Game By: Wolf Taiko
Using: Pokemon Essentials
Looking For:
Spriter(To help make a title screen, OW sprites, and UI)
Composer(In A Pokemon style, I'm not particular about which one)
Scripter(To help make a new menu, help along with the battle system we have working)
Mapper(To help make maps in the Gen 3 Style)
Current Team
Hito: A Broken Story, is the tale of a man named Gregory who was a member of an
evil team called The Watchers, who has to deal with the actions he has made in the past
and try to move past them and become a better person.
We currently have a demo out which you can check out here!
Why should you work on Hito and not another fan game?
Hito: A Broken Story features a new battle system that happens entirely in the overworld, having gameplay
very similar to a dungeon-crawler game. Which is why we need help with scripting in order to help
make bosses for this battle system, and so Vendily doesn't have to do it all by herself haha!
How am I supposed to contact you?
Preferably on Discord. My name is Wolf Taiko#2974. You could also contact me here
on Relic Castle by just DMing me. Even if you don't think you have any of the skills to help above,
I would still appreciate any help you would like to offer! So if you wanted to go and help
out my project in any way, be free to reach out.
Time-zone: CST(UTC−06:00)