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Once upon a time I thought to myself... People like playing through Pokemon FireRed/LeafGreen. People also like playing around with either Fakemon or Delta/Alolan/Alternate forms of familiar Pokemon.
Thus, Pokemon WaterRed came to be. A version of FireRed (the story is, due to my relative inexperience with Romhacking for the most part unchanged.) where just about every Pokemon one runs into has been changed to a different form, and if that is not the case it likely will evolve into such a Pokemon.
Game type: ROMHack (Pokemon FireRed (U) (V1.1) )
Note that the version here gets updated after any major work is done on the game.
-moved up to demo. Enjoy.
Once you obtain a Pokemon with Waterfall (and preferably also defeat the Champion, though that isn't necessary), meet me on Route 3 for a battle! (The HM for Waterfall is in Icefall Cave on Four Island for those that don't remember, and certain Water-Types will learn Waterfall naturally when they are of appropriate level for this duel.)
Thus, Pokemon WaterRed came to be. A version of FireRed (the story is, due to my relative inexperience with Romhacking for the most part unchanged.) where just about every Pokemon one runs into has been changed to a different form, and if that is not the case it likely will evolve into such a Pokemon.
Game type: ROMHack (Pokemon FireRed (U) (V1.1) )
- Around 200 Pokemon in new alternate forms. These range from simple palette swaps for some, to huge changes on others. This number will keep on growing as ideas spout into my mind.
- New moves, such as Firebreath, Freeze Ray, Magmarock, Iron Slam and more.
- Certain moves, which in the original FR/LG are awful, have been buffed or changed. Examples include damage-dealing Electric-type Flash, Giga Drain at it's later-generation stats, Steel-type Cut and more.
- New Evolution stones in place of previously useless items. (Seeing as one cannot trade Pokemon in this game, and Porygon's type has been changed, there is no need for an Up-Grade to be in the game as an example.) All evo stones, old and new are available in the Celadon department store.
- While fully playable due to essentially being FireRed version, not all trainer's teams and wild encounters are finalized.
Note that the version here gets updated after any major work is done on the game.
- Fakemon, Sprites, Pokedex entries, and all other edits by theevilslime
- testing and additional Fakemon ideas by Shiny Breloom (pretty sure this is the only link of any form I have to him: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4rw70YnFJFNUlN1kVcWMBQ), Duo and Dux_n_Geese - One of them is in the game, and ready for a fight if you find them!
- Tools used: YAPE, Nameless Sprite Editor, AdvanceMap, Pokemon Game Editor, A-Trainer, A-Mart, OverworldE-RE, Complete Item Editor

Unless specified, a Pokemon evolves at the same level as it's non-edited form, so for example with the starters, this would be 16 and then 32/36.
- Psykachu -Moon Stone-> Mindchu
- Weedorina -Leaf Stone-> Weedoqueen
- Weedorino -Leaf Stone-> Weedoking
- Clefiery -Fire Stone-> Cleflame
- Windpix -Cloud Stone-> Ninegales
- Sicklypuff -Toxin Stone-> Plaguetuff
- Golbolt -Toxin Stone-> Crobolt
- Fyoom -Fire Stone-> Weedfume
- Fyoom -Leaf Stone-> Bellossom
- Nimblett -Cloud Stone-> Cloutrio
- Growlice -Frost Stone-> Arctinine
- Poisowhirl -Toxin Stone-> Poisowrath
- Poisowhirl -Water Stone-> Poisotoed
- Karachna -Swarm Stone-> Arachnazam
- Mudchoke -Quake Stone-> Mudchamp
- Weepinbolt -Thunderstone-> Voltrybolt
- Glacierer -Frost Stone-> Snowlem
- Snowpoke -Frost Stone-> Snowking
