks pbs for this plugin? At least Zephyrias's crash looks to occur because
$player.pokedex.tasks[<pokemonID>] isn't defined


Mar 6, 2023
Have you each started a new save file after installing this plugin? Or maybe your custom Pokemon isn't defined in the tasks pbs for this plugin? At least Zephyrias's crash looks to occur because
$player.pokedex.tasks[<pokemonID>] isn't defined
I actually started a new save then created an event to place this custom mon. Which is odd because without Tasks, the event ran fine.
Doing further testing with other pokemon added via debug doesn't get this crash.

I'm also using Modular Pokedex UI, I added the tasks. I guess the other expansions to that plugin as well. >_> they all seem to be playing not nicely...

[Pokémon Essentials version 21.1]
[v21.1 Hotfixes 1.0.9]

Exception: NoMethodError
Message: undefined method `thresholds' for nil:NilClass

[Pokedex Tasks] [001] Pokedex Tasks.rb:98:in `block in num_tasks_completed'
[Pokedex Tasks] [001] Pokedex Tasks.rb:95:in `each'
[Pokedex Tasks] [001] Pokedex Tasks.rb:95:in `num_tasks_completed'
[Pokedex Tasks] [001] Pokedex Tasks.rb:23:in `drawPageTasks'
[Modular UI Scenes] [001] Pokedex Handlers.rb:48:in `block in <main>'
[Modular UI Scenes] UI Module.rb:51:in `call'
[Modular UI Scenes] [002] Pokedex Rewrites.rb:75:in `drawPage'
[[MUI] Pokedex Data Page] [001] Page Setup.rb:127:in `drawPage'
[Pokedex Tasks] [001] Pokedex Tasks.rb:191:in `block in pbScene'
[Pokedex Tasks] [001] Pokedex Tasks.rb:113:in `loop'

I did an event to add regular mon via PB add pkmn

[Pokémon Essentials version 21.1]
[v21.1 Hotfixes 1.0.9]

Script error in event 9 (coords 18,17), map 32 (Professor's Lab)
Exception: NoMethodError
Message: undefined method `last' for nil:NilClass

***Full script:
pbAddPokemon(:SABLEYE, 20)

[Pokedex Tasks] [003] Pokedex.rb:40:in `increment_task_progress'
[Pokedex Tasks] [004] Utilities.rb:24:in `pbAddPokemon'
(eval):1:in `execute_script'
Interpreter:138:in `eval'
Interpreter:138:in `execute_script'
Interpreter_Commands:1177:in `command_355'
Interpreter_Commands:116:in `execute_command'
Interpreter:130:in `block in update'
Interpreter:86:in `loop'
Interpreter:86:in `update'

Using modular UI to toggle the tabs on a pokedex screen...

[Pokémon Essentials version 21.1]
[v21.1 Hotfixes 1.0.9]

Exception: NoMethodError
Message: undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass

[Pokedex Tasks] [001] Pokedex Tasks.rb:216:in `block in pbCursorGoToNext'
[Pokedex Tasks] [001] Pokedex Tasks.rb:215:in `loop'
[Pokedex Tasks] [001] Pokedex Tasks.rb:215:in `pbCursorGoToNext'
[Pokedex Tasks] [001] Pokedex Tasks.rb:158:in `block in pbScene'
[Pokedex Tasks] [001] Pokedex Tasks.rb:113:in `loop'
[Pokedex Tasks] [001] Pokedex Tasks.rb:113:in `pbScene'
UI_Pokedex_Entry:584:in `pbStartScreen'
UI_Pokedex_Main:879:in `pbDexEntry'
UI_Pokedex_Main:1281:in `block (2 levels) in pbPokedex'
UI_Pokedex_Main:1257:in `loop'
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Aug 29, 2023
Have you each started a new save file after installing this plugin? Or maybe your custom Pokemon isn't defined in the tasks pbs for this plugin? At least Zephyrias's crash looks to occur because
$player.pokedex.tasks[<pokemonID>] isn't defined

I started a new save file and it solved the crashes related to obtaining Pokemon (the ones I found, anyway) but the Tasks tab still doesn't show in the Pokedex.
edit: Ah. I didn't realize you had to add the Tasks tab manually by editing the plugin scripts... my mistake I think? That should probably be added to the Resource page with Installation Instructions though.

I'd love to see an update that supports the Pokedex Data Page add-on for Modular UI Scenes anyway, so hopefully that's coming soon! Not being able to press the down arrow in the "Data" tab of that plugin kind of sucks.

Also, is there no way to scroll through a Pokemon's task list yet?

edit: One final thing. Is it possible to add support for different tasks for each form of a Pokemon? Like having a separate task list for Rotom-Wash, Rotom-Heat, etc.
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