- Views: 6,193
- Replies: 2
Fival Throwdown creator Domino has challenged you to take part in a series of brutal challenges, each designed to test your knowledge, skill, and endurance. Inside each of the 5 battle hubs stand the Charming Brothers, Liam, Gordon, and Harrison. Each is given a powerful boss or team for you to take down, and you'll take them on without breaks or healing. So prepare accordingly. You will be given sets of 3 Pokémon to choose from to make your team, and a select number of items and TMs.
The Pokémon you choose and the number of attempts you make are tracked. Feel free to post your scores and your teams, but please put the teams behind spoilers, as these challenges are designed to be played blind, and to take numerous attempts to complete. I will be posting the final teams I put together, along with full documentation on the Pokémon in the battle hubs one week from now.
I was the main developer, and had two playtesters, Evergreen and Mluc, neither of which currently have Relic Castle accounts.
Made using Pokémon Essentials.
1.0.1 Patch:

63.5 KB file on MEGA
Gastly @ Choice Scarf
-Dream Eater
Vulpix @ Shuca Berry
-Confuse Ray
Jigglypuff @ Eviolite
-Disarming Voice
-Dream Eater
Vulpix @ Shuca Berry
-Confuse Ray
Jigglypuff @ Eviolite
-Disarming Voice
Snorlax @ Leftovers
Ability: Immunity
-Body Slam
-Fire Blast
Mega Charizard X @ Charizardite X
Ability: Tough Claws (Blaze)
-Dragon Dance
-Flare Blitz
Mewtwo @ Life Orb
Ability: Pressure
-Focus Blast
-Shadow Ball
-Ice Beam
Snorlax @ Leftovers
Ability: Immunity
-Body Slam
-Fire Blast
Mega Charizard X @ Charizardite X
Ability: Tough Claws (Blaze)
-Dragon Dance
-Flare Blitz
Mewtwo @ Life Orb
Ability: Pressure
-Focus Blast
-Shadow Ball
-Ice Beam
PP Stall Snorlax's Fire Blast until Snorlax is unable to damage Gastly. Use Curse and Dream Eater to KO it.
Switch into Vulpix and use Toxic. Vulpix can survive a crit or +1 Earthquake from Mega Charizard X. Use Endure, Protect, and Gastly and Vulpix's immunities to stall it out.
With Choice Scarf, Gastly outspeeds Mewtwo and can use Curse. From there, stall it out with Endure and Protect.
PP Stall Snorlax's Fire Blast until Snorlax is unable to damage Gastly. Use Curse and Dream Eater to KO it.
Switch into Vulpix and use Toxic. Vulpix can survive a crit or +1 Earthquake from Mega Charizard X. Use Endure, Protect, and Gastly and Vulpix's immunities to stall it out.
With Choice Scarf, Gastly outspeeds Mewtwo and can use Curse. From there, stall it out with Endure and Protect.
Magmar @ Eviolite
-Heat Wave
-Sunny Day
-Scorching Sands
Goldeen @ Soft Sand
-Water Pulse
-Mud Shot
Lileep @ Eviolite
-Mega Drain
-Ancient Power
-Solar Beam
Comfey @ Leftovers
Ability: Triage (Ability Capsule from Natural Cure)
-Floral Healing
-Draining Kiss
-Heat Wave
-Sunny Day
-Scorching Sands
Goldeen @ Soft Sand
-Water Pulse
-Mud Shot
Lileep @ Eviolite
-Mega Drain
-Ancient Power
-Solar Beam
Comfey @ Leftovers
Ability: Triage (Ability Capsule from Natural Cure)
-Floral Healing