- Cragneton -Moon Stone-> Cragnezone
- Shellder -Water Stone-> Clayster
- Haunterra -Moon Stone-> Gemgar
- Onice -Frost Stone-> Steelice
- Chargey -Thunderstone-> Boltsey
- Skydra -Water Stone-> Wingdra
- Staryu -Thunderstone-> Stormie
- Psyther -Swarm Stone-> Psyzor
- Elekid -Thunderstone-> Electafros
- Cragby -Quake Stone-> Cragmar
- Eevee -Toxin Stone-> Toxeon
- Eevee -Fist Stone-> Brawleon
- Eevee -Cloud Stone-> Nimbeon
- Eevee -Moon Stone-> Spectreon
- Eevee -Quake Stone-> Mineraleon
- Burnygon -Fire Stone-> Burnygon2 -Draco Stone-> Burnygon-Z
- Moonkern -Moon Stone-> Moonflora
- Misembrius -Fire Stone-> Misflamius
- Beebas -Swarm Stone-> Flylotic
- Vibrawla -Fist Stone-> Fistigon
- Snowelia -Leaf Stone-> Frozerade
- Lairagon -Draco Stone-> Draggron
- Vampolu -Moon Stone-> Draculario
- Starlia -Moon Stone-> Galaxade
- Shelcoon -Swarm Stone-> Salamoth
- Nuclombre -Toxin Stone-> Nucleolo
- Solrock -Moon Stone-> Eclipstone
- Lunatone -Sun Stone-> Eclipstone
- Smellum -Toxin Stone-> Stynx
- Skitty -Draco Stone-> Dracatty
- And there may be something else you can do with Solrock/Lunatone...
- Clamperl -Water Stone-> Huntail
- Clamperl -Moon Stone-> Gorebyss (These last two are for those doing a randomizer nuzlocke that decide to catch these - Clamperl is normally not available in the game.)
If you wish to do a nuzlocke of this game, you have 2 major options:
- A regular nuzlocke. Standard 3 rules apply.
- A randomizer nuzlocke. The game works, for the most part (for example, static pokemon can't be randomized) with the Universal Randomizer. I reccommend only randomizing the wild Pokemon, Starters, held items and field items - other things have occasionally messed up the resulting random ROM. Use the standard 3 nuzlocke rules as well as the next clause:
- Unchanged clause: If your first encounter would be an unedited Pokemon, you may reroll the encounter for the area until you find one. List of Pokemon that are exceptions to this clause can be found in the next Spoiler.
- This may also place a Duck and a Goose that exist as a tribute to one of my testers into the wild. They have a catch rate of 0, so don't waste your time and re-encounter.
Eevee, Slugma, Elekid, Poochyena, Shellder, Wurmple (also includes Silcoon and Cascoon), Exeggcute, Cubone, Tyrogue, Staryu, Igglybuff, Phanpy, Skitty, Solrock & Lunatone.
-Fire no longer resits Ice, as it was in Gen 1.
-Ice now resits Water, Grass, and Dragon
-Rock now resits Electric and itself
-Steel no longer resits Ghost and Dark, as Gen 6 made it.
-Ice now resits Water, Grass, and Dragon
-Rock now resits Electric and itself
-Steel no longer resits Ghost and Dark, as Gen 6 made it.
-moved up to demo. Enjoy.
-Evolution stones fixed.
-New Pokemon, such as Scaryos & Geistrodon, Vampolu & Draculario and more.
-NPC team edits.
-New Pokemon, such as Scaryos & Geistrodon, Vampolu & Draculario and more.
-NPC team edits.
-A couple of new Pokemon added (One of them is only available as a 1% encounter in Viridian Forest... good luck.
-More NPC team edits.
-More NPC team edits.
-Once more, some new Pokemon and NPC edits.
-Decided it's time to move this up to completed.
-Decided it's time to move this up to completed.
-New Pokemon
-NPC team edits
-Added some wild encounters
-NPC team edits
-Added some wild encounters
-About 15-20 new Pokemon
-NPC edits
-Wild encounters added to certain areas
-Type chart edits! (if you have not yet checked those, they are above.)
-NPC edits
-Wild encounters added to certain areas
-Type chart edits! (if you have not yet checked those, they are above.)
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