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Released Pokémon Spodumene

This project has a release available. The full version is still a work in progress.
Pokemon Spodumene is a passion project I’ve been working on for the last couple of months, using Pokemon Essentials GS that was created by COMBOY, that is a Gold, Silver and Crystal Version of the Pokemon Essentials Kit created by Peter O., Maruno and was based on the work by Flameguru.





Tagline for the game...
“What does it mean to be a legendary pokemon?”

Trailer 1

A Brand New Pokemon

The Story:
Taking place in the newly discovered region known as Rica, a rivalry between two opposing opposites known as Team Flashback and Team Equality has left the region split in the middle. While this is going on, it is finally the big day where you finally turn eighteen years old. But trouble arrives when your fiance, Nixon's father Professor Fern, wants you to come to his lab. In order to get the Professor to like you, you go out on a journey to collect all eight badges, to become the Rica Region’s very first champion. But, doing that isn’t going to be easy, as you have to deal with the troublesome Team Equality, Team Flashback, their combined rivalry with the Media, the disappearance of shiny pokemon, a rival who hates your guts and another rival who doesn’t know what they want in life.

Explore the Brand New Region of Rica!

The newly discovered Rica Region is finally populating, and gentrifying itself, since it was found. This region Is widely known for its shiny pokemon, and was the place were shiny pokemon was recently discovered. Described as a land of freedom and freedom of speech, the people in this region aren’t afraid to show its love of the place they call home. Many types of locations in the Rica Region are waiting to be explored, such as the rainforest safari zone, the vanilla house, the statue of justice, and much more exciting places. Another interesting fact for your travel throughout the region is that whole region lies in the middle of the mount of Slushmore.
Unlike other regions, some pokemon that are considered legendary, aren’t considered legendary, and some pokemon that aren’t considered legendary are considered legendary, why is this?



What are the Origin Forms?!
A new type of Pokemon Form is here, called the Origin Form!

Origin Forms are a new form created by the H.A.C.K.E.R.S. as a way make certain Pokemon overpowered. In order to use them, you have to use the X Diamonds and must own an XXXX Gauntlet.
The ___ X are Diamonds made to bring out the Origin Form of Pokemon. They make Pokemon super overpowered changing their types, abilities, stats, moves, and can only be activated with the XXXX Gauntlet. It infects a Pokemon with a healthy virus.Pokemon stats can go super high making them extremely overpowered or they can become extremely weak.


Pokemon Spodumene and its characters, along with its plot draw inspiration from the current topics that go in America in the current time, which means that the characters will reflect on that. As stated the game is based on America. These are the characters of the game (but not including the main characters):
  • Nixon: Professor Fern’s only son who is very close to the main character. Nixon and his father, have a very rocky relationship, as Professor Fern not only doesn’t like the playable character(s), he also wants his son to be a Pokemon Trainer, but he doesn’t want to be. Nixon is hiding a big secret and will play a major role in the game.
  • Christine: You’re main rival who can be best described as the stereotypical mean girl trope. She doesn’t care about anyone else but herself, and the only things that drive her in life is her love of fashion, boys, money, and fame. She likes taking selfies.
  • Benji: A famous Pokemon Youtuber in the Region of Rica, who doesn’t really want to play Pokemon anymore, and wants to branch out to other things. However, ever since he’s branched out to doing other things, his views has declined and he doesn’t know what he wants to do anymore, seeing as he doesn’t want to be a Pokemon Youtuber anymore and be defined by “Labels.”
  • Professor Emmanuel Fern: The Rica’s Region brand new famous Pokemon Professor who studies shiny Pokemon. He hates the closeness between the playable character and Nixon and will do anything to try to separate you too because he hates you. He’s stubborn, hateful, and very overprotective. Lately, he has been researching the increasing disappearance of shiny pokemon in the Rica Region. He has a theory and believes that shiny pokemon are the true forms of pokemon.
  • Clyde Sparksdale: He is the CEO of a television company, and helped discover the Rica Region alongside Professor Fern. He knows that he has a reputation, but doesn’t let that get to him. He is very close with his co-workers and knows that many people in the region find him trustworthy.
  • H.A.C.K.E.R.S: TBA.

  • Catch, meet, and battle the 250 Pokemon in the Rica Region Pokedex.
  • Try and discover the secrets of the legendary Pokemon, Butterfree, Beedrill, and Heracross.
  • Choose between the starter pokemon, Tympole, Litwick and Sewaddle.
  • Explore a GSC styled Pokemon Game with modern things forms current Pokemon Games, such as the Pokeradar, etc.
  • New types, new moves, new items, and new forms.
  • What are the Origin Forms?
  • Choose the option of the skin color of you're character.
  • A new way to use Z-Moves.