-Draining Kiss
Dracozolt @ Choice Band
Ability: Volt Absorb
-Bolt Beak
-Fire Fang
-Dragon Claw
-Low Kick
Pincurchin @ Terrain Extender
Ability: Electric Surge
-Rising Voltage
-Rain Dance
Jolteon @ Magnet
Ability: Volt Absorb
-Volt Switch
-Shadow Ball
Seismitoad @ Life Orb
Ability: Swift Swim
-Earth Power
-Ice Beam
Abomasnow @ Icy Rock
Ability: Snow Warning
-Ice Shard
Froslass @ Bright Powder
Ability: Snow Cloak
-Shadow Ball
Rotom-Frost @ Life Orb
Ability: Levitate
-Volt Switch
Glaceon @ Light Clay
Ability: Snow Cloak
-Shadow Ball
-Aurora Veil
Primarina @ Life Orb
Ability: Liquid Voice
-Hyper Voice
-Icy Wind
Porygon2 @ Eviolite
Ability: Trace
-Tri Attack
Stonjourner @ Assault Vest
Ability: Power Spot
-Rock Slide
-Stomping Tantrum
-Heavy Slam
-Heat Crash
Mega Scizor @ Scizorite
Ability: Technician
-Bullet Punch
-Bug Bite
Dracozolt @ Choice Band
Ability: Volt Absorb
-Bolt Beak
-Fire Fang
-Dragon Claw
-Low Kick
Pincurchin @ Terrain Extender
Ability: Electric Surge
-Rising Voltage
-Rain Dance
Jolteon @ Magnet
Ability: Volt Absorb
-Volt Switch
-Shadow Ball
Seismitoad @ Life Orb
Ability: Swift Swim
-Earth Power
-Ice Beam
Abomasnow @ Icy Rock
Ability: Snow Warning
-Ice Shard
Froslass @ Bright Powder
Ability: Snow Cloak
-Shadow Ball
Rotom-Frost @ Life Orb
Ability: Levitate
-Volt Switch
Glaceon @ Light Clay
Ability: Snow Cloak
-Shadow Ball
-Aurora Veil
Primarina @ Life Orb
Ability: Liquid Voice
-Hyper Voice
-Icy Wind
Porygon2 @ Eviolite
Ability: Trace
-Tri Attack
Stonjourner @ Assault Vest
Ability: Power Spot
-Rock Slide
-Stomping Tantrum
-Heavy Slam
-Heat Crash
Mega Scizor @ Scizorite
Ability: Technician
-Bullet Punch
-Bug Bite
Use Goldeen's Mud Shot and Magmar's Scorching Sands to deal with Dracozolt and Pincurchin. Switch Magmar to Lileep to preserve Magmar when Jolteon is sent out, and use it alongside Goldeen to beat Jolteon and Seismitoad.
Use Magmar's Sunny Day to clear Abomasnow's Hail, and use Heat Wave to KO the remaining Pokémon. Switch Goldeen to Comfey to restore Magmar's HP or Paralysis.
Toxic the Porygon2 with Goldeen, and use Protect with Magmar. Then have Magmar use Sunny Day, and switch Goldeen to Lileep to absorb Primarina's Liquid Voice Hyper Voices. Then switch Magmar for Comfey, and use Lileep's Solar Beam to KO the Primarina and Stonjourner. Switch Magmar back in to KO Mega Scizor.
Use Goldeen's Mud Shot and Magmar's Scorching Sands to deal with Dracozolt and Pincurchin. Switch Magmar to Lileep to preserve Magmar when Jolteon is sent out, and use it alongside Goldeen to beat Jolteon and Seismitoad.
Use Magmar's Sunny Day to clear Abomasnow's Hail, and use Heat Wave to KO the remaining Pokémon. Switch Goldeen to Comfey to restore Magmar's HP or Paralysis.
Toxic the Porygon2 with Goldeen, and use Protect with Magmar. Then have Magmar use Sunny Day, and switch Goldeen to Lileep to absorb Primarina's Liquid Voice Hyper Voices. Then switch Magmar for Comfey, and use Lileep's Solar Beam to KO the Primarina and Stonjourner. Switch Magmar back in to KO Mega Scizor.
