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Search results

  1. DannyPhantump

    Resource Gen V Summary Pack DX

    Dude you've been on a roll lately! So glad your scripts updates to v19 are rolling out :)
  2. DannyPhantump

    Resource Automatic 2x Art Resizer

    Hey! This resource has been a lifesaver for my mapping! However, I recently got a new computer & I tried to install this again using npm, but I got error messages. I have both node and npm installed & confirmed it with node -v and npm -v
  3. DannyPhantump

    Resource Following Pokemon EX

    Hey, just wanted to re-iterate how fun & awesome this script is, thank you very much for coding a v18 version! If ya got time & interest, it'd be dope if you could re-incorporate the option to allow field switching from the original follower pokemon script? Basically, if set to TRUE, the...
  4. DannyPhantump

    Resource HGSS for RMXP

    How're the indoor tiles coming along? No rush, just curious 👀
  5. DannyPhantump

    Resource Gen V Summary Pack DX

    These Gen V Party/Summary screens look gorgeous, thank you for this! If you find the time & interest, you could look into making the party screen mouse-compatible alongside Luka S.J.'s "Easy Mouse System" script.
  6. DannyPhantump

    Resource HGSS for RMXP

    Hey I couldn't find the Indigo Plateau arch-pillar and the Goldenrod/Lavender tent house still eludes me. As someone who's mapped most of Kanto, those are the only things missing (aside from Cycling road & Nugget bridge, but those are niche enough for me not to care + Wesley FG made public tiles...
  7. DannyPhantump

    Resource HGSS for RMXP

    Awesome, sounds good! I'm still having a bit of trouble finding the tent house on the Goldenrod section of the sheet, but I'll find it eventually 😅
  8. DannyPhantump

    Resource HGSS for RMXP

    Hi! I couldn't find the tent house from Lavender town https://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/5/5e/Lavender_Town_HGSS.png or the Route 12 house with the red roof: https://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/b/b6/Kanto_Route_12_HGSS.png from the buildings set. It's ok if you didn't rip them, for these are...
  9. DannyPhantump

    Resource HGSS for RMXP

    Yup, I'm making Kanto & the Sevii Islands in Gen IV syle :) While I'm using the Buildings & Urban tiles from here, I'm actually using Magiscarf's* tiles for the more nature-oriented parts of Kanto. I'll try to send screenshots soon. I also found the Nugget Bridge from CrazyNinjaGuy's HGSS pack...
  10. DannyPhantump

    Resource HGSS for RMXP

    Hey, I couldn't find the Pewter City house building. No worries though, the fact that you got every other building is incredible. Also, idk if this'll help, but SpaceEmotion on DeviantArt also has some HGSS interior tile rips that might be helpful/save time...
  11. DannyPhantump

    Resource HGSS for RMXP

    You're doing great, dude :) I love Gen IV style graphics so much, so hoping to see these tiles all over RMXP fangames (w/credit to you, ofc) Thanks to your tiles, I've been able to make significant progress re-creating HGSS maps in RMXP, alongside some tiles from WesleyFG (Nugget Bridge &...
  12. DannyPhantump

    Resource HGSS for RMXP

    Thank you for posting this on Relic Castle, saw this on your DeviantART a few months ago. Looking forward to the door animations & cave tiles next, b/c then I can completely replace the Pokemon Gaia project tiles with yours (shorter credit list & homogenous tileset, yo) Take care :)