I've had a lot of usernames and I haven't posted here much recently so why not I just go on down the line, hmm?
- My first username I won't actually say because it was a pretty bad portmanteau of my first and last name, and I don't think I have to explain to you all how bad of an idea that was. This is why little kid Dragonite shouldn't have had Internet access.
- My original YouTube username was the ludicrously off-beat 2andaHalfStooges, where theoretically I was one Stooge, my little brother was another and the half was some combination of my sister and dog. We played games like everybody else and it was the least comedic thing ever.
- My third username, Dimenticare, is the Italian "to forget." Which was apparently hilarious when I was like fifteen. I stuck with that one for a little while.
- I started using Dragonite in summer 2012 when I signed up for Super Skarmory's old site and noticed a general trend of Pokémon nicknames. To be honest I forget why I went with Dragonite, since that was largely before I was the massive Pokémon nerd that I am now. It was a toss up between that and Magikarp, which was surprisingly also not taken by anybody at the time. Obviously I still use this one whenever possible.
- Dovahnite is a juvenile mash-up of Skyrim's dovah ("dragon") and dragonite. I think I use this on like Thuum.org and just about nowhere else because not many people would get it.
- DragoniteSpam is the alternate username I use when just Dragonite is taken (which it usually is on the bigger sites). I like it because it's a bit of a jab in the eyeball to the wannabe Pokétuber community, where names are almost without exception [pokémon name]+[over-the-top adjective].
- I have a secret username that I use when I want to be anonymous who's based off of a character in an original story I started writing a few years ago. If I ever finish that story I might post it in Creative and let you guess whose name I go by but for the time being it's staying secret.