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Search results

  1. Hematite

    Hi, everyone! It's been a while!

    Hi, everyone! It's been a while!
  2. Hematite

    Entertainment What's your favorite Pokémon?

    My favorite is also inspired by a really sentimental and well-loved plush! I have these two handmade Nidoran that I made with my mom when I was a lot younger - I believe they're just over seven years old now, created some time in the summer of 2010 - and I just love them! They're maybe not the...
  3. Hematite

    Route Distribution Rant Thread

    Bonus points to Jangmo-o: in the demo version, not only do they appear in Ten Carat Hill, but they have an entire dedicated Trial there including a Totem Hakamo-o. Then they don't appear in Ten Carat Hill at all in the final game. Honestly, it would be the perfect place to find them early-game -...
  4. Hematite

    Creative The Great Relic Castle Fake Off

    I had this concept on, like, the first day, and most of the design sketched out by the first weekend... and then by some combination of school, being inconveniently sick and just outright forgetting about this, completely didn't finish it. So here is my Shadow entry, which I think is nine...
  5. Hematite


    I definitely agree that a fast start is ideal in most cases, but just to add something as an example of a slow start that was justified: in SM, if you'd gotten your starter before rather than after meeting Lillie on the bridge, the bridge scene would have gone down completely differently, which...
  6. Hematite

    The Ups and Downs of New Types

    Here's something I hadn't even considered the last time I posted here, but that actually seems like it's really important if you're adding new types: how you express the identity of your type. In Generations II and VI, the types Dark, Steel and Fairy had extremely simple and exaggerated...
  7. Hematite

    Completed Pokemon: MewYou!

    I feel I should point out that that's entirely impossible, haha. MewYou isn't a ROM hack, or a ROM at all (hack or otherwise), so it can't be turned into a GBA game and run by an emulator. The closest approximation would be to recreate the whole thing from scratch, but to make it a ROM would...
  8. Hematite

    Entertainment Pokemon Quiz - Are you a noob or a pro?

    I'm told I'm a Uxie (wonder how many of the possibilities are Legendaries? seems like a lot of us are getting them!), and I managed 149/151 in under five minutes (it took me 4:50, to be exact). I definitely suspect that Nidoran were the two I missed, because I wasn't sure if it wanted the...
  9. Hematite

    Completed Pokémon Weather Trials

    Hello! I only just saw this now (like... RIGHT now, like I just finished reading the thread, haha), so I haven't gotten to play it yet and don't have any feedback to offer until I do, but there's one thing I noticed in the post itself that I thought I should point out: "Boldore->Gigalith now...
  10. Hematite

    What do you think of the Day Night Cycle?

    I don't think the day/night cycle was initially even meant to be a series standard, considering it was taken out after one region! It's definitely more aesthetic than anything and doesn't really achieve much. But even so, I like having it - even if it's just aesthetic, it's not as if there...
  11. Hematite

    Can fan games without new pokemon get popular?

    Honestly, I've seen a lot more dislike/negativity towards games that DO use Fakemon than ones that don't - I've actually seen people have discussions to the effect of this: "This fangame is the best ever!" "Does it have Fakemon? If it does, it can't be the best fangame ever." "No, it doesn't...
  12. Hematite

    Discussion Username Backstories

    Paging @Kiedisticelixer? I'm so curious nwn Mine is a relic of back when my game project was called "Fluorite and Onyx" rather than Divide and Unite - "Hematite" would've been the third version (or I guess it was very briefly called Harmonize after they were renamed DU, but there is no longer...
  13. Hematite

    Second Regions

    Oh, that's actually a really interesting idea! Something like the Sevii Islands, you mean? All of them have different Pokémon availability and they're much smaller, more devoted to sidequests than a major, prominent adventure as a collective like the main region, but four of them are postgame...
  14. Hematite

    Second Regions

    @leilou: Yeah, I definitely agree that you don't need another region for all of that - I mean, I'm hoping/trying to have all of that stuff in my game and it's still within the same region! I just figured it worked better than more Gyms, at least (it seemed like "if the main appeal of a second...
  15. Hematite

    Second Regions

    A concept that I find interesting is that of having a second region in your game, whether a new one altogether or revisiting a past one like in GSCHGSS. It seems like it's a pretty popular feature, so I figure it's worth discussing, right? What did you enjoy about revisiting Kanto? What could be...
  16. Hematite


    I'm really glad that both of you found it helpful!! Thanks!! Taquilla, your post was great, actually! Alola Route 3 is pretty awesome, after looking up a map of it, but you're also right that I didn't notice it because your travel through it is cut up by tutorials, haha - good catch all around...
  17. Hematite


    I would like to open this post by sincerely apologizing for what a disorganized ramble all of this is. I love Routes!! They're definitely my favorite places to map - a Pokémon game without well-designed Routes is a tragedy. Usually, when I make a Route, I always start by making a simple path...
  18. Hematite

    Rarity Distribution

    Minor nitpick, but I think Family should be split up - you're usually not really supposed to have any Pokémon only available by breeding (in nearly every case I know, every basic Pokémon/Pokémon that can hatch from an Egg that's in your region is available somewhere - this is why we have things...
  19. Hematite

    Arrangement of tall grass

    My style is somewhere in between. It's still somewhat scattered to create a natural feel, but far from the degree of the second map. I usually do make consolidated areas of grass, but like Sparta, I then remove individual tiles from the inside, and I also add a few on the border to stop it from...
  20. Hematite

    In Development Pokémon Comet

    Ahem. I'll stop. XP In all seriousness, though, this looks fantastic!! The tiles look wonderful - the lineless style is fantastic, and every one of the screenshots is gorgeous! I definitely think the forest shadows look really clean and smooth. You didn't go overboard with it (a lot of games go...