This script is amazing!!!
There is a way to increase by 1 a variable (ex. "CookingSkill") every time you craft a flag-specific item (ex. "Cooking" flag)? And maybe consuming specific items?Checking the value of this variable could be a very cool way to give more advanced-recepies to the player (but honestly i don't know how exactly do it too, i am very good in event commands, but ruby is new for me... i suppose it could be use a traditional conditional brench, but in that way the variable need do be part of the rpgm xp taditional variable, like the 01-25 first page one... and i don't think variables in ruby work like that).
It will be cool also if the flags for
pbItemCrafter(pbGetRecipes("flag") gives different INTL messages, like "Would you like to cook something?", ecc., but this is a minor one.
Again, the script is awsome