Pokémon Blooming Beast is being developed using Pokémon Essentials v20.1. The game features:
- A fully-fledged conversation system with dynamic dialogue that reacts as you learn more
- Heavy focus on characters and plot (all 8 gym leaders play important roles in the story)
- A difficulty curve geared towards experienced fans without being Kaizo levels of punishing
- Over 250 character talksprites (as of part 3)
- New regional variants and Pokémon
- HMs usable from the PC, and other quality of life features
- And more!
Hi there, I'm KRLW890, and I've been working on Pokémon Blooming Beast on my own for about a year and a half now. I'm developing and releasing the game in four parts, the first two of which are already released. Be sure to play what's already available if you're still debating whether you'd be interested in joining this project. Right now I'm working on wrapping up part 3, and I'm looking for extra hands to help lighten the workload and keep me motivated. I'm looking for two roles in particular, and the ideal candidate should be able to fulfill both roles. Don't worry, they're not too intensive.
What I'm looking for:
Playtesters are expected to play through the game multiple times as the game is refined. You're going to need to manage multiple save files at different points in the game and/or with different team loadouts; I can teach you how to do this if you don't already. The focus of playtesting will be gauging the difficulty curve, finding bugs, and giving feedback on the maps and writing.
Assistant writer
Disclaimer: The main story is already planned out, and I'd prefer to do most of the writing for the main characters myself. That being said, there is still a lot of minor dialogue, such as fodder trainers and flavor text when inspecting random stuff in the overworld, and I typically struggle to fill it all out towards the end of development. Having someone to help fill out some of this dialogue while I focus more on the game's functionality will help ease the load a lot. While not required, competitive Pokémon experience is a bonus here. I don't have any plans to implement a competitive mode in the game, but I would still appreciate having someone I can get a second opinion from regarding my fakemon's base stats and movepools.
If you only want to apply for assistant writer without being a full playtester, you will still be expected to play through the beta areas at least once.
Something else?
Interested in the project and have something else you want to contribute? I'm open to hearing it, though be warned that I have fairly high standards.
How to contact
DM me either here on Relic Castle or through Discord @KRLW890. You can also join our Discord server: https://discord.gg/2FUqPaSvfs
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