Basculin @ Choice Band
-Chip Away
-Ice Fang
-Final Gambit
-Flip Turn
Roselia @ Eviolite
-Toxic Spikes
-Giga Drain
Staravia @ Eviolite
-Wing Attack
Illumise @ Leftovers
Chimecho @ Rocky Helmet
-Heal Bell
Monferno @ Eviolite
-Fire Punch
-Slack Off
-Mach Punch
-Bulk Up
-Chip Away
-Ice Fang
-Final Gambit
-Flip Turn
Roselia @ Eviolite
-Toxic Spikes
-Giga Drain
Staravia @ Eviolite
-Wing Attack
Illumise @ Leftovers
Chimecho @ Rocky Helmet
-Heal Bell
Monferno @ Eviolite
-Fire Punch
-Slack Off
-Mach Punch
-Bulk Up
Toxapex @ Black Sludge
Ability: Regenerator
-Toxic Spikes
Tangrowth @ Occa Berry
Ability: Regenerator
-Giga Drain
-Sleep Powder
-Sludge Bomb
Mienshao @ Life Orb
Ability: Regenerator
-Close Combat
-Fake Out
-Poison Jab
Audino @ Leftovers
Ability: Regenerator
-Heal Bell
-Knock Off
Reuniclus @ Assault Vest
Ability: Regenerator
-Focus Blast
-Shadow Ball
Ho-oh @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Regenerator
-Sacred Fire
-Brave Bird
Ability: Sheer Force
-Flare Blitz
-Rock Slide
Metagross @ Leftovers
-Meteor Mash
-Zen Headbutt
-Thunder Punch
Heracross @ Flame Orb
Ability: Guts
-Swords Dance
-Close Combat
-Stone Edge
Gyarados @ Wacan Berry
Ability: Moxie
-Dragon Dance
-Ice Fang
Rhyperior @ Assault Vest
Ability: Solid Rock
-Stone Edge
-Hammer Arm
-Fire Punch
Kyurem-Black @ Choice Band
Ability: Pressure
-Bolt Strike
-Icicle Spear
-Iron Head
Mr. Mime @ Light Clay
Ability: Filter
-Light Screen
-Dazzling Gleam
Chandelure @ Choice Specs
Ability: Flame Body
-Shadow Ball
-Energy Ball
Frosmoth @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Ice Scales
-Shadow Ball
-Bug Buzz
-Ice Beam
-Dazzling Gleam
Thievul @ Life Orb
-Nasty Plot
-Dark Pulse
-Mud Shot
-Grass Knot
Lurantis @ Miracle Seed
Ability: Contrary
-Leaf Storm
-Giga Drain
-Knock Off
Zygarde-50% @ Leftovers
Ability: Power Construct
-Thousand Arrows
-Dragon Claw
-Dragon Dance
-Extreme Speed
Toxapex @ Black Sludge
Ability: Regenerator
-Toxic Spikes
Tangrowth @ Occa Berry
Ability: Regenerator
-Giga Drain
-Sleep Powder
-Sludge Bomb
Mienshao @ Life Orb
Ability: Regenerator
-Close Combat
-Fake Out
-Poison Jab
Audino @ Leftovers
Ability: Regenerator
-Heal Bell
-Knock Off
Reuniclus @ Assault Vest
Ability: Regenerator
-Focus Blast
-Shadow Ball
Ho-oh @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Regenerator
-Sacred Fire
-Brave Bird
Ability: Sheer Force
-Flare Blitz
-Rock Slide
Metagross @ Leftovers
-Meteor Mash
-Zen Headbutt
-Thunder Punch
Heracross @ Flame Orb
Ability: Guts
-Swords Dance
-Close Combat
-Stone Edge
Gyarados @ Wacan Berry
Ability: Moxie
-Dragon Dance
-Ice Fang
Rhyperior @ Assault Vest
Ability: Solid Rock
-Stone Edge
-Hammer Arm
-Fire Punch
Kyurem-Black @ Choice Band
Ability: Pressure
-Bolt Strike
-Icicle Spear
-Iron Head
Mr. Mime @ Light Clay
Ability: Filter
-Light Screen
-Dazzling Gleam
Chandelure @ Choice Specs
Ability: Flame Body
-Shadow Ball
-Energy Ball
Frosmoth @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Ice Scales
-Shadow Ball
-Bug Buzz
-Ice Beam
-Dazzling Gleam
Thievul @ Life Orb
-Nasty Plot
-Dark Pulse
-Mud Shot
-Grass Knot
Lurantis @ Miracle Seed
Ability: Contrary
-Leaf Storm
-Giga Drain
-Knock Off
Zygarde-50% @ Leftovers
Ability: Power Construct
-Thousand Arrows
-Dragon Claw
-Dragon Dance
-Extreme Speed
Set up Spikes and Toxic Spikes on Toxapex, then use Chimecho's Psychic to KO it. Switch into Roselia when Mienshao comes in to absorb the Toxic Spikes Toxapex laid down and KO it with Giga Drain. Switch to Staravia when Ho-oh comes in, and U-turn out to Basculin, then KO Ho-oh with Flip Turn. Reuniclus can be stalled out by Chimecho and Illumise. Tangrowth can be stalled out by Chimecho and Roselia. Audino can't do much damage, so use the time you have to heal up your Pokémon with Illumise's Wish and their own recovery.
