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Search results

  1. Zardae

    I might be back! Not sure yet...

    I might be back! Not sure yet...
  2. Zardae

    Idea Simulating an Ecosystem in Essentials

    Soo, long time no post. You probably think that this is abandoned and since my last post, it was. I am still very invested in this idea, and I keep feeling that it would be really cool to do this in Essentials, as the concept could make it into a proper game of mine. Wish me luck, I'm coming...
  3. Zardae

    Idea Simulating an Ecosystem in Essentials

    Hey there, I am not dead and this idea isn't either! My issue at the moment is sadly not dev related, but a personal one: I have assignments, which I'd have plenty of time for, but no motivation to do. But I feel really bad about it. So, when deciding on what to do, work or procrastination, I...
  4. Zardae

    Idea Simulating an Ecosystem in Essentials

    New update! There will be ageing in the game, not only for wild Pokémon, but also for the Players Pokémon! If I find a solution for NPCs and such maybe even for the player.
  5. Zardae

    Idea Simulating an Ecosystem in Essentials

    Hurray, I didn't abandon the idea (yet)! What's new? Not much I am afraid, I am still a bit sick, was at my parents place and other life things got in the way. But there has been a new idea, namely having seasons in the project. This will hopefully work like this: The game keeps track of the...
  6. Zardae

    Idea Simulating an Ecosystem in Essentials

    That's right, I didn't think of that. I guess it would depend on how I implement all of this. Right now I have some sort of file planned where I define the relationships between different Species. When they are competing for the same natural resource, I think I will say each species will be...
  7. Zardae

    Idea Simulating an Ecosystem in Essentials

    Little update, not very surprisingly all of this is even more difficult than I anticipated, even the initial steps. I can't get away with using only one extra PBS File/Game Data class. Right now I think I'll have the following setup: Location: This is a new parameter added to the map metadata...
  8. Zardae

    Idea Simulating an Ecosystem in Essentials

    To be honest, I don't think I will consider egg groups (much). I have thought of getting rid of them entirely as they would not fit the game I would implement the ecosystem in.
  9. Zardae

    Idea Simulating an Ecosystem in Essentials

    Disclaimer: This is not a help thread. If someone has ideas/suggestions they are very welcome, but in theory this is probably me rambling about ideas/progress. I got the following idea to simulate a Pokémon Ecosystem in Essentials. As a non-native English speaker I feel like I need to explain...
  10. Zardae

    any version Upgradability

    In this tutorial I want to showcase what I learned about keeping my project as updateable as possible. Disclaimer I am not claiming to be an expert in this area and what I will share here is based on my own experience and exchanges with others like Maruno. Also, I if you have no idea how to...
  11. Zardae

    Tutorial Upgradability

    Zardae submitted a new resource: Upgradability - Keeping your game as upgradeable as possible Read more about this resource...
  12. Zardae

    Resource Improved Battle AI for Essentials v20.1

    I was tasked to downgrade your code to v19.1. I hope that's not a problem for you!
  13. Zardae

    Released Pokémon Rosen Version

    Yes it is, if you join the discord someone surely can send you a fixed map data!
  14. Zardae

    Freelance [Multiple requests pending] Offering to join one or two teams

    I don't know if I can help you. I am not that good at copying styles and I already joined two projects with others pending as well :/
  15. Zardae

    Freelance [Multiple requests pending] Offering to join one or two teams

    Expertise: Somewhat familiar with making a variety of stuff: Mapping Titlescreens Events Coding I am not yet familiar with making plugins, but I should have time to learn in the coming months Editing tilesets, sprites, etc. Examples of Work: If this is good enough for you, your loss, I...
  16. Zardae

    Tutorial EVs/IVs in Summary

    Zardae submitted a new resource: EVs/IVs in Summary - A Screen for EVs and IVs in the Summary Read more about this resource...
  17. Zardae

    EVs/IVs in Summary

    I created a script to add a screen for EVs and IVs to the Summary. As you might notice, I slightly edited the background for the "skills" page and used the same page's script as base for my own script. Here is the code: def drawPageFive overlay = @sprites["overlay"].bitmap base =...