- Views: 7,574
- Replies: 22
Infinity Energy, the life force driving all Pokémon...
Discover the secrets of this strange power in Pokémon Blazing Hope and Boundless Dream!

Download links:
Click here to download Pokémon Blazing Hope!
Project Description:
These games are, simply put, my love letter to one of my favorite game franchises ever. They are relatively basic in their structure, with 8 Gyms, and a League Tournament and Elite Four at the end. This game attempts to capture everything that made the DS and prior eras of Pokémon so great, while adding in extra content and quality of life improvements seen in modern Pokémon titles. As a spiritual sequel to Pokémon Sun and Moon, it will feature many challenging Totem Pokémon Boss Battles to really put players' game knowledge to the test! This game in general will be quite a bit more difficult than most mainline Pokémon games, without being overly punishing or unfair. I wanted the difficulty to be a breath of fresh air for veterans of the series.
Made with Pokémon Essentials v21.1
This demo will feature the first gym, the first Totem boss, along with a handful of the 120+ Fakemon I created for the full game! I updated the demo to v21.1 for compatibility with plugins that will allow me to add more depth to boss battles and further fine-tune the game's difficulty. If you find any game-breaking bugs, please report them immediately!
Several strange and exciting events are shaking up the status quo in the Vagon Region! A new Pokémon League has been established to replace the old, corrupt one, Z-Power, an energy thought only to exist in Alola, is spreading throughout the land, and a gang of misfit archaeologists known as Team Plunder is raiding Vagon's many ruins and tombs.
You are a 16-year old teenager starting your Pokémon journey throughout the Vagon Region. Your mother, Professor Sequoia, specializes in Pokémon psychology. Along with your best friend and your father, Robert, she sends you to explore the region and uncover the secrets of Mega Evolution and Z-Power!

Quincy and Taylor: The main protagonists of this adventure! The opposite gender character will be your main rival! As your best friend for as long as you can remember, he/she is bursting with excitement to finally become a Pokémon Trainer long after the initial Trainer's starting age of 10. Unsure of what he/she wants out of his/her future, he/she decides to register for the Vagon Gym Challenge. His/her passion, conviction, and strong sense of justice make him/her an ideal comrade to have along for this journey!

Professor Sequoia: The resident Pokémon professor of the Vagon Region and an expert in Pokémon psychology. In her practice, she's helped many Trainers and their Pokémon resolve issues in their relationships and work together optimally as a team. Mega Evolution and Z-Power have been major influences on her studies as of late. As your mother, she's eager to give you your first Pokémon and set you loose to pursue your goals (and hopefully uncover some answers as to how Mega Evolution and Z-Power affect the minds of Pokémon.)

Robert Sequoia: Your father and husband to Professor Sequoia. He is also a researcher for the Devon Corporation branch in Vagon. Underneath his macho exterior, he's a loving parent who has always been there for you throughout your childhood. As a child, he never got to go on a journey with Pokémon, so now he's determined to win the Vagon League Conference and make his childhood dream of becoming a Pokémon League Champion come true!

Catalina: A 17-year-old employee of the Silph Co. branch in Vagon. Highly intelligent and relentlessly determined, she will stop at nothing to become the Vagon League Champion. Having been a loner all her life, she finds it much easier to connect emotionally with Pokémon than with humans. There are also rumors floating around about her past with one of the Elite Four...and her entanglement with a Team Plunder executive...
Choose your starter!

The Vagon Region: A melting pot of diverse people, Pokémon and mysteries!

Features(in demo):
- 10+ Original Fakemon to discover
~ 1 hour of gameplay
-1 Totem Pokémon Boss and Gym Leader Battle
Features(goals for full game):
- 120+ Original Fakemon and 200+ returning Pokémon
- 20+ New Regional Variants of returning Pokémon
- Returning Pokémon from Generations 1-9
- New Mega Evolutions for Pokémon up through Gen 9
- Regional Mega Evolutions
- Call wild Pokémon to use HM moves, without having to teach them to your Pokémon
- 8 Gym Leader and Totem Boss Battles
- Postgame quest set in the Alola region
- Non-binary player character
- Fully fledged Battle Frontier
- Online trading and battling system(NOT GUARANTEED, NO PROMISES)
Join the Discord for progress reports and updates!
Deluxe Battle Kit, Enhanced Battle UI, Enhanced Pokémon UI, SOS Battles, Z-Power. Modular UI Scenes and Pokédex Data Page by Lucidious89
Auto Multi Save by http404error
Berry Pots for Essentials by Caruban
Generation 9 Pack by Caruban
Lin's EV/IV Summary Screen by LinKazamine and Lucidious89
Overworld Rock Climb EX by Ulithium_Dragon and DarrylBD99
Tileset Rearranger by Maruno
v21.1 Hotfixes by Maruno

Deluxe Battle Kit, Enhanced Battle UI, Enhanced Pokémon UI, SOS Battles, Z-Power. Modular UI Scenes and Pokédex Data Page by Lucidious89


Auto Multi Save by http404error

v21.1 - Auto Multi Save
Description: Adds multiple save slots and the ability to auto-save. On the Load screen you can use the left and right buttons while "Continue" is selected to cycle through files. When saving, you can quickly save to the same slot you loaded...

Berry Pots for Essentials by Caruban

v21.1 - BerryPots for Essentials v21
BerryPots for Essentials Berry Pots like in HGSS for Pokémon Essentials v21 It is plug and play script, based on Overworld Berry Plant in Essentials. Also there are 3 Custom sprites for watering can in this pack. How To Install 1. Download...

