Made this Forest Map. (Screenshot in 1/2 of true size because i hate makeing map screenshots, lol.)
Thanks!It's pretty and easy on the eyes! Good work!
Whoa! Thanks a lot for your tips. And yes, this kind of stairs sucks for me to putThis is a phenomenally well done map! I have a few small things I would like to point out though;
This gatehouse is missing the bottom of its stairs. Simple oversight with an easy fix!
Water shorelines have specific tiles when they curve like this, to facilitate a more natural looking curve;
It's very subtle, but there is a noticeable difference between the two:
Last thing I'd point out is more of a personal gripe, but something to keep in mind;
North-facing stairs are a bit awkward to get looking right. Not impossible, though. There is only one example of it being used in FrLg, and it's the best way to use the stairs in my opinion;
This sort of maintains the perspective and the stairs more effectively blend into the terrain. I personally find using these stairs to be really difficult, but if you can get them to look good it pays off big time with map design.