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Recruiting Touhoumon Asteria

This thread's author is looking for long-term team members.
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Overseer of the Abyss
Apr 24, 2017

--- Project Info ---
Touhoumon Asteria Version, formerly known as Touhoumon Faith & Prayer Version, is a Touhoumon-themed game built on Essentials for RPG Maker XP. It hybridizes the 1.8x generation of Touhou Puppet Play, which is well known for its radical shift and rebalancing of the TPP ROM hack series of games, and the 4th+ Generation of the Pokémon franchise, which effectively means it uses species up to Gen 4 (Bulbasaur->Arceus), with Gen 5~7 mechanics, sans the fairy type. It is a bit of an odd project, but I've had a story to share, and this has been the best medium with which to convey it. I strive to make a fun, decently accessible* game that many can play and enjoy

(*The 36 type Type Chart is the exception, but that will be accounted for via multiple sources of documentation, both in and out of game.)

--- Project Plot ---
In Touhoumon Asteria, you play as the members of the Secret Sealing Club, Renko Usami and Maribel Hearn, two college students that seek to uncover the truth behind the supernatural, as well as to learn more about the existence of the "Sealed Realm", which Renko's grandmother, the founder of the Secret Sealing Club in her youth, told them stories about. Originally hailing from Japan of the distant future, they were sent to the world of Monsekai when studying the "Izanagi Object" that Maribel had found one day. The journey will take them across the regions of Kanto and Johto as they search for clues about the Sealed Realm, its connection to Monsekai, and potentially unravel the mystery of why the Puppet Invasion happened two years prior to their arrival as well as how they might relate to the Sealed Realm.

--- Project Features ---
  • The inclusion of over 400 new capturable species, based off the characters from the Touhou Project franchise, bringing the total of capturable species to just over 900.
    • As mentioned above, this means that Pokémon from Bulbasaur to Arceus are included.
    • I mentioned this above, but, as Touhoumon comes with its own type chart, which is a fair bit different from the Pokémon type chart, I have chosen to meld the two type charts together into a 36 type Type Chart. This can be complicated to deal with. I plan to implement certain measures to make sure the type chart is understandable for all players, such as readmes and a type chart, both in and out of game.
  • A moderately open world version of Kanto and Johto, though Johto is locked off until plot progresses. The region of Gensokyo, the main setting of the Touhou Project, will be a postgame region.
    • This sounds outlandish, but in the previous demo release, I had up to a third of Johto already finished.
  • A game that is focused more on the narrative of the plot as opposed to the Gym Challenge Circuit and Pokémon League- though Gyms and the League are present, they take an optional backseat.
    • As gyms are optional, there are Exploration Items to serve as alternatives to HMs.
  • A plethora of side content to give the player something to do that isn't just progress the main story
    • Examples of this are side quests (a minimum of one per major city in Kanto and Johto), some of which unlock side areas.
    • As gyms are optional in this game, they have been adjusted to make them more lucrative. A Gym Rebattle system was implemented in a way similar to Crystal Clear, where you can rebattle Gym Leaders at any time and any set provided you have enough badges to challenge that set. Some gyms have also had adjusted mechanics (For example, Celadon Gym's mechanic is that stepping on flowers has a chance to trigger a random effect, such as status ailments or healing, or Azalea Gym which'll be a "trial of guts" where you need to do something in Ilex Forest first). The player will also be incentivized to challenge gyms, as one of the rivals is also challenging them, and will give the player unique Pokémon or Puppets for doing so.
  • The addition of a Sandbox Mode, which will allow the player total control over how they want to play the game- their team composition, their items, how much money they have, a reliable grind spot, access to a breeder right away. If it can be sought for by the player, it'll be here. You can see examples of this in my mod for Pokémon Reborn, and in Mille Marteaux's Sandbox Patch for Touhoumon Purple.
  • Custom Vs. Transitions that I made from the ground up by myself
  • A promise to try and uphold a high standard of quality in all aspects- level design, balance, story. This isn't so much a feature in and of itself, admittedly.

--- Project Screenshots and Videos ---


--- Position Applications ---
At the point I'm at, I am fairly capable of doing a lot of stuff on my own. However, as the past 10 years have taught me, a helping hand is always a good idea. So, these are the positions I'm looking for a helping hand with.

