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Entertainment Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon Hype and Predictions [Beware of Sun and Moon spoilers]

Are you happy about this being the next main series game?

  • Yes!

    Votes: 9 75.0%
  • Nah, they should have made something else...

    Votes: 3 25.0%

  • Total voters
I know it is a bit early, with it just being announced and all, but a few things I thought would be worth discussing?

  • Are you happy with the announcement or were you hoping it would be something else, like a Sinnoh remake?
  • Any predictions for the game?
  • Thoughts on the reveal trailer?
Just a few thoughts of mine...
-I am happy that this is what was revealed, I do love Sinnoh as it was my first Pokemon game, but I feel it is a bit soon to be remaking it and I wanted Alola to have some more coverage.
- I believe that the empty plots in some towns in S&M will have something to do with a house system in the new games. Most towns in S&M had a weird empty plot with a few construction planks, however what makes me doubt this is that even the Aether Foundation had one of these, and I doubt you can have a house there.
-I think there will be visiting to another reason, but I am conflicted on whether it would be Unova or Kanto. There are lots of references to Unova, Colress being present, the new forms of Solgaleo and Lunala look like they use the DNA splicers, and I'm not 100% sure of this, but I believe a Unova town map image was data-mined in Sun and Moon. But then Kanto has the whole thing of SPOILERS FOR SUN AND MOON Lily leaving to Kanto at the end of the game. And I doubt they will let you visit both, but I do hope you can at least visit one of them.

What are your thoughts?


Annoying Twit
May 14, 2017
The black parts of Solgaleo and Lunala's formes look like that other Pokemon that came late in the game, Necrozma? It came out of nowhere seemingly and had no bearing on the plot as far as we know, but it has a star pattern on the back of its head and is described as seeming like it came from outerspace (but not from an Ultra Wormhole, though nobody's been able to prove it). My theory is that US/UM will actually have more of an explanation on what Necrozma is and how it relates to our two box legendaries.


Sandwich Master
Apr 1, 2017
It's alright, I am going to try to stop seeing trailers so then I am mostly blind, but I really like the new forms, they have this weird mind controlled appearance that shows an intimidating look. But overall meh.

though, I am hoping they add more Alola formes and add more species into their dex overall because I feel like they could add a LOT more species in their region, like Tropius, Ludicolo, Sawsbuck, and more, there are just too many unused species that it's upsetting. For Regionial variants, I hope they add new ones because I kind of found them something I wouldn't use, and I want to change that with these.
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Jun 29, 2017
I was personally hoping for a Sinnoh remake. It's more than time I think. There was only 8 years after Red and Blue when Fire Red and Leaf Green came out. It's been 11 years since Diamond and Pearl. While it took 12 years for Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, I think that was too long. I'm cautiously optimistic for Ultra Sun and Moon. If they add enough content I'm happy to revisit Alola.

Predictions: I think we'll see differences similar to those between BW and BW 2. Some new areas, and a new plot. Hopefully we get some new islands. I think the game might look at how the Aether foundation has changed, as well new Aether activity on the islands (Maybe more new buildings). If I had to guess, I'd say the antagonists are going to be a splinter faction of Aether, which will be a bit of a bummer since they already did that with BW2 essentially. Sun and Moon also explored invasive pokemon (with the Alolan forms largely, but also with the Ultra Beasts a little), so it would be interesting if they continued with that theme. Maybe some ultra beasts have started to establish in Alola? I really hope they introduce new Alolan forms from other generations, but I kind of doubt they will.

P.S. After re-watching the trailer, I noticed they used the words "alternate story" which kind of implies that it might not necessarily be after Sun and Moon, but rather like an alternate reality from Sun and Moon. Which makes me a little worried, as it leaves them room to just not change all that much from Sun and Moon.