KO Darmanitan with Basculin's Flip Turn, and switch to Illumise. Use Charm and Encore on the Rhyperior until it is at -6 Attack, and then set up Spikes and Toxic Spikes with Roselia. Then switch in Basculin and KO with Flip Turn, and send in Illumise. Use Charm on Kyurem-Black, and stall until it is KO'd. Gyarados will be immune to your Toxic Spikes, but is vulnerable to Charm. Use Staravia as a pivot, and set up Monferno when it's at low HP. Monferno can KO both Metagross and Heracross with Fire Punch.
Flip Turn against Mr. Mime and switch to Chimecho. KO it, and use Protect against the incoming Frosmoth. If it uses Shadow Ball, switch to Staravia and KO it. If it uses Ice Beam or Bug Buzz, switch to Monferno, set up 6 Bulk Ups, and KO it. If it uses Dazzling Gleam, switch to Roselia and set up Spikes and Toxic Spikes. Monferno outspeeds and 2KO's Chandelure at +6, which only OHKO's with a crit Psychic. If Monferno is set up, proceed to sweep. Zygarde-50% may set up and KO Monferno, in which case switch to Illumise and Charm it. Basculin can finish it off. Lurantis can be dealt with by Monferno or Staravia. Thievul is faster than Basculin, but is KO'd easily by Monferno.
Set up Spikes and Toxic Spikes on Toxapex, then use Chimecho's Psychic to KO it. Switch into Roselia when Mienshao comes in to absorb the Toxic Spikes Toxapex laid down and KO it with Giga Drain. Switch to Staravia when Ho-oh comes in, and U-turn out to Basculin, then KO Ho-oh with Flip Turn. Reuniclus can be stalled out by Chimecho and Illumise. Tangrowth can be stalled out by Chimecho and Roselia. Audino can't do much damage, so use the time you have to heal up your Pokémon with Illumise's Wish and their own recovery.
KO Darmanitan with Basculin's Flip Turn, and switch to Illumise. Use Charm and Encore on the Rhyperior until it is at -6 Attack, and then set up Spikes and Toxic Spikes with Roselia. Then switch in Basculin and KO with Flip Turn, and send in Illumise. Use Charm on Kyurem-Black, and stall until it is KO'd. Gyarados will be immune to your Toxic Spikes, but is vulnerable to Charm. Use Staravia as a pivot, and set up Monferno when it's at low HP. Monferno can KO both Metagross and Heracross with Fire Punch.
Flip Turn against Mr. Mime and switch to Chimecho. KO it, and use Protect against the incoming Frosmoth. If it uses Shadow Ball, switch to Staravia and KO it. If it uses Ice Beam or Bug Buzz, switch to Monferno, set up 6 Bulk Ups, and KO it. If it uses Dazzling Gleam, switch to Roselia and set up Spikes and Toxic Spikes. Monferno outspeeds and 2KO's Chandelure at +6, which only OHKO's with a crit Psychic. If Monferno is set up, proceed to sweep. Zygarde-50% may set up and KO Monferno, in which case switch to Illumise and Charm it. Basculin can finish it off. Lurantis can be dealt with by Monferno or Staravia. Thievul is faster than Basculin, but is KO'd easily by Monferno.
