Hi! I'd just like to say that, although I am not OP, I have used this script and managed to do a "Teleport" item.
For anyone who wants to use it just go to "Config.rb" file and add a new entry for a TELEPOR_CONFIG
Then go to "ItemHandler.rb" and add a new entry for an "Item_Teleport" and then add the code for the item after
Item_RockSmash = AdvancedHMItems::ROCKSMASH_CONFIG
Item_Cut = AdvancedHMItems::CUT_CONFIG
Item_Strength = AdvancedHMItems::STRENGTH_CONFIG
Item_Surf = AdvancedHMItems::SURF_CONFIG
Item_Fly = AdvancedHMItems::FLY_CONFIG
Item_Headbutt = AdvancedHMItems::HEADBUTT_CONFIG
Item_Flash = AdvancedHMItems::FLASH_CONFIG
#This is where you add the Teleport Item
Item_Teleport = AdvancedHMItems::TELEPORT_CONFIG
# Teleport
if Item_Teleport[:active]
def canUseMoveTeleport?
if !GameData::MapMetadata.exists?($game_map.map_id) ||
pbMessage(_INTL("Can't use that here."))
return false
healing = $PokemonGlobal.healingSpot
healing = GameData::Metadata.get.home if !healing # Home
if !healing
pbMessage(_INTL("Can't use that here."))
return false
if $game_player.pbHasDependentEvents?
pbMessage(_INTL("{1} can't be used when you have someone with you.", GameData::Item.get(Item_Teleport[:internal_name]).name))
return false
return true
def confirmUseMoveTeleport
healing = $PokemonGlobal.healingSpot
healing = GameData::Metadata.get.home if !healing # Home
return false if !healing
mapname = pbGetMapNameFromId(healing[0])
return pbConfirmMessage(_INTL("Want to warp to the last used healing spot in {1}?",mapname))
def useMoveTeleport
healing = $PokemonGlobal.healingSpot
healing = GameData::Metadata.get.home if !healing # Home
return false if !healing
if !pbHiddenMoveAnimation(nil)
pbMessage(_INTL("{1} used {2}!, $Trainer.name, GameData::Item.get(Item_Teleport[:internal_name]).name))
pbFadeOutIn {
$game_temp.player_new_map_id = healing[0]
$game_temp.player_new_x = healing[1]
$game_temp.player_new_y = healing[2]
$game_temp.player_new_direction = 2
return true
ItemHandlers::UseFromBag.add(Item_Teleport[:internal_name], proc do |item|
next canUseMoveTeleport? ? 2 : 0
ItemHandlers::UseInField.add(Item_Teleport[:internal_name], proc do |item|
useMoveTeleport if confirmUseMoveTeleport
If you haven't altered the plugin yourself I will leave a link to a version of the Plugin with the Teleport code:
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Yes. It's the strangest thing. I can use all the other hm items but fly. I know for a fact it's not the gym badge requirement either, as the only requirement in my game is that you have the item.
Yes. It's the strangest thing. I can use all the other hm items but fly. I know for a fact it's not the gym badge requirement either, as the only requirement in my game is that you have the item.
Any plans to have this on v17.2? The version available is unfinished and has several HMs not available, flash is the only one I could think of off the top of my head (there are several others however)
Any plans to have this on v17.2? The version available is unfinished and has several HMs not available, flash is the only one I could think of off the top of my head (there are several others however)
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