  • Me, clockstops for Writter, Eventer, Mapper, etc.

    For Creating Both Pokemon Essentials and/or Pokemon Essentials GS
    • COMBOY
    • Flameguru
    • Poccil (Peter O.)
    • Maruno
    • Nintendo
    • GameFreak

      Contributions From
    • AvatarMonkeyKirby
    • MiDas Mike
    • Boushy
    • Near Fantastica
    • Brother1440
    • PinkMan
    • FL.
    • Popper
    • Genzai Kawakami
    • Rataime
    • Harshboy
    • SoundSpawn
    • help-14
    • the__end
    • IceGod64
    • Venom12
    • Jacob O. Wobbrock
    • Wachunga
    • KitsuneKouta
    • xLeD
    • Lisa Anthony

      Devamped Sprites
    • DarkDoom3000
    • Koolboyman
    • AkaiIsamu
    • Neslug
    • NICKtendo DS
    • Wes
    • pokekoks
    • Mighty Jetters
    • Alpha Six
    • Jeremy
    • Lockerz102
    • JoshR691
    • Koopaul
    • Ike
    • ClawedNyasu
    • Layle
    • SengirDev
    • Devicho
    • Comboy

      GSC Tileset Expansion
    • COMBOY
    • solo993
    • Ruki/Gold
    • Mateo
    • Chamber
    • Pey
    • Zein
    • Kyledove
    • Alistair
    • Kaliser
    • Redknight
    • BruceJuice
    • RadicalRaptr
    • Raonak
    • Shawnfrost
    • Rverah-duh
    • speedialga
    • Platinum Tyrant
    • Spacemotion
    • alucus
    • pokemon-diamond
    • kizemaru
    • danerdydude
    • klnothincoming
    • anutter
    • epicday
    • Heavy-Metal-Lover
    • thurter
    • UltimoSpriter
    • foreverxshoddybattle
    • minorthreat
    • tyranitardark
    • Thatsowitty
    • Zenio
    • Dawn Bronze
    • Dewitty
    • ThunderDove
    • WesleyFG
    • Magiscarf
    • Peekychew
    • Zeo254
    • LogiedanT-T
    • Gigatom
    • Lightbulb15
    • DonLawride
    • 0NegaXFMP0
    • Tratas
    • Kiedisticelixer

      With Special Thanks Too
    • Maruno
    • FL.
    • Umbreon
    • Pia Carrot
    • kcgcrazy
    • mej71
    • out written
    • kiedisticelixer
    • shiney570 (Advanced Quick save Script)

The first four gym demo is out, and ready to be released to the public. All feedback is apperciated. Things that are in the demo. I don't have a computer right now, due to technical difficulties and will be getting one soon, but I will take notes. Also there's a chance that the story may be rebooted and I'm looking for someone who could go through the games dialogue and proofread and stuff like that. I could really use the help on that.
-Four gym demo.
-Introduction to the main characters.
-Tons of Pokemon to collect.
-New ways to evolve some Pokemon.
-Some brand new items.
The X Forms aren't in the demo yet, along with the new Pokemon Star.-Four gym demo.
-Introduction to the main characters.
-Tons of Pokemon to collect.
-New ways to evolve some Pokemon.
-Some brand new items.
The Origin Forms aren't in the demo yet, along with the new Pokemon Star.
-Theres a quick save option.
*Safari Zone is available.
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Apr 4, 2017
in which level my pichu will evolve into pikachu i want to know if you want to tell me just replay me and i will keep playing maybe level 18 when it learning nasty plot or its earlier level since pichu learning moves until level 18
Just checked and it's still happiness. I forgot to change it, its suppose to evolve by level up and knowing volt tackle. It will be fixed in the next update.


Apr 4, 2017
Update: The full game will be very different from the demo. Ive always felt like when fan games do demos they tend to be very simillar to the full game, so I decided that I wanted the demo and full game to be different from one another, hence thats why I made it like that. The demo was meant more to introduce the characters, the plot and the region. More information will be provided later.
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Apr 4, 2017


-Still making progress on the game, even though the game is finished.
-Polishing up the post game, and the main game.
-The main game is 20 hours long.
-After the fourth gym, the gaps between gyms will increase.
-There are eight gym leaders.
-This region doesn't have an elite four.