December 24th through December 31st! Let's make the end of 2017 wonderful with a Wonder Trade Event!

If you want to go with the Relic Castle theme, it is: Fossil Pokemon nicknamed Relic!
However you can do your own cool idea or participate in one of the other December Wonder Trade events going on, and still earn the badge here at Relic Castle. We just want to see Wonder Trade flooded with cool pokemon, no matter how that gets done!
In this thread, let us know if you're participating, what other Wonder Trade events you know are happening this month, or show us what you plan to trade! After that, we'd love to hear if anyone got anything cool in exchange while Wonder Trading!
What kind of Pokemon makes a good Wonder Trade?
- Starter Pokemon: Rowlet, Litten, and Popplio, or starters from other regions!
- Version exclusive Pokemon only in Ultra Sun: Alolan Vulpix, Omanyte, Houndour/, Anorith, Cranidos, Cottonee, Basculin (red stripe), Tirtouga, Golett, Rufflet, Clauncher, Tyrunt, Turtonator, and Passimian!
- Version exclusive Pokemon only in Ultra Moon: Alolan Sandshrew, Kabuto, Electrike, Baltoy, Lileep, Shieldon, Petilil, Basculin (blue stripe), Archen, Vullaby, Skrelp, Amaura, Oranguru, and Drampa!
- Pokemon that evolve when traded: Boldore, Haunter, Kadabra , Machoke, Phantump, and Pumpkaboo!
- Pokemon with cute nicknames/moves, or holding gift items: Delibird is a popular choice because of it's move Present, and we're partial to fossil Pokemon nicknamed Relic.
- Pokemon from later areas of the game: Try the last island or post game areas!
- Pokemon that are difficult to find/encounter: Pokemon that only appear when fishing, or when called in an SOS battle, or have a move that faints themself!
- Good IVs, holding nice items, or infected with Pokerus: While kids might not understand the significance of these gifts, there's plenty of other players out there wonder trading who will be happy to get something good in return!
About this event:
The Relic Castle Wonder Trade event is something we like to run when new Pokemon games are released. The main series games usually come out in October or November, but during the December holiday season a new wave of players receive the games as gifts and start playing for the first time!
Event Objectives:
›Share in this thread what you're trading, and talk about anything cool you get in return!
Quick Rules:
›Do some Wonder Trading during the last week of this year!
›Post about some of your trades here as a record and you'll get the badge!
›Wonder Trade in any gen 7 game, you don't have to be playing the newest version to participate!
›If you're participating in a different Wonder Trade event during this time, we'll count that!
This Event not for you? Check out some of these threads:
›Make a Fakemon Game where everyone takes turns editing a sprite to completion. Allways open!
›Give us feedback or suggestions on the kind of events you want to see on Relic Castle. Specifically, the mapping events can be discussed here, and the spriting events can be discussed here.
Quick Rules:
›Do some Wonder Trading during the last week of this year!
›Post about some of your trades here as a record and you'll get the badge!

›Wonder Trade in any gen 7 game, you don't have to be playing the newest version to participate!
›If you're participating in a different Wonder Trade event during this time, we'll count that!
This Event not for you? Check out some of these threads:
›Make a Fakemon Game where everyone takes turns editing a sprite to completion. Allways open!
›Give us feedback or suggestions on the kind of events you want to see on Relic Castle. Specifically, the mapping events can be discussed here, and the spriting events can be discussed here.