Seviper @ Choice Scarf
-Poison Tail
-Giga Drain
-Sludge Wave
Lickilicky @ Choice Specs
-Body Slam
Indeedee-Male @ Colbur Berry
-Hyper Voice
-Dazzling Gleam
-Expanding Force
-Poison Tail
-Giga Drain
-Sludge Wave
Lickilicky @ Choice Specs
-Body Slam
Indeedee-Male @ Colbur Berry
-Hyper Voice
-Dazzling Gleam
-Expanding Force
Shiinotic @ Leftovers
Ability: Effect Spore
-Strength Sap
-Giga Drain
Granbull @ Life Orb
Ability: Intimidate
-Play Rough
Sawsbuck @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Sap Sipper
-Jump Kick
-Horn Leech
-Double Edge
-Stomping Tantrum
Toxicroak @ Focus Sash
Ability: Dry Skin
-Poison Jab
-Drain Punch
-Swords Dance
-Thunder Punch
Breloom @ Choice Band
Ability: Technician
-Mach Punch
-Bullet Seed
-Rock Tomb
Pangoro @ Payapa Berry
Ability: Scrappy
-Poison Jab
-Drain Punch
-Swords Dance
-Thunder Punch
Hippowdon @ Leftovers
Ability: Sand Stream
-Ice Fang
-Slack Off
Dugtrio @ Air Balloon
Ability: Sand Force
-High Horsepower
-Night Slash
-Stone Edge
-Iron Head
Excadrill @ Life Orb
Ability: Sand Rush
-Iron Head
-Rock Slide
-Swords Dance
Shiinotic @ Leftovers
Ability: Effect Spore
-Strength Sap
-Giga Drain
Granbull @ Life Orb
Ability: Intimidate
-Play Rough
Sawsbuck @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Sap Sipper
-Jump Kick
-Horn Leech
-Double Edge
-Stomping Tantrum
Toxicroak @ Focus Sash
Ability: Dry Skin
-Poison Jab
-Drain Punch
-Swords Dance
-Thunder Punch
Breloom @ Choice Band
Ability: Technician
-Mach Punch
-Bullet Seed
-Rock Tomb
Pangoro @ Payapa Berry
Ability: Scrappy
-Poison Jab
-Drain Punch
-Swords Dance
-Thunder Punch
Hippowdon @ Leftovers
Ability: Sand Stream
-Ice Fang
-Slack Off
Dugtrio @ Air Balloon
Ability: Sand Force
-High Horsepower
-Night Slash
-Stone Edge
-Iron Head
Excadrill @ Life Orb
Ability: Sand Rush
-Iron Head
-Rock Slide
-Swords Dance
Seviper OHKO's Shiinotic, needs to hit a 69% range on Sawsbuck, and survives a Double-Edge back, and Granbull takes itself out with Life Orb recoil.
Seviper uses Sludge Wave to pop the Focus Sash on Toxicroak, KO's Breloom, and damages Pangoro. When Seviper goes down, Indeedee-Male uses Dazzling Gleam to OHKO Pangoro, and Expanding Force to finish off Toxicroak.
Lickicky's Surf 2KO's Excadrill and Dugtrio, just needing to avoid excessive flinches from Iron Head. Indeedee-Male can finish off Hippowdon with Expanding Force.
Seviper OHKO's Shiinotic, needs to hit a 69% range on Sawsbuck, and survives a Double-Edge back, and Granbull takes itself out with Life Orb recoil.
Seviper uses Sludge Wave to pop the Focus Sash on Toxicroak, KO's Breloom, and damages Pangoro. When Seviper goes down, Indeedee-Male uses Dazzling Gleam to OHKO Pangoro, and Expanding Force to finish off Toxicroak.
Lickicky's Surf 2KO's Excadrill and Dugtrio, just needing to avoid excessive flinches from Iron Head. Indeedee-Male can finish off Hippowdon with Expanding Force.