Generation 9 Pack by Caruban

v21.1 - Generation 9 Resource Pack [v21.1] (Updated with Indigo Disk contents)
Generation 9 Resource Pack Finally, Pokémon Scarlet and Violet officially release on November 18th. Even a week after it released, many people, including me, want to try to implement some of the newest mechanics. So, I tried to implement some of...

Lin's EV/IV Summary Screen by LinKazamine and Lucidious89

v21.1 - IV and EV Summary Screens
Compatibility and dependencies This plugin is compatible with Pokemon Essentials 21 but doesn't work on its own. You'll need Modular Summary Scene by Lucidious89. A quick addition I made for the Modular Summary Screen plugin. It comes with all...

Overworld Rock Climb EX by Ulithium_Dragon and DarrylBD99

v21.1 - Overworld Rock Climb EX
Overworld Rock Climb EX V20.1 [Version 1.3] V21.1 [Version 1.3] About Originally known as Ulithium_Dragon's Rock Climb with Overworld Animations, this resource brings Rock Climb into Pokemon Essentials with Visual Flair. Unlike it's...

Tileset Rearranger by Maruno

v21.1 - Tileset Rearranger
This plugin will work in Essentials v19 and newer. If using this plugin in v19 or v19.1, you will need to delete the "Essentials = 20,20.1,21,21.1" line from meta.txt. Description The Tileset Rearranger plugin allows you to rearrange tiles in a...
FRLG Style Overworld Sprites by aveontrainer
Pokémon Main Theme (Super Smash Bros. Brawl)
Composed by: Junichi Masuda
Arranged by: Seiji Momoi
Green Grass Gradation(Mega Man ZX)
Composed by: Masaki Suzuki
12 P.M. (Animal Crossing: New Horizons)
Composed by: Yasuaki Iwata, Yumi Takahashi,
Shinobu Nagata, Sayako Doi, Masato Ohashi
Gallery(Mega Man X Legacy Collection)
Composed by: Yasumasa Kitagawa
I'll Face Myself(Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Arrangement)
Composed by: Shoji Meguro
Arranged by: Yusuke Yamauchi
Pokémon Center(Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver)
Composed by: Junichi Masuda
Like a Dream Come True(Persona 4)
Composed by: Shoji Meguro
Gate(Pokémon Black and White)
Composed by: Junichi Masuda
Windy Hill...for Windy Valley(Sonic Adventure)
Composed by: Jun Senoue
Mid-Boss(Halcandra)(Kirby's Return to Dream Land)
Composed by: Hirokazu Ando and Jun Ishikawa
Time to Make History(Persona 4 Golden)
Composed by: Shoji Meguro
Vocals by: Shihoko Hirata
Lyrics by: Benjamin Franklin
Your Affection(Persona 4)
Composed by: Shoji Meguro
Vocals by: Shihoko Hirata
Lyrics by: Reiko Tanaka
Gym Lobby(Pokémon Sword and Shield)
Composed by: Junichi Masuda
Arranged by: Minako Adachi
Hyrule Field Theme(Super Smash Bros. Brawl Arrangement)
Composed by: Koji Kondo
Reasoning(Persona 4)
composed by: Shoji Meguro
The Direction to the Heart of the Forest
(Mushihimesama Double Arrange Album)
Composed by: Manabu Namiki
Arranged by: Satoru Kousaki and Keigo Hoashi
A Totem Pokémon Appears!(Pokémon Sun and Moon)
Composed by: Junichi Masuda
Bowser's Highway Showdown(Super Mario 3D World)
Composed by: Mahito Yokota
Performed by: The Mario 3D World Big Band
(Tomori Kudo, Jun Hayakawa, Hitoshi Konno, Tamao Fujii,
Hideki Ishigaki, Hideki Onoue, Koji Nishimura,
Teppei Kawasaki, Masato Honma)
Job Clear(Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time, Darkness, and Sky)
Composed by: Arata Iiyoshi
Soleanna Forest(Sonic the Hedgehog(2006))
Composed by: Mariko Nanba
Gym(Pokémon Black and White)
Composed by: Junichi Masuda
Lift-off!(The Legend of Heroes: Sen no Kiseki III)
Composed by: Takahiro Unisuga
Chapter End(Sonic Battle)
Composed by: Tatsuyuki Maeda, Kenichi Tokoi, and Hideaki Kobayashi
Ekat's Public Tiles by Ekat99 on DeviantArt

Ekat99 - Hobbyist, Digital Artist | DeviantArt
Check out Ekat99's art on DeviantArt. Browse the user profile and get inspired.

"Pokémon Essentials" was created by:
Poccil (Peter O.)
With contributions from:
Boushy<s>MiDas Mike
Brother1440<s>Near Fantastica
Genzai Kawakami<s>Popper
Golisopod User<s>Rataime
Jacob O. Wobbrock<s>the__end
Lisa Anthony<s>Wachunga
Luka S.J.<s>
and everyone else who helped out
"mkxp-z" by:
Based on MKXP by Ancurio et al.
"RPG Maker XP" by:
Pokémon is owned by:
The Pokémon Company
Affiliated with Game Freak
If there is anyone whose resources I have used but not given credit for, please let me know! It is not my intention to use resources without giving credit!
If you would like to help, please send me a message on any of the following platforms!
Discord: electabuzzard
Eevee Expo: Electabuzzard
PokeCommunity: Electabuzzard
I have never attempted to make a fan game before, and this is definitely a huge project that would be made easier with some extra hands on deck! If you are willing to offer your talents, such as scripting, sprite art, concept art, tileset art, or anything else, I would appreciate it more than you know![/SPOILER]
Thank you so very much to those who decide to give my demo a try! Please consider taking my survey and giving feedback on how I can improve my project!
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