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Search results

  1. quentix

    Completed Pokémon: Abstract Version

    no worries. okidokie
  2. quentix

    Completed Pokémon: Abstract Version

    say how do i get the two other starters mega stone? i picked sowlstice as my starter and got his first zepomo miner dint have thiers. :<
  3. quentix

    Completed Pokémon: Abstract Version

    i found one of them but they are not in thier baby version :c
  4. quentix

    Completed Pokémon: Abstract Version

    yeah i do. wouldnt have mind a level cap tbh. :P
  5. quentix

    Completed Pokémon: Abstract Version

    yeah please do ^w^' also wow guess ill have to search every grass to get them. .w." also i feel like im leveling too fast for example my starter is level 50 and i only got 2 badges :T
  6. quentix

    Completed Pokémon: Abstract Version

    aight thanks! also how do i get the two other starters in agenomi remains? like the spawn rate i mean. also the pokedex for some reason dosent show the locations of the mons strangely :/
  7. quentix

    Completed Pokémon: Abstract Version

    where the hm items replacement at? i know i got the axe but a lady said i had to buy a surfboard to zepomo city.
  8. quentix

    Completed Pokémon Outbounds

    shiny rate?
  9. quentix

    Released Project Vanguard (MASSIVE UPDATE RELEASE 5/24/2024)

    so... how many chapter are supposed to be there in general? i know that there is 27 playable and dosent have any gyms but does it have a league or somethin?
  10. quentix

    Released Pokémon Divulgence

    ah o.o
  11. quentix

    Released Pokémon Divulgence

    i might have a hunch but im gonna make a wild guess anyway : unown king?
  12. quentix

    Released Pokémon Divulgence

    i see so there is gonna be like the full game or an extension of the demo? also... the big eye... is it who i think it is...?
  13. quentix

    Released Pokémon Divulgence

    well since the eevee expo said "this year" this might be in later 2024 like huh.... September-october alike ?
  14. quentix

    Completed Pokémon Dregs

    ok thx my bad ^^'
  15. quentix

    Completed Pokémon Dregs

    ok so i have a problem my swellow learned fly but when i go to the menu the fly option wouldnt appear when i select swellow in the party
  16. quentix

    Completed Pokémon Dregs

    did a little update u3u also i rolled costed on the 6th gym pretty easy. also i found that the level cap before the 6th is 44 cause i tried to use a rare candy but the text said that the level stayed unchanged
  17. quentix

    Completed Pokémon Dregs

    did a little thing :p
  18. quentix

    Completed Pokémon Dregs

    where is name rater? :o edit :(nvm found it)
  19. quentix

    Completed Pokémon Dregs

    urh... not him again
  20. quentix

    Completed Pokémon Dregs

    whats the level cap for each badges i noticed before the first badge that my mons would stick to level 16 and not higher