Mega Salamence @ Salamencite
-Double Edge
Jolteon @ Leftovers
-Charge Beam
-Baton Pass
-Thunder Wave
-Light Screen
Torterra @ Leftovers
-Wood Hammer
Regice @ Choice Specs
-Icy Wind
Lycanroc-Dusk @ Choice Band
-Drill Run
-Sucker Punch
-Close Combat
-Double Edge
Jolteon @ Leftovers
-Charge Beam
-Baton Pass
-Thunder Wave
-Light Screen
Torterra @ Leftovers
-Wood Hammer
Regice @ Choice Specs
-Icy Wind
Lycanroc-Dusk @ Choice Band
-Drill Run
-Sucker Punch
-Close Combat
Primal Groudon @ Red Orb
Ability: Desolate Land
-Precipice Blades
-Fire Punch
-Stone Edge
Ultra Necrozma @ Ultranecrozmium Z
Ability: Neuroforce
-Photon Geyser
-Dragon Pulse
-Sunsteel Strike
-Moongeist Beam
Eternatus Eternamax @ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
-Dynamax Cannon
-Sludge Wave
Primal Groudon @ Red Orb
Ability: Desolate Land
-Precipice Blades
-Fire Punch
-Stone Edge
Ultra Necrozma @ Ultranecrozmium Z
Ability: Neuroforce
-Photon Geyser
-Dragon Pulse
-Sunsteel Strike
-Moongeist Beam
Eternatus Eternamax @ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
-Dynamax Cannon
-Sludge Wave
Mega Salamence 1v1's Primal Groudon with Double Edge.
Sac Mega Salamence on Ultra Necrozma's Light That Burns the Sky, and send out Lycanroc-Dusk to OHKO with Sucker Punch.
Lead Jolteon and Light Screen into Thunder Wave. Then, use as many Charge Beams as possible while keeping Light Screen up to Baton Pass the boosts to Regice. Then try to KO Eternatus Eternamax. If Regice goes down, switch to Lycanroc-Dusk and use Drill Run. Torterra can also take 2 hits from any of Eternatus-Eternamax's moves.
Mega Salamence 1v1's Primal Groudon with Double Edge.
Sac Mega Salamence on Ultra Necrozma's Light That Burns the Sky, and send out Lycanroc-Dusk to OHKO with Sucker Punch.
Lead Jolteon and Light Screen into Thunder Wave. Then, use as many Charge Beams as possible while keeping Light Screen up to Baton Pass the boosts to Regice. Then try to KO Eternatus Eternamax. If Regice goes down, switch to Lycanroc-Dusk and use Drill Run. Torterra can also take 2 hits from any of Eternatus-Eternamax's moves.
All Resources provided were used:
Gen II Player OWs as the Player OW, with color choices allowed
Gen III Trainers as the Charming Brothers
Gen IV OWs as Domino, Domino's Celebration outfit, and Idris
Poké Balls match the player's color choice
Leaves, Mail, Shoes, and Jam as rewards, depending on player actions
DS Tile as a score tracking screen
Table Tile as battle hubs
Gen II Player OWs as the Player OW, with color choices allowed
Gen III Trainers as the Charming Brothers
Gen IV OWs as Domino, Domino's Celebration outfit, and Idris
Poké Balls match the player's color choice
Leaves, Mail, Shoes, and Jam as rewards, depending on player actions
DS Tile as a score tracking screen
Table Tile as battle hubs
"Pokémon Essentials" was created by:
Poccil (Peter O.)
With contributions from:
MiDas Mike
Near Fantastica
Genzai Kawakami
Jacob O. Wobbrock
Lisa Anthony
Luka S.J. and everyone else who helped out
Luka SJ’s Utilities
Poccil (Peter O.)
With contributions from:
MiDas Mike
Near Fantastica
Genzai Kawakami
Jacob O. Wobbrock
Lisa Anthony
Luka S.J. and everyone else who helped out
Luka SJ’s Utilities
- Luka SJ
- Enterbrain - RGSS
- Nuri Yuri - RGSS Linker, RGSS FmodEx, Audio (FmodEx)
- GiraPrimal - LOOP_TABLE
- Lucidious89 and StCooler, Marcello, Zumi, Ice Cream Sand Witch, Amethyst, Jan, Sardines, Inuki, WolfPP, fauno
- Aioros
- Leparagon
- Relic Castle Staff
- Rayquaza_dot
- Sky High
- Espeon Scientist, princessofmusic, Trev
- HeXer
- Megax Rocker
- MrDollSteak
- ChaosRush
- Smogon XY Project
- Smogon SM Project
- Smogon SS Project
- Evergreen
- Mluc
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