  • Playtesters: One pair of eyes can only notice so much, and with my level of dedication to making sure things look and feel correct, I need more than mine alone. I strive to create something of significant quality, and I would like to have assistance in spotting bugs, typos, and all the other little things that might go unnoticed. You will be expected to actually submit bug reports via a form that will be provided to you. People of all skill levels are wanted here, but if you have experience in QA and getting really nitty and gritty with your feedback and reports, I would welcome your assistance with open arms!
  • Artists - Overworld and Battle Sprites: For the most part, there isn't a dramatic need for these sprites just yet, but I could use them to fix up areas that are using placeholder sprites, or just what's currently available but isn't perfect. As I get closer to late and post game, this will be a much more pressing position that needs filling. Apply if you're confident in your skill at making Gen 3 or 4-style sprites in this category!
  • Artists - Battle Environments and Cutscenes: This is where a larger bulk of the graphics I need come into play. With my Vs. Transitions, I would like to maintain a consistent style across all the transitions that get one, but as it stands I'm pulling from multiple different sources with differing quality between them. I also am looking to eventually replace the existing default battle backgrounds with more thematically designed ones, all still fitting within the 3rd/4th gen style of the game. The same as above goes, if you're confident, feel free to apply!
  • Artists - User Interface: The remainder of my graphics I need are within various user interfaces. Ideally, I would like to overhaul the Pokedex and Summary Screens so they aren't as vanilla looking. I have some ideas for both, and I might be able to execute them myself, but I'm not confident in my ability to design decent looking graphics. As said above, if you're confident in your abilities, the application is yours to take!
  • RGSS Coders - Sanity Checkers: Basically what it says on the tin, I require people who are good with RGSS to check over my own existing code and to see if they can fix or optimize it so it's better structured. There's a fair amount I am capable of now, but I'm still very uncultured when it comes to making clean and stable code.
  • RGSS Coders - General Purpose: As for what I can't do, there's still a lot about backend coding that escapes me or I forget how to do. While admittedly I'm not in a current dire need for scripters, as most of what I need is done, I do not deny I might need some assistance here.
  • Audio Engineer - Music Composer: In the same vein as graphics, I want to try and maintain consistency with the music I'm using. However, currently, I'm using several different sources for music, and it feels awkward going from Lavender Town, which uses its HgSs track, into Pokémon Tower, which uses its FrLg track. Beyond that, there are some tracks that need unique compositions (examples of such being a combined composition of the Touhou track Angel's Legend and the Kanto Legendary Theme).

Anybody is free to apply, so don't feel too intimidated! All I'll ask for is proof of existing work for the role you're applying for. If you are caught using illegitimate work, I will triangulate the Ion Cannon on your current position.

One more thing I will stress is, you DO NOT need prior experience with the Touhou Project series to assist with this project. People have said before that they can't help because they don't know anything about Touhou, and I personally don't believe that's necessary to make a battle background of a cave, or a new bookshelf tile, or to make sure you aren't walking on top of npcs if the "Through" tag wasn't turned off. Most of the Touhou-related material is content I can handle. If you need an explanation of something that is related to Touhou for your task, like creating a sprite of a character and you want to get their personality across in the graphic, I'm more than happy to give whatever help I can.

--- Method of Contact ---
My Discord ID is @Derxwna Kapsyla#9486. I can be reached on the Relic Castle discord server. My DMs on both Discord and Relic Castle are open to potential applicants, or if you would just like more information in general. Otherwise, I can be reached on the Touhou Puppet Dance Performance Discord server, which is the (un?)official hub for the Western Touhoumon/Touhou Puppet Play community.

--- Additional Information ---
As of the time of writing this post, I am currently in the process of moving out of state, and due to conditions my ability to work on the game will become slightly more limited. I will still be working on it, but at a slightly more reduced pace.


Overseer of the Abyss
Apr 24, 2017
Once again bumping this thread, but with a bit of new information;
I have recently gotten a job, and after budgeting I have deduced that I have a decent amount of money after expenses to do semi-regular commissions. However, as a result, my schedule is extremely more tight now.
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