Hello, and welcome to the Great Relic Castle Fake Off, the biweekly challenge where you design Pokemon.
How it works is simple - every other Thursday, I will randomly pick a prompt from a numbered list, and post it here. Some prompts are more vague, while others specify specific animals or objects. You then have until the next prompt goes up (two weeks) to design a Fakemon based around the prompt! Be creative, do some sideways thinking. If you want to do a full evolutionary line, go ahead! Stats, abilities, moves, Pokedex entries? Go nuts. There are no winners and no prizes, this is just for fun and to help you practice your art skills and designing Fakemon, as well as sharing ideas and receiving critique!
First up, a few rules.
- Entries may be submitted in any form - digital art, traditional art, pixel art are all fair game.
- Unless the prompt specifies otherwise, NO Mega Evolutions or Regional Variants! Don't worry, I have plenty of prompts allowing those in the list.
- Please don't just submit Fakemon you've already designed, that's no fun!
- You are free to use the Fakemon you design in whatever way you like - use it in a fangame, put it up for public use, leave it in the abyss, whatever you feel like! However, do NOT use other people's Fakemon designs without permission unless they have explicitly stated anyone can use it.
- There will be no prompts during periods where any Fakeathon events are on. I would highly encourage you to take part in those instead if you're up for a real challenge!
So, without further ado, our first theme is...
You have until 21st September 2017 to complete this prompt, best of luck trainers!
You have until 21st September 2017 to complete this prompt, best of luck trainers!