Results Thread
Overview Thread - Pre-Results Discussion Thread
And that's our fourth game jam down! While we had less entries than last year (although to be fair, there was a ridiculous amount of entries last year) we still had quite a few! It was nice seeing some familiar and some fresh faces with who entered this year. Admittedly we didn't spread the word as much as we probably should have about the jam this year, but that's alright! There's always next year for that.
We had fun playing the entries this year, and we hope you did too! With less entries comes less judge spotlights -- but we're excited to see what everyone picks for the community choice spotlight!
Without further ado, however, here are the spotlights as picked by the judges...

"Set in faraway region of Idinsa, a lone Zoroark must prepare himself for the inevitable: he can’t hide forever."

Click here to visit the thread!

"Welcome to Pokémon Castaway! The player is the (not-so) fortunate winner of a trip to Alola. On the flight there, however, the plane is struck down. Landing on the mysterious Bermada Island, the player is tasked with exploring their environment while searching for fellow survivors and a way off of the island. As the player traverses further inland, it becomes evident that the island is anything but deserted. Will the player find a way off the island? And, more importantly, will they get to go on an Alolan vacation?"

Click here to visit the thread!

"As a pro Birdkeeper, you have been hired by Professor Finch to help him investigate some bird business. From his lab you need to head out in each direction to find some special birds and collect their feathers!"

Click here to visit the thread!

"This is a game that tells a story about three kids who go on an adventure."

Click here to visit the thread!
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