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Search results

  1. Zed_Coeur

    Resource Multiple Exp Panel! (v20 + 21)

    Omg THANK YOU I'VE BEEN TRYING TO FIGURE OUT HOW TO DO THIS FOR SO LONG!!!!!!!!!!!!! Massive appreciations to you absolutely!!!!!!
  2. Zed_Coeur

    Recruiting Soul Link: Ascension is recruiting various positions!

    Boosting this project! We are still in need of various positions, primarily sprite artists and character artists!
  3. Zed_Coeur

    Recruiting Soul Link: Ascension is recruiting various positions!

    Discord Link Credit to: Voltseon (Pause Menu) Luka S.J. (Modular Title Screen and EBDX battle background) Golisopod User (Gen 8 Project) Maruno (Pokémon Essentials)
  4. Zed_Coeur

    Resource Essentials Modular Battle Scene

    sure: [Thu Aug 12 13:43:32 Central Daylight Time 2021] [Pokémon Essentials version 18] Exception: RuntimeError Message: Script error within event 6 (coords 19,28), map 82 (Route 301): Exception: NameError Message: :1656:in `pbTrainerBattleCore'undefined local variable or method...
  5. Zed_Coeur

    Resource Essentials Modular Battle Scene

    So I'm trying to do a trainer battle, and in using both pbModTrBat and pbTrainerBattle with proper formatting, I'm given an error that says "room_for_partner" is an undefined local variable/method. I've tried doing trainer battles with and without partners and in events and the debug menu, and...
  6. Zed_Coeur

    Resource Essentials Modular Battle Scene

    Any plans to update to v19.1?
  7. Zed_Coeur

    Recruiting Souls Unbound

    Boosting this page after a couple months! So a lot has happened over the past couple months, but we are still in need of some recruits! We are currently looking for: - Generation 5 sprite artists I've also realized that the screenshots in the original post apparently don't work, so here's a...
  8. Zed_Coeur

    Recruiting Souls Unbound

    Hello, everyone! My name is Zed_Coeur, and I am currently developing a large Pokemon fan-game that uses Pokemon Essentials v18.1. Currently, the project is in need of many different positions: - Lead Artists - Generation 5 sprite artists - Generation 4-5 tileset artists - Animators...