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Search results

  1. L

    Resource Storage System Utilities (v20 + v21)!

    Holy Miltank! That will make the games feel more like gen 8/9 I love this so much, thank you! This is revolutionary, you're a legend!
  2. L

    Resource PLA Battle Styles [v20.1]

    ok, thanks, so the text can be hidden & I'm sorry i don't know how everything works on Essentials, I can't even remember correctly how the text was displayed in PLA, because I just played it till the plot story, then I didn't wanted to play anymore, I still have the game, should take a look to...
  3. L

    Resource [v16/v17/v18/v19/v20/v21] Cable Club

    I did it once, then my laptop got hacked as it was public for everyone, idk it might be because of the server
  4. L

    Resource Advanced Items Field Moves

    Are there badge requirements? If yes, is there a way of turning it off, Plus: There is also a similar resource but working different: "Having HM-Moves as a separate slot called Skills". So your script is for Items to be used instead of HMs, then where are the images of those items? Sorry for all...
  5. L

    Resource [v16/v17/v18/v19/v20/v21] Cable Club

    wth google cloud, why not a free server or a free cloud system? I have to ask my parents for their credit card, I know they wont say yes, so thats stupid. There must be another way of making a trade, battle and wondertrade script without any payings and complicate server based programming...
  6. L

    Resource PLA Battle Styles [v20.1]

    I kinda like the style of it, the only critique I have so far; are those descriptions, the entire screen is full of text. I hope you know what I mean by that. I don't want to be rude, your script is amazing, the style of it too, it resembles PLA, and I love it, if you just could put the...
  7. L

    Resource Focus Meter System [v20.1]

    As I first saw this resource and the pictures, I thought first it was like Gen 8 with (Giga)dynamax Pokémon, where they have a bar on top of their heads, and you have like 3 turns to defeat them with every hit the bar goes down, so I thought you were meaning this feature, but then as I read your...
  8. L

    Recruiting Pokémon Untitled Project

    Edit: I made a list with all animals living in France and their Pokémon that should get Regional Forms and even Fakemons. My Laptop stopped working, but the game is saved in the cloud (year: 2021). So on August I will be buying a new Computer and there I'll be trying to make the game, while its...
  9. L

    Recruiting Pokémon Untitled Project

    They look amazing! Thank you, you're in my team!
  10. L

    Recruiting Pokémon Untitled Project

    They are amazing, try to put the eyes on their faces, if possible. Other than that they look awesome!
  11. L

    Recruiting Pokémon Untitled Project

    Thank you, you can help me. Every help is needed.
  12. L

    Recruiting Pokémon Untitled Project

    Pokémon Untitled Project Title: No Title yet (Pokémon Untitled Project) Looking to recruit: Spriters, Writers, Scripters, Eventers, Mappers Current Team Members: CocoJV (Fakemon artist), Little Corporal (Mapper) Kit used: RPG Maker XP / Essentials v.18.1 Project description: Imagine the Kalos...
  13. L

    What's your most ambitious idea for your fangame you fear Essentials might not be able to do?

    I've been trying to make a fan game based on X and Y, I stopped working on it because I'm not good at making multiple protagonists I wanted to add the same amount of skin colours the game X & Y had to offer. The character overworlds are done, just the metadata.txt file I edited gave me some big...
  14. L

    Other Advice on successful recruitment?

    I have the same problem, I tried to post in the recruitment page, but the admins/mods delete my thread because I have no screenshots yet. So, I think you need to make a demo of your game to make some screenshots then with a good plot story of your game and you have to read the faq thread in the...
  15. L

    Released Pokémon Banished Platinum

    It is actually possible to make a Poketch for Essentials even with one screen. Technically, Contests would be also possible as I saw someone did add this feature to Essentials recently, I don't know how well it works but yes they could try to add that. If they don't add the Contest then maybe...
  16. L

    Resource Modern Quest System + UI

    This is the only one Quest System that has a unique UI, that I'd wish to use it. I'm on Essentials 18.1 and I'll try to paste your script into a new vanilla version of 18.1 Then I'll be editing it along with your recommendations on this thread on page 1. When I'll find bugs or some errors I'll...
  17. L

    Resource SwSh-Inspired Battle Interface

    Does this work in Essentials v.18.1?
  18. L

    Resource XY Trainer Class Sprites

    Great to see such a resource, because I made some sprites on DeviantArt by using the artwork as a base and just resizing and doing the outlines, but these look more professional than mine ofc.
  19. L

    Released Pokémon Banished Platinum

    I'm playing banished platinum and I'm on my first badge, and I have found some bugs and graphical issues: Nurse Joy animation, nurse joy walks backwards and don't put pokéballs in the healing machine. On the Town where you get the first Gym Badge, when you go north to the route with the...
  20. L

    Resource VS Seeker

    I'm trying to make it compatible for version 18.1. I added every Script above Main and I have edited the Game_Event as mentioned in the tutorial. The VS Seeker is in my bag, I can battle trainers and I added the comment, Switch: vsseeker right below Self Switch: A = ON on all trainer events on...